• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lavatungs newb glog.

Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..?

Baby Trinidad Scorpions.

Most of them transplanted.

My propergation light.
Verigated leaves..?
Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much.
Look at them now :)!

The result of using old potting mix.

The jungle!
It dosen't look it but my plants are starting to bounce back. I moved them out of the full sun and feed them a little Epsom salts.
The new shoots are greening up...
And this little guy that lost his leaves is sorting himself out
I also gave them some of this
mmmmmm compost tea.
hey Lava,
How late we're they? He sent mine back in June apparently.
they were only a couple of weeks late...no worries

the best you could probably do,;
is bring them under some shelter where too much water won't affect them
let them dry out a bit
then hit them with some fert at half strength
but most of all just leave them alone, pretty much forget about them for a week or two
most people just kill their plants with toooooo much kindness
if your not sure what is ailing them then just step back, they will usually fix themselves.....
good luck
hey Lava,

they were only a couple of weeks late...no worries

the best you could probably do,;
is bring them under some shelter where too much water won't affect them
let them dry out a bit
then hit them with some fert at half strength
but most of all just leave them alone, pretty much forget about them for a week or two
most people just kill their plants with toooooo much kindness
if your not sure what is ailing them then just step back, they will usually fix themselves.....
good luck
Yep as they say with chilli plants , less is more.
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Thanks guys. I will try my hardest not to love them lol.
Hi Lava, i know mate its so hard when all you think about is your god dam chilli plants 24-7 its hard not to love them to much , my first 2 seasons i couldnt get any plants bigger that a foot tall, and i was just loving them to much , way to much water and i was feeding them a bit of this and a bit of that and all they wanted to do was be left alone . after listening to the great advice from all the Gurus on here last season i got some amazing plants loaded with pods.
Best of luck dude im sure they will be head height in no time.
Sadly not atm. Wine and kids juice. I copped a $500 for forgetting to put my seatbelt on the other day, so as a self imposed punishment I can't buy beer for 5weeks lol. It's only been a week :(
Tell me about it. I don't know how it can be so much. When you don't put a seat belt on you only endanger yourself. But if I was speeding at 30km plus, endangering everyone on the road, I would only get a $300 fine. Go figure..?
Tell me about it. I don't know how it can be so much. When you don't put a seat belt on you only endanger yourself. But if I was speeding at 30km plus, endangering everyone on the road, I would only get a $300 fine. Go figure..?

Sounds like legislative logic to me. ;)
Hey all!

Haven't been on here for ages. I had all but given up on my chillies. They were in pots and looked sickly and stunted. So I mixed some compost through some half decent soil and chucked them in the ground.
Wow! I should have done it ages ago.
Red Savina
Early Jalapeño with my first pod.
Giant Jalapeño with some Bhuts in the background.
Another Bhut
Birdseye with Moruga Scorp and Purple tiger in the background.
Group photo. Yeah I know they are planted too close to each other but I had pretty much given up remember. So I didn't think they would survive anyway. The raised bed in the back ground has some corn and lettuce yet to sprout. Down the other end is my tomato patch. Yes that is an electric fence around my garden. My dogs like to dig. Well we're due a severe thunderstorm tonight with hail so fingers crossed they survive.
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Great to hear from you. Was thinking the other day that I hadn't seen anything from you in quite some time. Looks like the chiles love the in-ground conditions. Good luck with the storm!
Cheers doc. I was kinda ashamed of my plants that's why I've been laying low. Hopefully I'll get done pods to show soon. The storm blew over without a fuss.
I last saw your glog in August, missed it since then. Great to see the Jalapenos coming along.

Its a bit late now but in earlier photos the white withered bits of the leaves is heat burn and the purple tint on the leaves is sunburn (if its not a purple variety). The curled up leaves and the leaf drop is over-watering/under-drainage. I know this from much painful experience.

I've had so many plants where all the leaves drop and then the stick thats left sprouts newer little leaves all along its length. If the problem isn't corrected they will fall off again. Repotting gets lots of oxygen into the root zone and gives them an instant boost, and the soil in a raised bed usually drains really well so they should be fine as long as they aren't overwatered. They look much better now.

Good luck with the rest of the season. :)
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Yeah cheers Moo. It turned out the potting mix I got had water crystals in it. So that explains the over watering. They also only get full sun until 1pm now so that should solve the sun issues. How are your plants doing with this crazy weather were having?
Hey, LT! Your plants really like their 'new' space in the ground.
Looks like you will be off and running, and you will have a true
chili jungle in that garden bed! No need to be ashamed or embarrassed
about your plants, my friend. We've all been there, and may be again!
You are learning on the fly, and your grows will just get better and better!
:cheers: Here's to a wonderful holiday season for you and your family.