• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lazies 2011 grow log

Well I have decided to start a grow log this season. Nothing too exciting to post yet. Started to germinate on the 6th and have a ton of work to do on the hill side garden.

Okay so due not wanting to spend extra money on a heating pad I have the following set up for germination:
Jiffy mini green house on top of my dehydrator on low. Keeps it at the right temp:


The location of the hill side garden, I figured the hill will work fine because it will not pool up with all the excessive water we get here in Wa:

decided to break ground and see what I had to work with in terms of soil. To my dismay the dark soil was something they used to cover nothing but clay and rocks. And if your wondering what is going on with the stakes on the right its because my neighbors have a pit bull that has dug thru the fence and as you can see to the left he started to dig thru again, I spoke with the owners and was advised the dog has never been socialized with other dogs however they will be moving at the end of the month.

And yes if you keep up with my grow log you will have to endure random pictures of my dogs:

I have however come up with a solution to for the soil that will be cost effective. I will be growing lots of vegetables and other things as well but here is my grow list for peppers:
7 Pod Primo
7 pod -Patrick
7 pod Barrackpore -Patrick
7 Pod Yellow -HP
7 pod Brain Strain PRF
Star Fish - Big Egg
White Hab -Hot Pooper
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorp Morouga Bigg Egg
Naga Dorset
Yellow Scorpion Cardi- Cmpman1974
Caribean Red
NagaPeno hybrid from Hot Pooper
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Douglah PRF
Bhut-Silver Surfer
Bhut J Chocolate -Patrick
Bhut Carbon -HP
Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet -SS
Yellow Rocoto -Josh
Devils Tongue

I will be germinating more soon and have tried my best to keep track of who has given me seeds or what peppers I got the seeds from ext. Most of them that are not marked are from peppers I got from CCN. Now I just have to figure out how to hang the massive 400W ballast I have.
The good news is I figured out the problem with the leaves turning up and coming out malformed, bad news is its the tagro, gave them nute burn. I replanted them all in some promix soil from last year and they are all doing much better. Current grow room stats, 80 degrees 40 percent humidity. Stays at about 80 for 16 hours a day and eventually drops to 70 at night for a few hours. I watered the plants today and cannot believe what I found, it was a just a baby and I searched for a mom or other babies but could not find any. Sure hope I dont see any more of these. I might need to build a salt barrier to protect my seedlings. His fate was the garbage disposal.
Lookin' good! :cool:
I think I might have had a similar problem with a seedling mix with too much compost in it. Put the affected seedlings back in starter mix and they improved right away. I doubt it will be an issue once your plants are bigger and ready to go outside.
I have used styrofoam cups before with good results.
Good I am glad to hear you had good results with them!

possible new location for raised beds.
No that is not hamster, its a 2 week old boxer puppy we named rant, will be the newest addition to the family in six weeks! Yes that is my sister holding him.
That alley looks like a wonderful place to put some peppers,,Be prepared to share with your neighbors!!
The puppy is cute as hell! I love dogs.You can train him to guard your new pepper patch!
Beautiful day we are having eh? Ryan, I think your sloped part of the back yard would be perfect for a huge chile garden. I would worry about the chiles getting stomped in the alley, and also how difficult it would be to watch. Answering your question though, I do think you have to get permission from the county or other govt. entity to do any digging. It looks like you have huge blackberries on the back of your wall and they are murder to remove. Maybe you can get with your neighbors and see if the county will remove the brush as a pest control measure. Good luck!
I watered the plants today and cannot believe what I found, it was a just a baby and I searched for a mom or other babies but could not find any. Sure hope I dont see any more of these. I might need to build a salt barrier to protect my seedlings. His fate was the garbage disposal.

Sluggo or another brand of Iron Phosphate would probably work great too
on the area outside the fence,
it looks like a fire hazard that,
you being concerned citizen,
should remove the dead brush at
your earliest convenience.

i would think some non invasive groundcover
like capsicum anything would do a great job
to prevent erosion and noxious weeds from being there
on the area outside the fence,
it looks like a fire hazard that,
you being concerned citizen,
should remove the dead brush at
your earliest convenience.

i would think some non invasive groundcover
like capsicum anything would do a great job
to prevent erosion and noxious weeds from being there
LOL!!!!!! Excellent deduction sir!
Way to go on figuring out the curly leaf issue and the fix lazy.

You ever figure out how that nasty slug got so close to your babies? Nasty things.

Keep up the good work dude, won't be long until you're swimming in peppers!
Whoa dude you got your grow lab next to your window Loool if I did that , the jacks would bust down my door in know time at all.
Wayright I cant wait to have 3 full grown boxers to guard my pepper garden!! I wouldnt be too concerned about the neighbors because its in an ally nobody uses or goes into all have at elast 6 ft fences that would hide my secret little garden haha.

CA Oh man what a beautiful couple of days! I sure did enjoy them wish we had more like them. What in the world have you heard about this?
Thats scary stuff. Raised beds for sure.

Josh That would be excellent however far too much work and money at this point in time. Those Rocotos you sent have sprouted and made me very happy! Sure hope they grow true.

nitwit I think you hit that one right on the money! Will see if the city will clean it up and save me the hassle.

SS Thanks will pick some up! Purple flash has sprouted and cant wait to see them grow!

Patrick Thanks my friend! After I got them transplanted into a better soil I got too excited and put them too close to the light and burnt a few leaves. One step forward two steps back haha. I have no idea how that slug got there and have not found any since. The Barrackpores have been popping up like crazy I have several of them and am very excited to see them grow!

Joey Yes sir, I live in a culdesac so only the neighbors see the glowing window. A police officer was at the neighbors for some reason or another and have not seen any "jacks" since :)

The interesting thing as well is having it by the window its actually getting a lot of natural light as well, I think too much natural light and MH light. I have decided to not turn on my ballast and see if the natural light is enough. They were in direct sunlight for a few hours when I was home long enough to keep a close eye on them. They are not leggy instead of stem leaf stem leaf growth its: leaf leaf leaf leaf. no step growth before new leaves. So hopefully I can save myself some electricity. Also on a side note my trinidad scorpion seeds from all sources have germinated VERY fast.
I put in a citizens request to have the ally cleared because it violates the city code of nuesence having weeds over a foot tall and is a fire hazard. Here was the response:

"It looks like the City owns a couple of the parcels, and private owners make up the rest of the alley – before it leaves City limits. I will forward your request to the code inspector for the area so he can verify addresses and we can work with the owners within the City to clear their overgrowth.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention."

I hope the city owns most of it and all my neighbors dont have to clear it all out, might upset them.

Well having burnt some leaves off my plants and recovering them from nute burn they are back on track and doing much better. I have been placing them on the window seal to soak up natural light for most of the day and once it starts getting dark I have been putting them back under the MH bulb for a few hours. Being that the shelves pop on and off it makes it super easy to move them from the grow station to the window seal.


Heres a super cute picture of marla, will only place links of my dogs so you have to click on them if you want to see them. Dont want to make this page take forever to load for people that are just interested in the peppers.

Caught them snoozing on the couch last night:
oh well, you ain't the only lazy fat one
i am also old

you missed the fire hazard post (as to the meaning)
i meant for you to:
drag a lawnmower up the hill,
(use a five horsepower rotary model,raise the cut height as high as it will go
being careful of discharge direction so you do not break neighbor's windows)
open the gate
and mow all that dead brush down.

if the poh poh had a problem i was thinking you
could justify your brush clearing and "promise"
not to overstep your bounds on the city right of way
(or the neighbors)
but if they never saw or heard you do it? it is a tree
falling in the forest and no concern for anyone

the planting of the "ground cover" i would undertake with
as little "fanfare" as possible also
if the neighbor gives questions or objections would claim
"fire hazard abatement program" also


good luck with your red tape
(please tell of further comments from the city)

(edited for mowing instructions)