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Magic Mushrooms Can Create New Brain Cells

Back in college a buddy down the hall grew mushrooms on a medium made of rice in mason jars wrapped up in his closet.  After harvest he put them in a shoebox with a bunch of desiccant packs and had a fan blowing on them.  They dried quickly and he ground them down to a powder and put the powder into gel caps.  1 capsule was a nice gentle buzz.  2 caps and you were starting to see walls breathe.  3 caps and it was full on running with the spirits!
I look back on that time with a lot of nostalgia, but also a lot of thankfulness.  I was able to know myself better and learned a lot about human nature.  They were positive and happy experiences that I'd imagine anyone would enjoy.  Its too bad the hippy counter culture got a hold of them and their elders reacted with fear - I truly think that family of drugs can be used to help all manner of people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD and the like.  
SmokenFire said:
Back in college a buddy down the hall grew mushrooms on a medium made of rice in mason jars wrapped up in his closet.  After harvest he put them in a shoebox with a bunch of desiccant packs and had a fan blowing on them.  They dried quickly and he ground them down to a powder and put the powder into gel caps.  1 capsule was a nice gentle buzz.  2 caps and you were starting to see walls breathe.  3 caps and it was full on running with the spirits!
I look back on that time with a lot of nostalgia, but also a lot of thankfulness.  I was able to know myself better and learned a lot about human nature.  They were positive and happy experiences that I'd imagine anyone would enjoy.  Its too bad the hippy counter culture got a hold of them and their elders reacted with fear - I truly think that family of drugs can be used to help all manner of people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD and the like.  
Must have been some big ass gelcaps?
I wouldnt blme the hippies. Elders react with fear no matter no matter who it is.
I personally can attest to your last sentence since I have all 4 of those.
SmokenFire said:
 I truly think that family of drugs can be used to help all manner of people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD and the like.  
It's certainly possible. It's also very possible that it sends people right off the deep end. I've seen it happen more than once.
Interesting stuff though.

You know what was weird about magic mushrooms back in the day when we used them occasionally? If you used them one night the next night they did nothing really. I have always wondered why?

SmokenFire said:
Sometimes I think google has ruined us.  Just about any person at all can sound like an authority on the internet.  If you two are finished arguing it'd be nice to continue the cool discussion that was precipitating prior to the carnage.  And I'm not trying to flame either of you!  Just chill out will ya? Information and discussion and difference of opinion doesn't have to include scorn and contempt - rather it can be rewarding and challenging.  IF you don't take things personally.  
You cannot control what others may do, but you CAN control your reaction to it.   :D
I recommend Cannabis Indica for these guys. :high:  ;) 
Proud Marine Dad said:
You know what was weird about magic mushrooms back in the day when we used them occasionally? If you used them one night the next night they did nothing really. I have always wondered why?
The tolerance builds just like cannabis only quicker. I dont know the exact mechanism behind it.
PepTalk said:
This thread is Hilarious! 
Does your sig have anything to do with the subject?
mx5inpa said:
Does your sig have anything to do with the subject?
Not at all,  I just think its funny when people argue about EVERYTHING!   Some see white and others see black when in reality its all Grey.
PepTalk said:
Not at all,  I just think its funny when people argue about EVERYTHING!   Some see white and others see black when in reality its all Grey.
Funny, I just said almost those exact words two days ago.
PepTalk said:
what words would they be?
March 31 at 2:25pm "There is no simple yes or no answer to any of these questions. The world isnt black and white. It's gray."
Those words.
mx5inpa said:
March 31 at 2:25pm "There is no simple yes or no answer to any of these questions. The world isnt black and white. It's gray."
Those words.
No shit,  my example or analogy is Grey like Grey Matter.
  Maybe your my twin from a parallel existence! 
I asked about your sig because I found out you can control the magic. At least so far. And I seem to be the only one in the world aware of this.
mx5inpa said:
I asked about your sig because I found out you can control the magic. At least so far. And I seem to be the only one in the world aware of this.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic,  just wanna be funny like Bill that's all.     Dont make me pull out the bunny rabbits!
PepTalk said:
I'm not trying to be sarcastic,  just wanna be funny like Bill that's all.     Dont make me pull out the bunny rabbits!
I'm from a world where a rabbit pulls a man out of the hat.