food Make your best taco.

nmlarson said:
Ode to TB
There once was a man named TB,
Whose middle name TACO should be.
He loved them so much,
Oh, don't you dare touch,
You'll find a 45 'tween your teeth!
taco tuesday.jpg
I love fish tacos.  The best fish taco I've ever had was in some hole-in-the-wall joint in an industrial park in Las Vegas.
And, yes, this is frozen fish!  I went to Costco for them just 'cause I heard here they are the bomb.  (TB, they are !)  And corn tortillas, which I made with my own two hands.  'Cause the corn tortillas they sell around here taste like cardboard. 
As The Man says, Black Betty that fish until it's hot and crispy.  Toss them on the best corn tortilla you can find, along with some cabbage slaw and lime crema.  Sorry, TB.  I'm in the no cheese on any fish camp.  Don't eat too fast.  Next Taco Tuesday is a week away!

I am here only.
But to serve.
Muchas wheel barrow loads of gracias for the kind words.
And si senor!
Fish tacos rock!
24/7 365.
2am in Texas.
In Alaska.
Or Honolulu.
Got dang it!
That pic gave me a boner for fish tacos!
nmlarson said:
Sorry, TB.  I'm in the no cheese on any fish camp.  Don't eat too fast.  Next Taco Tuesday is a week away!
Wow really? Can I ask...
No anchovies on pizza?
No lobster mac n cheese?
No cotija on beer battered fish tacos?
No lox and cream cheese on a bagel??????????????????????? REEALLYYYY!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?
The Hot Pepper said:
Wow really? Can I ask...
No anchovies on pizza?
No lobster mac n cheese?
No cotija on beer battered fish tacos?
No lox and cream cheese on a bagel??????????????????????? REEALLYYYY!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?
Nope.  No anchovies on pizza.  Now that you mention it, and call it what you may, NO ANCHOVIES on anything!  Blend  'em up in the salad dressing or cook them into the puttanesca, but I don't wanna be looking at any bony hairy greasy fishies on my plate!   :P    Sheeze, I'm such a baby about it.  I know.  Always have been.
I've never had a beer battered fish taco, so I can't pass judgment on that.  I admit, cojita on that sounds pretty good.  Must put that on the list.  I have had lox, but never on a bagel with cream cheese.  One of my all-time favorite light meals is lox, chopped red onion, capers, chopped hard-cooked egg, a dollop of sour cream, and a handful of bagel chips.  As for lobster mac & chee, in my mind, that's just a waste of good lobster.  Maybe I've never had a good lobster mac & cheee.  Call it weird, but for my taste, all that cheese just muffles that luscious lobster flavor.  
I live a sheltered life....... ;)  
nmlarson said:
cook them into the puttanesca, but I don't wanna be looking at any bony hairy greasy fishies on my plate!
Okay BUSTED! Because if you eat them in putanesca you surely grate fresh cheese on top... :P Or then you are just weird!!! :lol: ;)
For lobster mac & cheese, Mizuna in Denver serves something awesome. Or at least did back in 2007 (it's still on the menu). The fact that I remember this is indicative...
For puttanesca, presuming you're talking something like spaghetti alla puttanesca then I think parsley is the finisher. But I always like a little/lot of decent parmesan on my pasta - I can't help it.
Anchovy pieces on a wedge salad work just great...
The Hot Pepper said:
Okay BUSTED! Because if you eat them in putanesca you surely grate fresh cheese on top... :P Or then you are just weird!!! :lol: ;)
Just stop with your internet oppression!
She hates cheese in certain stuff.
Anchovies too.
And dissed lobster mac.
I swear.
You can't live with these people.