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makin some extract, come yell at me!!

alrighty, into stage one.. finally got some everclear and peppers to do this..making 2 kinds, a bhut jolia, for which i'm using 2 oz dried peppers, and a 7p0t, for which i'm using 8 fresh pods.. flavoring the extracts with garlic, onion, cloves and cinnomin. as for my evaporation method, no double boilers, not hot plates... i will be using a crock pot.. low heat and the ceramic is a good buffer, just crack the lid and ventilate well, i believe i should have no problems like the kind i have hard about. so, in a month i hope to have good news to update ya'll with :)
i'd use more peppers if i had them.. i suppose, i do have 4 more 7pots left :( may be able to beg my old chef for more of his jolokias.. he found a good purveyor, thee dried jolokias are actually good and dry, not gummy-dry, like i've gotten from other places. unless anyone has some pods they'd like to donate to the cause :-p AJ!!!!!! you have any leftover pods from your massive harvest? i'll send you money to cover shipping :) and send you a sample of the finished product, both kinds
gasificada said:
Nova, by any chance, did you get the idea of using butane from the method of extracting something else........? :think:

Whatever could you mean Gas? :whistle:

When my little accident happened i was extracting the extract from Jersey Death. Noah is right, i am LOCO!

I'm a little confused about the whole "extract" thing.

What you describe sounds more like an INFUSION not an extract. Unless I'm probably not getting something...

Are you simmering the peppers, etc in the everclear to extract the essential oils of those items and then slowly evaporate ALL of the everclear so the only thing left is the oils of what you started with?!?!? Or is there still a fair amount of everclear at the end of the process which sounds more like an infusion on extract?????

Thanks for new info. I'm learning~
Salsalady, extract is made by dissolving the capsaicin oil into a into alcohol, that alcohol is then double boiled off or simply let sit to evaporate. There are other methods used however most of them are used by processors in an industrial fashion and would be extremely stupid to try at home unless you are used to playing with fire (so to speak).
to elaborate more.. the differnce between an extract and an infusion.. an extract is a concentrated form... so the process is letting the peppers sit in the alcohol for about a month to leach out the oils, then let the liquid mostly evaporate, or reduce, to intensify the flavor. an infusion is heated and made to flavor the liquid, but not reduce volume... think of an infusion like making a cup of tea... hope that clears it up a lil better for you salsa :)
Nova and DarkCat-

Not sure if it actually clears it up all the way, but at least it's a little less murky!

I knew I should have paid more attention in HS chemestry! Heck, I can't even sell it right!

Thank you both. I'll keep watching and learning...
so... i couldn't resist doing it....took a half shot of the 7pot....holy shit guys, i almost died... didn't help i was already buzzed on way too much cherry uv vodka... that shot of 7pot+everclear did me in, and after 5 minutes of intense burning from tongue to stomach i couldn't hold it in anymore.. ouch, what a mess :( on the good side, i think when i actually get to evaporing this stuff and have the extract.. it gonna be killer hot...don't even want to think how hot the jolokia extract is gonna be....i think rocket fuel is definetly gonna be the right name for it :-p
I don't think the bhut extract will be any hotter than any other type of pepper extract, you just might get a little more of it, although the 7pot/pod is usually a hotter pepper than the bhut
yeah, the 7pot is hot enough.. the bhut has a nice smokey flavor to it that i like tho.. also, its easier to get bhuts than 7pots.....
had my old chef taste the 7pot today..hehehehe... he uses 38 special in one of his hot sauces, and siad it tastes just as hot if not hotter.. better flavor... and its not even reduced yet :-p i think i like this too much moooohahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should try some fatalii vodka sometime, it's one of my favorite spicy treats
You seem to be doing things very differently than anything I've seen before. Usually pepper extracts are made for heat only to add to flavored sauces. I believe Capsaisin extracts even go as far as seperating the sugars away
pure cap? ughhhh that stuff is horrible, i used it once and hated it. once again, for me, its all about flavor potawie... any idiot can make it hot...everything should have flavor! nothing i put in overpowers the pepper taste, but it compliments it, little hints, you know? for the most part, the other extracts i've tasted, i would never put in a sauce, as it just tastes horrible, and i wouldn't want to spread it through the saucce.

so tell me what's differnt.. cuz i'm just doing things as i believe they should be done from a trained culinary standpoint.. my approach seems logical, but i'm always open to advice, ways to tweak what i'm doing :)
Hey, dodc,

how would that stuff be if it was only reduced by 50%?

We tried some MadDog 357 recently and just about puked, not from the heat, from the taste! YUCK!
which 357?? there's like 4 or 5 differnt varieties....

hmm, 50%.. i suppose i could save some out at that point and see.. tho generally, i think i'd want to reduce it to about 15%-25%.. but hell, lelt's experiment!!!!!!! uyah, i'll do that with the jolokia...i can always get more everclear and more jolokias ) found a sotore online that sells 10 lbs for like $300!! the fun i could have >:) )
It's whatever one is 357,000 scoville. I just googled it and the labels look different but we remember it saying 357K SU on the label. I think they may have had that bottle for a while..;)

At the time, I was thinking........"do they test every batch? How do the know it is EXACTLY 357K SU?"

Anyway, sounds like fun, dodc! looking forward to pics and progress.

you have to look carefully at some of these "superhot" hot sauces/extracts.. the label can be misleading, and say "made with #****** schoville pepper extract" which doesn't mean that's how hot the actual finished product is...as for them verifying the claim for every batch.. eh, i imagine they take a sample every few batches, and have an acceptable range policy...you can use the same amount of ingredients every time, use the same process every time, but you can't control the amount of capsacian in the peppers.. you just hope!

maybe some pics tomarrow night, but all it is right now is 2 bottles of everclear with peppers kinda floating in it :-p 7pot just a tinge red, the jolokia a nice smokey brown
dreamofdarkcat said:
...you can use the same amount of ingredients every time, use the same process every time, but you can't control the amount of capsacian in the peppers.. you just hope!

Yep, I got that one! I've used that for years, "why is one batch hotter than another?" Peppers vary in heat, and no way to calibrate that just by quantity or weight.