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makin some extract, come yell at me!!

alrighty, into stage one.. finally got some everclear and peppers to do this..making 2 kinds, a bhut jolia, for which i'm using 2 oz dried peppers, and a 7p0t, for which i'm using 8 fresh pods.. flavoring the extracts with garlic, onion, cloves and cinnomin. as for my evaporation method, no double boilers, not hot plates... i will be using a crock pot.. low heat and the ceramic is a good buffer, just crack the lid and ventilate well, i believe i should have no problems like the kind i have hard about. so, in a month i hope to have good news to update ya'll with :)
ok, gonna start the evap tomarrow.. i've decided to go au natural :-p hopefully i;'ll have the patience to let it go! side note, the sun is shining, the snow is gone!! brought out the plants i wintered, we'll see if anything comes back to life =) they're still green, but pretty dry, but i'm a hopiong.....

oh, and i'd post some pics of the extract, but can't figure how to upload pics to the post? help?
One thing some of you might want to try: Go to a local university or lab that uses liquid nitrogen and ask if you could use some. Freeze the peppers in a small dewar (thermos bottle) of liquid nitrogen and then food process them. You should get a fine powder with a lot of surface area. (if not available, you could dfreeze the peppers and food processor conatiner in a freezer set on max freeze overnight and give it a try.)
ok, so the process is complete!!!!! how did it come out? well, i liked the results pretty much, though i wish i had more yield. about 3 days of evap, and the jolokiaextract kinda.. evaporated more quickly than i thought it would, nd only ended up with just under half a cup :( that being said....WOW!!! i tried a drop in the middle of my tongue... intense heat and pain in about 5 seconds.. i was afraid to swallow. definetly hotter than anything i've tried before. as for flavor... kinda of earthy, s i added cinnomin and cloves, but it compliments the smokey flavor of the jolokia. it was a little watery, so maybe the addition of xantham gum will hellp meld it all a lil beter, but it didin't taste bad at all. i can't wait to make more of this stuff!!! just need an extra 100 bucks to buy more peppes and everclear :-p
the 7pot extract... was a little disappointing.. but i will attriute that to the fact i only had about a dozen pods, not enough to really satrate the alchol with capsaicin. flavor and aroma ar great, but heat isn't really there as i had hoped. perhaps after the smmer i will try that one again ,when i have morepeppers :-p