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makin some extract, come yell at me!!

alrighty, into stage one.. finally got some everclear and peppers to do this..making 2 kinds, a bhut jolia, for which i'm using 2 oz dried peppers, and a 7p0t, for which i'm using 8 fresh pods.. flavoring the extracts with garlic, onion, cloves and cinnomin. as for my evaporation method, no double boilers, not hot plates... i will be using a crock pot.. low heat and the ceramic is a good buffer, just crack the lid and ventilate well, i believe i should have no problems like the kind i have hard about. so, in a month i hope to have good news to update ya'll with :)
dreamofdarkcat said:
pure cap? ughhhh that stuff is horrible, i used it once and hated it. once again, for me, its all about flavor potawie...

Who said anything about pure cap, you likely can't make that at home. I'm talking about your crude extract which sounds more like a flavoured alcohol somewhat concentrated. I thought you were trying to make Cap extract or oleoresin which is very thick and is made for adding extreme heat without flavor(at least no good flavor), and there are only a few people(like Defcon) who really know how to make good extracts. In my opinion there are much better ways of adding flavor to sauces than trying to add them to an alcohol extract where the taste becomes metallic and aweful. Personally I try to avoid all(well almost all) sauces which contain extract and I think most forum members here agree. Why not just use flavorful fresh super-hot peppers and have a nice fresh tasting hot sauce
alright, now i see where you're coming from.. yeah, this isn't really going to be a pure cap thing like that.. more like a combo of the two...and any way you do it, there's going to be some kind of flavor... this way, i don't get that horrible taste, and if the final flavor profile is what i expect, it will mesh well with the flavors of my asuces. its all an experiment.
and i do use fresh peppers...when i have them. at this time of year though, my stock pile is pretty empty, and the only hot pepper to get fresh is habs...
dreamofdarkcat said:
alright, now i see where you're coming from.. yeah, this isn't really going to be a pure cap thing like that.. more like a combo of the two...and any way you do it, there's going to be some kind of flavor... this way, i don't get that horrible taste, and if the final flavor profile is what i expect, it will mesh well with the flavors of my asuces. its all an experiment.
and i do use fresh peppers...when i have them. at this time of year though, my stock pile is pretty empty, and the only hot pepper to get fresh is habs...
A Shot!!?? As in a 1 ounce pour!! That is ridiculous. I dipped a teaspoon in my Bhut extract and just licked the spoon and was gagging. How long are you letting the first extraction soak. And are you agitating the mixture in anyway(shaking or vibrating plate)? Once you do your first drain are you gonna conduct a second extraction with the same peppers? I have done this several times and just a tidbit of advice DO NOT force evaporate. I do not have much patience but if you can stand the wait You will get alot more yield.
so far, been soaking about about a week.. i shake them up 2 or 3 times a day
as for the shot.. yeah, a full shot.. keep in mind i was already kinda drunk when i did it, and well, it didn't stay down long.....
btw guys, just wanted to say, thanks for the constructive feedback!! really! i expected pretty much nothing but yelling, but you've suprised me. so, keep it coming guys, this is such a great way to get and share info :)
shit, you know how it is.. all balls and no brains... :-p

well, gonna start the evap process next week... still undecided on weather to do a forced evap via crock pot, or just have patience and let it go nattural...
on a side note, a friend from ireland has challenged me...she says its hard to get hot sauce there, and she's pissed her friend was named hot wing champ of the area ( dublin i think) and wants me to come up with a scorching hot sauce for her....should i be so evil, and make a hot sauce.. a gallon's worth, and add a whole 1ml of pure cap crystal to it?? i'm pretty sure it'll be hot, but i don't think she'll be able to taste anything ever again...muhahahaha!!!!!! >:-)
Pure cap may not dissolve easily or evenly throughout the sauce. If you really need so much heat, you'd probably be better off using a thick oil-like capsaicin oleoresin which will likely mix a lot easier for you. I personally don't recommend using any extract products, especially if you want a good flavored sauce
well, the experiment in making my own extract is partly to have one that doesn't taste like the bottom of my shoe..i've used the pure cap crystals before, and you're right, it doesn't always dissovle evenly, which is why i plan of heating a quart of vinegar and dissovling it in that first and then adding it to the sauce. the is actually a pretty basic wing sauce for me, compared to all my other hot sauces...pretty much just jolokias, onion, garlic, salt, white and black pepper, vinegar, and the capsaicin... i normally go for more flavor than heat, as that's the easy part, but the heat was the challenge for this sauce so... this is what she's gonna get :-p
Tell your friend in Dublin to go to the Thirsty Bull and enjoy a heaping plate of Defcon Deathmatch wings. They have our regular sauces as well, so you can enjoy yourself while your friend finds his own personal Hell.
defcon--thanks for the info, i'll pass it along to her...man, i should tell her to fly me out there for her little contest...her dad is in the wolftones, if you've heard of them..

dyce-- i haven't had a problem before disolving the cap crystal in vinegar, tho admittaedly, i've never tried to use such a high concentration
so reading all of this has made me want to try my own hand at a little extract. I guess just to see the process as I too am not a fan of extract products, I do like some of the concentrated purees with a small amount of extract, but either way..... I look up several methods and my only really questions regard the pros and cons of using fresh or dried peppers? any feedback?
Dried peppers are the best as you don't involve moisture in the process that has to be evaporated as well. Also with dried the process is sped up somewhat and you end up with a purer/hotter end result.
Only con i can think of is the waiting time for the peppers to dry.
yeah, but its worth it in the end tho...i'm hoping most of my seeds germinate this year, i'll have nenar 200 plants across about 20 varieties.. should give me enough peppers to get me through all next winter and spring so it won't seems like i'm waiting so long for next year's peppers!