contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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If it were 6 hours later MAYBE I would post a few snaps. But, about to head to late Valentines dinner...Maybe later when I am good and smashed, Ill post some pics and Scovie can get his rocks off to some man-boobs....
SD doesn't swing "that way" (not racist), but he does love to show off his "beautiful" (non-discriminatory comment) nipples. They ARE beautiful. Sorry.

And if they lactate, he has some 'splainin to do.

I think I'd like to team up with Bootsie on this one, kind of an East Meets West thing. He can have the crown if we win, what says you Boots? We'll double post, and share the final pic. One yours, one mine. We can PM the details. Like an African Yin and Yang. It's surely outside the box!
Hit (PM) me if you're in.
Can I do this?

Screw more than half the people who voted for the TD.
I mean it.

So, here's some fun I decided to have, in jest.

(Lettuce, Green-Tomato, Bacon, Tomato)

Boiled up the ramen. Threw away the seasoning packet.
Made some fried green tomatoes. Fried up some bacon. Shredded some lettuce. Diced some regular tomatoes.
Mixed some mayo with some sriracha in a zip-loc bag.
Mixed it all together, topped with mayo (cut the corner off the bag) and some cayenne.

"Africa" (not racist) knows what it can do with itself.




I think I'd like to team up with Bootsie on this one, kind of an East Meets West thing. He can have the crown if we win, what says you Boots? We'll double post, and share the final pic. One yours, one mine. We can PM the details. Like an African Yin and Yang. It's surely outside the box!
Hit (PM) me if you're in.

OMG Bootsieb!!! It is a true privilege and honor to be invited to a "one on one" challenge by a THP God! (I'm so jealous! :) ) You can DO this!!!!!

Don't bail on us now - you got this African TD rollin' - so now you HAVE to play with us! It'll be great fun! :) Just DO IT!!!!!!!!
It's not a one-on-one challenge, it's a partnership.
Me and Bootsie (if he wants). One pic each on the final post. East meets West for "African".
Prep and plating pics will be individual, but coordinated, culminating in a final dish that will blow your minds.

...and any LGBT references are purely coincidental.
I was referring to the ingredients in the dish.
Its all a ploy to make us believe that he is gone and not gonna enter, then BAM! Simba tenderloin topped with a bit of BBQ pulled Pumba and a big glass of Man-Breast-Milk to wash it all down.

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