contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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The whole point to a TD is to do OUR OWN research, and keep it close to the cuff... Hence "teaser" pics.
If people keep posting recipes, ideas and names of dishes, what will be the point?
Maybe a big steaming pile of Ramen will be my entry.
I don't think that Googling "African Cuisine" is going to be the most challenging part of this TD.

I for one, can't find a darn plantain to save my soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I for one, can't find a darn plantain to save my soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny, I was just at the grocery store and I was considering getting plantains. There are always tons of them, and some of them looked ready to use.
(I like them over-ripe and candy-like, then you fry them and hit em with a touch of salt. You can use them green too, like chips).
Just checked on a source for the protein, and :woohoo: Grubworms are in season!!!!
PS- I can say that because I have actually eaten mealy worms, crickets and goldfish.

Been there done that too. Had to go through a survival course where we had to eat all kinds of things you would never think of. They're really good roasted over a fire and mixed in with some dandilion greens and cat tails.
Add that to my list of things to try in a few weeks!!!!!!!!

On most forums I could lose my man-card for this, but one of my favorite things to do when I'm in new towns (like FAR away from home) is to check out the grocery store. You can learn a lot about a place by the things they stock on their shelves.
FD - I do the same thing! Then I move on to the liquor store!!!! hahahaha

B - If you dare post the recipe I plan on using..........
On most forums I could lose my man-card for this, but one of my favorite things to do when I'm in new towns (like FAR away from home) is to check out the grocery store. You can learn a lot about a place by the things they stock on their shelves.

Exactly the same for me. We want to hit grocery stores and any markets that may be open. Guyocho. LOL
On most forums I could lose my man-card for this, but one of my favorite things to do when I'm in new towns (like FAR away from home) is to check out the grocery store. You can learn a lot about a place by the things they stock on their shelves.

Lose the man card for that? No way, if anything you get your card punched and receive xtra manliness after every 5th punch. Who wants to go to the same old club and see the same strippers all the time? Well, Bear maybe....
Who wants to go to the same old club and see the same strippers all the time? Well, Bear maybe....
He had this one guy he was obsessed with at a place called, no lie, Le Bear.
I heard that dude mysteriously disappeared somehow. Bear once said his abs were, "delicious".
I don't know. Never met the guy. Not my thing.
Ever since then, Bear's been all about the ladies!

Oh, this is going to be fun!!!
Dude, it's not Guyocho.
It's Calle Ocho.
Calle (Ka-yeh) means "street".
Ocho means "Miami is awesome".
So, Calle Ocho means "Miami is awesome street".

Some people also interpret the word, "Ocho" to mean the number 8.
...agree to disagree.

By the end of the weekend, you are going to smell like sand, seawater, cigars, rum, cheap beer, alligator feces, Bear's crotch, and Jai Alai.
And if you sprout a rash, see a doctor.
He had this one guy he was obsessed with at a place called, no lie, Le Bear.
I heard that dude mysteriously disappeared somehow. Bear once said his abs were, "delicious".
I don't know. Never met the guy. Not my thing.
Ever since then, Bear's been all about the ladies!

Oh, this is going to be fun!!!
Dude, it's not Guyocho.
It's Calle Ocho.
Calle (Ka-yeh) means "street".
Ocho means "Miami is awesome".
So, Calle Ocho means "Miami is awesome street".

Some people also interpret the word, "Ocho" to mean the number 8.
...agree to disagree.

By the end of the weekend, you are going to smell like sand, seawater, cigars, rum, cheap beer, alligator feces, Bear's crotch, and Jai Alai.
And if you sprout a rash, see a doctor.

and this is why we love SoFlo!! You rock Fitty!!
On most forums I could lose my man-card for this, but one of my favorite things to do when I'm in new towns (like FAR away from home) is to check out the grocery store. You can learn a lot about a place by the things they stock on their shelves.
If you lose your man-card for that, Scovie should lose his for that flashing over-easy man-boob thing going on in his avatar. :lol:

Oh, this is going to be fun!!!
Dude, it's not Guyocho.
It's Calle Ocho.
Calle (Ka-yeh) means "street".
Ocho means "Miami is awesome".
So, Calle Ocho means "Miami is awesome street".

Some people also interpret the word, "Ocho" to mean the number 8.
...agree to disagree.

By the end of the weekend, you are going to smell like sand, seawater, cigars, rum, cheap beer, alligator feces, Bear's crotch, and Jai Alai.
And if you sprout a rash, see a doctor.

Are we still talking about the throwdown???? :confused:
If you lose your man-card for that, Scovie should lose his for that flashing over-easy man-boob thing going on in his avatar. :lol:

Its just like that flashy thing in Men in Black. Every time you see it your memory gets reprogrammed. Last time I saw it all I could think about was a habanero floating in a cup of Dr. Pepper. What a nightmare!
When I saw it, I was transformed into a can of potato salad.
And there was a deranged man with a goatee, and 9 white children, chasing me with a .22
They got me. Several times.

I felt so cold....

So alone...

...Hold me.
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