• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Me and my F-inlaw are looking for some hot sauce :)

Uncle Big should have some close to the 600K range also. Realistically, how would one be able to tell the diff between extract and fresh chili's when they are that hot?
imaguitargod said:
I did not know that. Well, any sauce is edible, but I think 3am is just an extract sauce to be added to things, am I correct on that?

AnyTHING that is smaller than your mouth is edible...its just a matter of whether you should eat it or not :)
DEFCON Creator said:
What's the difference? If you're very curious, do a shot. :lol:

Wish i could. The shipping on that kind of stuff to get here is about $18 which is almost what the stuff costs on Ebay. Think i'll just make my own Naga sauce. :)
thehotpepper.com said:
Please don't promote your own sauces when members are looking for objective opinions, otherwise every member will be chiming in and it will be a sales thread, not a discussion.

I am willing to vouch for Defcon sauces as a great product. I also loved Cape Fear Red Savina. Three Hot Tamales Toxic Tonic is a flavorful-hot sauce as well.

Although I have a lot more un-opened bottles, those are the the three from here I have tried.
texas blues said:
Philipperv, is your daughter going to be your Naga Sauce taste tester?

Hard to say right now. She has turned down invitations to taste my latest Red Savina sauce so she has some cash flow from somewhere. If she's really broke in 1-2 months when I make the Naga sauce then she might give in. Will keep you posted.
texas blues said:
Since it won't be quite the same as eating a whole Naga, bribe here with 10 bucks and then take pics!!

I tried that already but I only offered $4 for a 1/2 shot glass and she wouldn't go for it. Will up the ante after the sauce is done.

P.S. I 1/2 heartedly offered her $10 to eat 3/4 of a green Dorset Naga (which she hasn't ever seen before) today and she wouldn't go for it. She's getting wise. ;)
4 shekels for 1/2 a shot glass? She IS getting too smart. Try a tablespoon full and up it to 5. That amount should be pretty potent. (what kind of sick bastards are we that we are negotiating how to torture your kid!)

She just agreed to eat 1/2 a Dorset Naga for $20. Will take video. :onfire:

Bless her heart! Surely she knows its for the sake of all mankind and world peace and whatever other lies we can think up.
Will be standing by with the fire extinguisher.