• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Me and my F-inlaw are looking for some hot sauce :)

WOW!! She not only ate the Naga but she OWNED the Naga! She rocks!! The Naga would tear my head off and she hardly blinked!
Does she eat chilis every day? If so, what kind?
texas blues said:
Does she eat chilis every day? If so, what kind?

Not at all. She hates spicy food even. This is purely cash desperation. Btw, her take is that the Naga Morich from Bangladesh beats the Dorset in heat.
watched that video today. She is amazing. I do have a question. The video ends with her running away. To the bathroom??? How long did the pain last. What did she have to say about it when she was able to talk again?
JayT. Welcome to the forum. The bit about the Naga pepper as above by Philipperv is that his daughter just joined the forum and the new rules are that all newcomers must eat the Naga, Norich or Dorsett doesn't matter, and then post pics or video. If you do not have a Naga, I am sure someone will send you one. It is non negotiable. Good luck!
JayT said:
watched that video today. She is amazing. I do have a question. The video ends with her running away. To the bathroom??? How long did the pain last. What did she have to say about it when she was able to talk again?

No she ran to the sink to spit like she always does. The only rule is that she isn't allowed to puke and she never has. She was complaining about stomach pain the rest of the day. She was able to talk the entire time. Her tolerance is amazing now.
texas blues said:
JayT. Welcome to the forum. The bit about the Naga pepper as above by Philipperv is that his daughter just joined the forum and the new rules are that all newcomers must eat the Naga, Norich or Dorsett doesn't matter, and then post pics or video. If you do not have a Naga, I am sure someone will send you one. It is non negotiable. Good luck!

I would love to get my hands on some fresh Nagas. If anyone can send me some (enough that I can make some sauce for myself out of them) I will eat some and have pictures for the blog... I wouldn't want to miss out on the hazing ritual even if it doesn't really exist. I am nuts enough to do it anyway.:lol:
JayT...even I with all my manly man super powers, do not possess the cajones to try and eat the Naga. I bow down to all those who can do so. I would send you some if I had them but alas....perhaps other members on this forum can accommodate you.
Imaguitargod might be a good bet.
texas blues said:
JayT...even I with all my manly man super powers, do not possess the cajones to try and eat the Naga. I bow down to all those who can do so. I would send you some if I had them but alas....perhaps other members on this forum can accommodate you.
Imaguitargod might be a good bet.

I ate the Source on a toothpick a couple of weeks ago can't be too much hotter than that can it? Not saying I would eat the whole thing but a good bite anyway.
I have never tried the super wombat hot stuff myself. I have eaten a hab but found it just too hot for me. I much prefer flavor over heat just for heat's sake. I think some of the sauces out there are made more for the "shock factor" more than real consumption although I do know some folks that can handle them. Don't get me wrong...while I might not be able to handle the hottest of the hot, I wouldn't turn an eye away from watching someone else suffer through eating the naga...but then I have been described as "lewd and suggestive". I wouldn't really do it....but I would only "suggest it".
texas blues said:
I have never tried the super wombat hot stuff myself. I have eaten a hab but found it just too hot for me. I much prefer flavor over heat just for heat's sake. I think some of the sauces out there are made more for the "shock factor" more than real consumption although I do know some folks that can handle them. Don't get me wrong...while I might not be able to handle the hottest of the hot, I wouldn't turn an eye away from watching someone else suffer through eating the naga...but then I have been described as "lewd and suggestive". I wouldn't really do it....but I would only "suggest it".

Ahhh nothing like the taste of a fresh habanero in the morning!
texas blues said:
JayT...even I with all my manly man super powers, do not possess the cajones to try and eat the Naga. I bow down to all those who can do so. I would send you some if I had them but alas....perhaps other members on this forum can accommodate you.
Imaguitargod might be a good bet.

Would philipperv pay me $20 to eat the Naga too?
Philipperv said:
No because real chiliheads should do it just cause they love the burn. :)

I was only kidding. When I finally get my hands on some I will take pictures or video.
I've recently been turning all my excess peppers into hot sauce and just added all the Trinidad Scorpions I harvested to it and a few more Red Savinas. It is some brutal stuff! Well i was screwing around and dared Glenda (with $5) to drink a shot glass of it. Well she did and my jaw dropped cause a drop of this stuff really burns your mouth!

Other than some stomach discomfort she was ok and i'm thinking how she can put her new "talent" to good use. Maybe one day she'll replace this guy:

She definitely has a gift. Maybe you should put her up against that Indian woman that eats Naga's like potato chips that I read about a while back. She was supposed to be going for the world record in the UK but I don't remember hearing anything more about it.