• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2012 Growlog

Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities:

Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Chilhuacle Negro
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid
Jalapeño Chichimeca
Jalapeño Craigs Grande
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño
Jumbo Jalapeño
Numex Jalmundo
Morron de Fabrica
Petit Marseillais
Santa Fe Grande

Aji Pineapple
Rain Forest

Yellow Chaco

7 Pot Brown
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1
Armaggedon F-1
Bolivian Bumpy
CGN 20790
Congo Trinidad
Fatalii White
Fidalga Roxa
Habanero Bazooka
Habanero Big Jamaican
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Black Congo
Habanero Cappuccino Nugget
Habanero Chocolate Congo
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F-1
Habanero Chocolate Lightning
Habanero Condor's Beak
Habanero Francisca ™
Habanero Giant White
Habanero Golden
Habanero Jaguar
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Pastel
Habanero Purple
Habanero Senegal Chocolate
Habanero Tasmanian Chocolate F-1
Habanero White Bullet x Maraba
Habanero White Pearl
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Habanero Yucatan White
Habanero Zavory (in memory of aijjoe's niece Amanda)
Monster Naga
Peito de Moca
Pimenta Leopard
SB7J F-1
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican
Trinidad Scorpion "FG"
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate

Tabasco Short Yellow

Most of this list I got through the genorosity of people on this forum, thanks alot! Since I only have one heated propagator I needed to split up my list, so I went for all the Habanero varities first (as you can see on the picture below). Also a few other Chinense on there.


I sow 2 seeds per varity, so I can keep the best looking plant and give the other one away. Offcourse I'm not throwing them away, I will spread the heat among my friends so they can learn the magical world of pepper growing too ;)

I used coco-plugs as medium this time and putted them in a 60 holes tray. Looks like a tray of cup-cakes ready for the oven.

After I soaked them and let the propagator get to the right tempature (± 26°C) I sow all the seeds with this as end result.

All I have to do now is getting the grow area ready so when they sprouted they can be put under the CFL lights. I don't expect them to sprout for atleast a week so I still have some time. As soon there is free space I will sow the rest of my list with the Annuum to be the last ones, probally around january.
Got some pods that are ripening off and harvested some Habanero Yucatan White's last week, pretty tasty :dance: Re-potted some bigger plants because they didn't grow alot anymore because of the coco soil and used bigger pots also.
Hurrikan (2gods) Don't know alot about this variety except that the pod are salmon colored when ripe?



Habanero Red Dragon, it's not that big but it's a start :)

The Habanero Jaguar, finally starting too shape up :dance:got a couple of pods hanging behind the foliage.

Some pictures from the smaller plants although you see them growing every day. Some are already producing buds. As you can see, I need to repot or plant out into the ground soon.


The TS "FG" lost it's leaves but I'm not giving up on it, the stem is still green and hopefully new leaves will form soon. They have too because I don't have seed of it left anymore :lol:

This supposed too be Rain Forest but looks completely different. Anyone has an idea which variety this is? I do like the colors on the leaves though.

Thanks for watching again.
Hey,Stefan! Your plants look great; your tweaking is paying off big time.
Your foil tunnel is going to be awesome.
And Lisa is just the sweetest little princess.
Dang, man, you're 3 for 3!

Continued success on all fronts to you, bro!
Hello my friend, congratulations for the plants. The last picture is called an ornamental or variegated Tiger.

Thanks, looks like that's it indeed. Seeds got probably mixed before I got them because I don't even have that variety :party:

Hey,Stefan! Your plants look great; your tweaking is paying off big time.
Your foil tunnel is going to be awesome.
And Lisa is just the sweetest little princess.
Dang, man, you're 3 for 3!

Continued success on all fronts to you, bro!

Appreciate it, Paul. Thanks a lot!

Small update because got some pods ripening off!

Habanero Big Sun

Habanero Bazuka

Habanero Jaguar


Habanero Maraba x White Bullit

Habanero Red Dragon

Not a pepper but my Tomatillo plants. They grow really fast.

Again no peppers, but my herbs and veggies I have in the back of my garden.



Man your plants are looking great! Its hard to believe you are getting such growth in the netherlands :) Congrats. and keep taking those pics they are great! I love seeing your rare hab varieties.
Here too present my first small harvest of the season and some updates on a couple of plants I have... turns out I got around 200 plants now :think: :shh: don't tell the wife.

top row: Habanero Big Sun, Hurrikan, Habanero Jaguar
middle row: Habanero Long Chocolate, Habanero Red Dragon, Maraba x Habanero White Bullit
bottom row: Habanero Yucatan White

This is a cross from varg I am growing out for him, Bipi (Biquinho x Pink Habanero)

Again a cross I'm growing for out from varg, Rocobi (Rocotillo x Biquinho)

Smallest plants I have still under the lights, but are now moved outside.



Habanero Long Chocolate (different plants)


Habanero Jaguar


Tbc... :( this picture limit is annoying!


Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato, this one has small hairs on the leaves and stem :)

Some more plants that need to be hardened off.


Habanero Bazuka pod, it's small but hopefully the first of many more.

In the middle you can see some Tomatillo's, the rest of the plants are in bad shape now thanks too :censored: :censored: aphids and sunburn (my fault). Luckily they are starting too show new growth again.



My only overwintered plant, Cayenne Purple is showing new growth! Even had too remove a bud :banghead:

Some more plants being hardened off. Too the right 2 Big Jamaican's, next too it Pimento de Padron's, Jalapeno Chichimeca, Jalapeno Biker Billy, Joe's Long Cayenne and some more Padron's in front of it.

Some more plants that need too be hardened off. Varieties like, 7-Pot White, Arbibi Gusano Red, Biquinho, Chupetinho, Cili Goronong, Fidalga Roxa, Cherry Chocolate, Habanero Harold St. Bart's, Habanero Maldivian, Habanero Orange Devil, Habanero Pastel, Jalapeño Chichimeca, Jalapeño El Jefe, Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato, Jalapeño Hercules, Trinidad Yellow Seasoning.



Habanero White Bullet x Maraba. Pods should have been a different color, yellow-white, but they are obviously not :) It's a bit hard too see on the picture but they are lightbrown with a red glow. Love the color, haven't tasted them. Gonna try and grow this one out too see if the pods have the same color next generation.

Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade's bouncing back after some heavy aphid attacks.


Habanero Long Chocolate. Had this plant in cocos soil but didn't grow one bit. After repotting in different soilmix it started too boost growth and now it looks like it has 3 stems, the one on the right is the original stem :lol:

Habanero Chocolate Lightning, still no pods on this one. Has been dropping flowers for 4 rounds now :(
I am really trying to resist another start, and you are not helping matters with all the cool varieties you have going on!!I really wanted to start some Long Chocs, Handgrenades, Trini Scorp x Morango's.....well you get the idea.On a ship with low bandwidth internet right now...makes anything a real patience tester internet wise, and posting pics almost impossible unless you catch a lull in computer use onboard.Are you going to be able to get all those babies in the ground?
I am really trying to resist another start, and you are not helping matters with all the cool varieties you have going on!!I really wanted to start some Long Chocs, Handgrenades, Trini Scorp x Morango's.....well you get the idea.On a ship with low bandwidth internet right now...makes anything a real patience tester internet wise, and posting pics almost impossible unless you catch a lull in computer use onboard.Are you going to be able to get all those babies in the ground?

Sorry, dude :D Yeah, the plan is too plant them all out around next week, I'm gonna make the raised beds first this week and then it's plant out time. A couple varieties I'm gonna keep in the backgarden here at my house and everything is going too the garden at the other location with the foiltunnel (will have space in that for around 60 plants).

love the photos and the peppers

Thanks for the kind words.
Damn Bro' Those plants are going off !! Ohhh did I spot Arugula ?? If so what variety ?!? Dan

Thanks, man! That is Arugula indeed, we call it Rucola. I have no idea which variety it is, I got some seeds a couple of years ago and been growing it since. Harvesting my own fresh seeds after it's grown out :)
Some more pods are finally showing color.

Habanero Long Chocolate. Love the look of these pods, especially the gnarly one, gonna save the seeds of that one.


Habanero Red Dragon. So far these pods stay Orange colored instead of Red. Hope they will stay that way so I can grow out this color variation :)

Pimenta Leopard. Looks like Lava too me :hot:


Habanero Golden

Not a pepper, but my Tomatillo's are bursting out. The stem is already massive and today the first flowers opened :dance:
Astounding success, MF! Everything just looks so darn GOOD!
Congrats on the amzing poddage per usual Stefan! I am with matt may fav by far is the Pimenta Leopard. Those pods are :crazy: