• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2012 Growlog

Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities:

Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Chilhuacle Negro
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid
Jalapeño Chichimeca
Jalapeño Craigs Grande
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño
Jumbo Jalapeño
Numex Jalmundo
Morron de Fabrica
Petit Marseillais
Santa Fe Grande

Aji Pineapple
Rain Forest

Yellow Chaco

7 Pot Brown
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1
Armaggedon F-1
Bolivian Bumpy
CGN 20790
Congo Trinidad
Fatalii White
Fidalga Roxa
Habanero Bazooka
Habanero Big Jamaican
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Black Congo
Habanero Cappuccino Nugget
Habanero Chocolate Congo
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F-1
Habanero Chocolate Lightning
Habanero Condor's Beak
Habanero Francisca ™
Habanero Giant White
Habanero Golden
Habanero Jaguar
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Pastel
Habanero Purple
Habanero Senegal Chocolate
Habanero Tasmanian Chocolate F-1
Habanero White Bullet x Maraba
Habanero White Pearl
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Habanero Yucatan White
Habanero Zavory (in memory of aijjoe's niece Amanda)
Monster Naga
Peito de Moca
Pimenta Leopard
SB7J F-1
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican
Trinidad Scorpion "FG"
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate

Tabasco Short Yellow

Most of this list I got through the genorosity of people on this forum, thanks alot! Since I only have one heated propagator I needed to split up my list, so I went for all the Habanero varities first (as you can see on the picture below). Also a few other Chinense on there.


I sow 2 seeds per varity, so I can keep the best looking plant and give the other one away. Offcourse I'm not throwing them away, I will spread the heat among my friends so they can learn the magical world of pepper growing too ;)

I used coco-plugs as medium this time and putted them in a 60 holes tray. Looks like a tray of cup-cakes ready for the oven.

After I soaked them and let the propagator get to the right tempature (± 26°C) I sow all the seeds with this as end result.

All I have to do now is getting the grow area ready so when they sprouted they can be put under the CFL lights. I don't expect them to sprout for atleast a week so I still have some time. As soon there is free space I will sow the rest of my list with the Annuum to be the last ones, probally around january.
love the pimenta leopard flower... hope mine are gonna flourish the same as yours

Yeah, I saw in your topic you were growing it as well :) I love the plant with the black/green leaves. The flowers are really small, have about 6 flowers now.

Nice update! The Habanero Cap Nugget is an awesome
little plant - should produce well for you. I notice pods
forming on the others, won't be long, now! Good luck
going forward.

Thanks, Paul! It even has more flowers then before, it's crazy. It grows really familiar like the Habanero White Bullet x Maraba.

Hello Stefan
your plants are wonderful, very healthy and well cared for, well done ;)

Thanks, Domenico. The Pimenta Leopard is a beautifull cross, can't wait till I got some pods on it ;) I sowed some other seeds of yours as well but I kinda messed that up and they died :( Your plants look amazing also!
Wow Stefan! I can't believe all of the flowers and pods you have already! You definitely have two green thumbs.

Thanks, Patrick but I'm getting a bit frustrated that my other seedlings keep getting messed up. Since I changed my light setup it aint working out as well as before. When I got some more time on my hands... I'm gonna test multiple setup's too see which one gives the best result. Probably will be for next season I guess.
Again a update since I noticed today my first grown pod this season is ripening off! The Big Jamaican pod is getting some color on it :dance:

Big Jamaican

Yucatan White

A part of the plants, all of them are flowering.

My 2 Habanero White Bullet x Maraba plants

Habanero Golden

Habanero Bazuka pods

Thanks, Patrick but I'm getting a bit frustrated that my other seedlings keep getting messed up. Since I changed my light setup it aint working out as well as before. When I got some more time on my hands... I'm gonna test multiple setup's too see which one gives the best result. Probably will be for next season I guess.

What made you change your light setup? I have a hard time keeping things the way they are too. People have a tendency to want to change things even if the way things are set up is successful. Always looking to improve things we are. I know you'll get it figured out.
What made you change your light setup? I have a hard time keeping things the way they are too. People have a tendency to want to change things even if the way things are set up is successful. Always looking to improve things we are. I know you'll get it figured out.

Since I've wanted to grow alot of different varieties I needed more space, so I build the growspace which was bigger and higher then the previous growing space I used. I use 2 CFL lights now and the total setup is just different from the old one. The conditions are different which apparently has alot of influence on the young seedlings. I underestimated that factor, so therefore I'm gonna do some test too find out what the best conditions for growing in it are.

Still looking great. Keep it up. The habanero cappuccino nugget? Would like to hear more about this strain.

Thanks. I have absolutely no idea, I'm also curious about the pod forming, shape, color, heat and taste. I will post this info in this topic together with other varieties I'm growing :)
I've made a layout for the raised beds in my garden, not sure if I kept enough space between the plants but keep in mind the temperatures don't get so high over here. Last summer was really bad and we had more rain then sun.


It's 40 feet long and 14 feet wide. I'll be using anti-root cloth so I have to take out the weeds every day. The space between each raised bed is 15,5inches and the raised bed itself is 15,5 inches wide. That makes the distance between the plants 2,5 feet. The plants on the raised bed will be 15,5inches from eachother, maybe I make it a little bigger too 24 inches but then I have less space for plants. What do you think guys?
The Big Jamaican pod is ripening off rapidly and the plant itself is showing new growth also :)



Some Habanero Chocolate Long shots from 3 different plants.



Habanero Jaguar, still no pods on it only flowerdrop so far.

The youngest batch of seedlings, again having difficulties and struggling for their life. Bottom right are the unknown Chinense from Karl.

To be continued....
Some adopted plants I got from a professorial grower that developed some new Habanero variety called "Red Dragon" and wanted some home growers too try it out. The plants were in pretty bad shape when they got here.



Almost a week later they look like this.



Fabulous, Stefan! The flowering plants are just awesome, and the pods look great.
That should be an impressive set of raised beds; good luck getting all that in the ground!
Congrats on the new child Meat.


Something about that doesn't sound right... please dont eat her!

Your daughter is lovely :) Maybe you can convince your wife to let you give her fresh peppers to suck on as a substitute for a passifier - by the time she's 10 she will be a chile eating goddess.
Quick update, about 40 sick seedlings recovered and are rapidly growing. I re-potted the last sow round into (red) cups so that hopefully some will survive. I think I figured out the problems with the seedlings in my growbox. As simple as it sounds I think it was the humidity that was too low which causes the leaves too burn by the light before they could develop a real set of leaves. I'm currently have some tests going too be sure that was the problem.




Hab. Big Sun

Hab. White Bullet x Maraba

Hab. Yucatan White

Hab. Bazuka

Hab. Golden

Some of the plants

More later...
You have some really interesting varieties growing, can't wait to see some of the pods! I managed to get 3/4 of mine into the ground last week before getting back to work.."The shortest grow log" is home to the pics.That White Bullet x Maraba sounds really cool, and looks like it will have buckets of bullets before long.Where did you come across this variety?

The Madballz is Choc Bhut x Red 7 Pot. It should be crazy hot.