• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2012 Growlog

Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities:

Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Chilhuacle Negro
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid
Jalapeño Chichimeca
Jalapeño Craigs Grande
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño
Jumbo Jalapeño
Numex Jalmundo
Morron de Fabrica
Petit Marseillais
Santa Fe Grande

Aji Pineapple
Rain Forest

Yellow Chaco

7 Pot Brown
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1
Armaggedon F-1
Bolivian Bumpy
CGN 20790
Congo Trinidad
Fatalii White
Fidalga Roxa
Habanero Bazooka
Habanero Big Jamaican
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Black Congo
Habanero Cappuccino Nugget
Habanero Chocolate Congo
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F-1
Habanero Chocolate Lightning
Habanero Condor's Beak
Habanero Francisca ™
Habanero Giant White
Habanero Golden
Habanero Jaguar
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Pastel
Habanero Purple
Habanero Senegal Chocolate
Habanero Tasmanian Chocolate F-1
Habanero White Bullet x Maraba
Habanero White Pearl
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Habanero Yucatan White
Habanero Zavory (in memory of aijjoe's niece Amanda)
Monster Naga
Peito de Moca
Pimenta Leopard
SB7J F-1
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican
Trinidad Scorpion "FG"
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate

Tabasco Short Yellow

Most of this list I got through the genorosity of people on this forum, thanks alot! Since I only have one heated propagator I needed to split up my list, so I went for all the Habanero varities first (as you can see on the picture below). Also a few other Chinense on there.


I sow 2 seeds per varity, so I can keep the best looking plant and give the other one away. Offcourse I'm not throwing them away, I will spread the heat among my friends so they can learn the magical world of pepper growing too ;)

I used coco-plugs as medium this time and putted them in a 60 holes tray. Looks like a tray of cup-cakes ready for the oven.

After I soaked them and let the propagator get to the right tempature (± 26°C) I sow all the seeds with this as end result.

All I have to do now is getting the grow area ready so when they sprouted they can be put under the CFL lights. I don't expect them to sprout for atleast a week so I still have some time. As soon there is free space I will sow the rest of my list with the Annuum to be the last ones, probally around january.
Stefan. Incredible work my friend. Ok. Couple questions - You are growing a ton of different habs. I want to know which are your favorite for taste and what the taste is like. I would like to try some of your favorite varieties in next years grow. Second - where did you get those awesome plant clips for securing the stems?

Chili cheers my friend!
Astounding success, MF! Everything just looks so darn GOOD!

Thanks, Paul but the older plants do look a bit sad now because most of them lost all their leaves. Luckily all are showing new growth but no pods for a while on those.

Looking great Stefan! That Pimenta Leopard does look like lava! Great looking pod.

Thanks, Matt. When it's completely ripe I will have a dutch buddy of mine taste test it, it's way too hot for me anyway now ;)

you were not kidding! Your plants are loving the weather! Congrats they look ridiculous awesome!

They do, but the wind is really hard at this moment so they get a bit torn up now. So far no casualties but have too keep a eye on it.

Congrats on the amzing poddage per usual Stefan! I am with matt may fav by far is the Pimenta Leopard. Those pods are :crazy:

Thanks, Jamie. Hopefully more interesting pods will form very soon. Love your topic with all the great pod pics :dance:
Very nice plants and camera work. I have only had a couple annuums ripen for me so far.

I make all my pictures with my smartphone :oops: it's quicker for me and I'm lazy too get my camera :P Got some Annuums going right now also, some Jalapeno varieties are forming pods now. Next update I will post some pictures of those.

Stefan. Incredible work my friend. Ok. Couple questions - You are growing a ton of different habs. I want to know which are your favorite for taste and what the taste is like. I would like to try some of your favorite varieties in next years grow. Second - where did you get those awesome plant clips for securing the stems?

Chili cheers my friend!

Thanks, Seth! From all the ones I have tasted only the Habanero Big Sun tasted completely ripe and had a great taste. I used it for my chicken Fajita's and they tasted great :drooling: The other pods didn't had much taste too it, from what I've been told it's normal for the first pods and they didn't get much sun when they grew/ripe... I still have too try the Habanero Jaguar. Have high hopes that one does taste great also. I'm documenting all my Habanero and Jalapeno varieties on a dutch forum so when it's the end of the season I will translate it and post it here if people are interested.

Don't worry about getting some seeds, I will hook you up at the end of the season if possible ;) Bought them in a store over here if I remember correct they cost 0.50 dollar and come with 20 clips a package (2 different sizes). They work great but some of my Bamboo sticks are bit too thin so I can't use the bigger clips :lol:

Great job Stefan, congratulations. The Pimenta Leopard (Bhut J. x Neyde) seems very compliant, very happy :dance: :dance:

That's great too hear, Dom. The pods arent big yet but I love that vibrant color they have. The plant suffered from aphids as well but is bouncing back. Funny thing is the first flowers were completely white and the flowers it sets now are having purple on the petals. Maybe because it's outside now and getting more sun?
Maybe not an exciting update but I took some photo's of a Baccatum I really liked, thought I share this with you guys.

Early in the morning.

In the afternoon, frontside.


The plant last week, the above flower is the first one too open after like 6 rounds of flowerdrop.
Yeah, there's a good chance of that, Marino :) Luckily its making more buds now. Another update on some other plants. Finally have planted out most of my plants! I know it's late but with the baby and all there's just not enough hours in a day. The foiltunnel is completely full, put 69 plants in it. It's gonna be crowded but I don't think they will grow as big since our summer hasn't been that great anyway (low temperature and a lot of rain).

After a lot of effort and sweat, the humidity is :censored: in there, ready for planting out.

The right row, has some smaller plants. Hopefully they will squeeze out some pods before the end of the season.

The left row has all the bigger plants, most of them have some pods, are flowering or making buds already.

My one and only Jalapeno Biker Billy.

Jalapeno Conchos

Jalapeno Hercules, pretty fat pods.

Habanero Purple and Mustard. These were just stems a month ago after sun scald and aphids.

Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade flowers :dance: Can't wait for some pods on this one.

The unknown Habanero from Hendrix1326. Got 4 more that are budding up.

Numex Pinata from own seedstock from last year. Still need too plant this out.

More will follow as soon as I planted out the rest.
seems you love jalapenos since you have many varieties... this year I'm growing jalapeno early - have you ever grown it? - and I'm a little bit disappointed about it, 'cause it's producing few small pods, with very low heat
seems you love jalapenos since you have many varieties... this year I'm growing jalapeno early - have you ever grown it? - and I'm a little bit disappointed about it, 'cause it's producing few small pods, with very low heat

I do! Yeah, I've grown it last year. It's not bad but nothing special and indeed smaller pods. Although later in the season they got a little bit bigger. This year I'm growing 10 different varieties if you don't count the Caloro, Numex Pinata and Santa Fe Grande also :)
I do! Yeah, I've grown it last year. It's not bad but nothing special and indeed smaller pods. Although later in the season they got a little bit bigger. This year I'm growing 10 different varieties if you don't count the Caloro, Numex Pinata and Santa Fe Grande also :)
Would you please suggest me one or two varieties of jalapeno that you think are the best choices?!?
Would you please suggest me one or two varieties of jalapeno that you think are the best choices?!?

I haven't tasted any yet unfornately, because they are still growing bigger. My buddy has some Jalapeno varieties from me also and really liked the Jalapeno El Jefe. Has a good taste and a nice afterkick (heat). I can send you some after I harvest some ripe pods, the same counts for the other varieties :)
Small update.

My mini Santa Fe Grande loaded with flowers and pods.

Chilhuacle Negro, not sure if it's 100% pure because from what I've seen on the internet the flowers are white? Anyone else ever grown this variety?

Same with the Cayenne Golden, the flowers have some purple in it.
Wow your plants are looking awesome! Are you able to tell yet how much difference your new tunnel is making?

Not yet, except for the part that it's almost always hot inside the plants are just planted out last week so they still need too root a bit more first. The leaves of the smaller plants were turned a bit yellow before because of the lack of fertilizer and now since they are in the ground the top leaves are having a healthy green color again. I'm sure it's gonna make a lot of difference because when the temperature outside is only 15, in the tunnel you can easily add 10 degrees at least. All the plants in it are Chinense except for 6 Jalapeno varieties. Wanted too see if there would be a lot of difference between the ones growing inside and outside the tunnel. Will keep you updated :)
Update from the plants that are in my backgarden.

CAP 1546 or a cross, have too wait till the pods get bigger.

Jalapeno Chichimeca, small but strong.

Habanero Jaguar, lots of flowers and lots of drop.

Hurrikan, loaded with flowers and pods.


Aji Habanero

Cayenne Golden.

Cherry Chocolate.

MadballZ 7 with small buds :party:

My 2 tallest plants, over 4 feet but not a lot of pods. The left one should have been a Chinense but is a Baccatum so that's an unknown for now. Righ one is a Habanero Long Chocolate, which produces gnarly twisted pods.

As you can see we finally had some sun today! But still a lot of rain too last night.
Plants are starting to produce nicely Stefan. . I feel your pain on the rain . It is no fun. It seems to attract lots of unneeded pests and flushes all the green from are plants but yours seem to not mind. And this flower pics is amazing :)
Thanks, Jamie. These are only a few of the plants I have (they get special attention). The rest I will save for a next update and then I need someone too reply because I will have a lot of pictures then :lol:
Meatfreak it all looks great especially the flower pictures. I had to back track since I miss alot from the last time I saw it. That pimenta leopard looks great, so it goes into a full red stage when ripe. When you harvest one and get it ready for whatever awesome thing your going to do with take a picture of the interior?