• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2013

With some delay I sowed last sunday, 24 february. First I had doubts to start at all since it was already getting late in season but with all the varieties (thanks to all the great people I traded with!) I wanted to try I had to give it a try
Keep in mind that the list was over 100 varieties, so I trimmed it down a lot. I intend to keep the 2 strongest plants of each variety except for the Piment d'Espelette. Some seeds are already old like the CGN (±8 years), so I got replacements in case the have popped up in 2 weeks.


The first one to germinate after 3 days was the Coyote Zan White (C. Chinense). The rest followed quickly

Now almost a week later 69% has germinated:

7-Pot Brain Strain Yellow 4/4
Aji Panca 3/0
Ampuis 3/3
Ancho 3/3
Bhut Jolokia Mustard F2 3/1
Brito's Mystery Peach F3 3/3
Bubblegum 7 F3 3/2
CGN 16905 3/0
CGN 22796 3/0
Chilhuacle Amarillo 3/3
Chilhuacle Negro 3/3
Chilhuacle Rojo 3/3
Chimayo 9/9
Chinese 5 Color 3/3
Coyote Zan White 3/3
Devil Serrano 3/3
Devil's Tongue White 3/0
Dulce de Espana 3/2
El Oro de Ecuador (PI 585244) 3/3
Elephant's Ear 3/3
Fish Pepper 3/3
Gochu 4/4
Green Chinense 3/0
Guajillo 4/4
Habanero Galapagos Isabella 3/3
Habanero White Giant 3/1
Jalabanero F4 3/2
Jalapeño Apache F3 3/3
Jalapeño Ciclón 3/3
Jalapeño Colima 3/3
Jalapeño Coyame4/4
Jalapeño Craig’s Grande3/3
Jalapeño Dark Red 3/1
Jalapeño Dulce 3/3
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato 3/2
Jalapeño Fooled You 3/3
Jalapeño Gigantia 3/3
Jalapeño Goliath 3/3
Jalapeño Ixtapa X3R 4/4
Jalapeño Jalapa 3/3
Jalapeño Jalastar 3/3
Jalapeño Mammoth 3/3
Jalapeño Master 2/0
Jalapeño Numex Jalmundo 3/3
Jalapeño PS 11435810 3/3
Jalapeño Tajin 3/3
Jalapeño Zapotec 3/2
Jalapeñona 3/2
Madame Jeanette "Long Strain" 3/3
Maldivian White 3/3
Petenero 3/1
Piment d'Espelette 12/6
Puya 3/0
Rocoto de Seda 3/0
Scotch Bonnet "P. Dreadie Strain" 3/2
Scotch Bonnet Belize 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama 3/0
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Indian Red 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Orange "Bahama's Freeport Strain" 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Papa Joe's Mkt 3/0
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Yellow x 7-Pot Brainstrain Yellow F1 3/0
Sweet Chocolate 3/3
Sweet Pickle 3/3
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow 3/0
Urfa Biber 3/3
Waialua 3/0

The ones in the bottom are mostly the Scotch Bonnets, so they are a bit hard to see on the photo.



Bit to much Chimayo seedlings in one hole


I re-potted the Chimayo seedlings tonight, I will give away most of them.
Portuge said:
Looking good Meatfreak.... Will be interesting seeing all of those different Jalapeno types grown out...
Thanks for stopping by, Portuge. I'm already seeing a lot of difference in podshapes. More elongated then others, thicker and shorter. They are loving the higher temperature outside and are really showing progress each day now. Won't be long before I can taste the first pods, guessing by the end of July.
PeriPeri said:
Fish peppers are just great. You get some that are more cream than striped and those can be used for a cream chilli sauce. They taste awesome on their own though. Great heat and wonderful alternative from the old Jalapeno. The Green ones have a nice herbacious flavour to them.
Thanks for making me even more impatient :lol: I'm just glad they turned out to be true, so I can taste this variety :)
WalkGood said:
hmm strawberry pies, maters, wild haired garlic,  great progression of growth via pictures and now pods \o/ You are set for a boom harvest dis season, every ting looks awesome!
Love da look on the little SB forming, going to be a beauty! Have a great Saturday ^_^
You have a great weekend also, Ramon. I love how the SB Foodarama is forming, it was funny since I had only 1 seed left of this variety. It was the one to sprout in the beginning of the season and now it's one of my bigger plants.
GA Growhead said:
Just went thru your whole glog, as it continues to rain here. Sweet hoop houses! A ton of work, but worth it! Everything is coming around. Looking forward to seeing you harvest some pods. Awesome selection of plants.
Thanks, Jason. It was a lot of work indeed but it's paying off at the end of the season when I can extend it. The Hab. White Giant is putting out buds now, looking forward to see it pod up :D
You have some great varieties growing their in an equally great polytunnel/hoop house.

Best of luck with the weather/temps and plant growth. Once things really take off you should be enjoying some good harvests there.

meatfreak said:
Thanks, Jason. It was a lot of work indeed but it's paying off at the end of the season when I can extend it. The Hab. White Giant is putting out buds now, looking forward to see it pod up :D
My Giant white habs have baby pods! Really looking forward to them too! I'm actually excited about so many different pods this year, it's not funny.
Trippa said:
You have some great varieties growing their in an equally great polytunnel/hoop house.

Best of luck with the weather/temps and plant growth. Once things really take off you should be enjoying some good harvests there.

Yeah and luckily the temperature has rising a lot so you can literally see them grow every day, it's awesome. Especially the Jalapeno's are getting fatter by the day :lol:
GA Growhead said:
My Giant white habs have baby pods! Really looking forward to them too! I'm actually excited about so many different pods this year, it's not funny.
I know what you mean, I'm excited about every variety I grow this season. There will be so much to try and taste, really looking forward to that. My Giant White is starting to recover after a sunburn, only had 2 bold stems left. Now there's leaves, branches and even saw some buds forming :)
Today I harvest the first ripe pepper of the season, the Chimayo. Not a big pod so I didn't let it hang on the plant to long. Low heat, very sweet at start and a bit of spicy aftertaste. Will make an excellent powder I think! The non peppers are, snack cucumber, pickle and miniature white cucumber.

That was my impression of the Chimayo' too Stefan, but drying them out seems to concentrate the aroma and flavor. Definitely powder these! It was one of the main pepper types in the Chili powder I sent you with the seeds. Cheers!
Hey Meatfreak, 
i see that you are from the netherlands and i wondered when u started your seeds ?
( I'm from Belgium )
You allready have your first ripe pod and mine are just putting out flowers,
i know i started a little late but i am new to growing peppers :)
Hey brother Stefan. Glad to see your plants are coming around and producing some nice poddage. Only gonna get better as the weather warms up. 
keep up the awesome grow and please send some strawberry pie my way  :P
stickman said:
That was my impression of the Chimayo' too Stefan, but drying them out seems to concentrate the aroma and flavor. Definitely powder these! It was one of the main pepper types in the Chili powder I sent you with the seeds. Cheers!
I'm glad to hear that, Rick. I always find it hard to describe the flavor of a pepper, I'm trying to improve my skill this season. That powder was amazing, didn't even last 2 weeks :lol:
Laphroaig said:
Hey Meatfreak, 
i see that you are from the netherlands and i wondered when u started your seeds ?
( I'm from Belgium )
You allready have your first ripe pod and mine are just putting out flowers,
i know i started a little late but i am new to growing peppers :)
I started my season on the 25th of February. Took about 2 weeks to get almost every variety to germinate. The Chimayo was very early to put out flowers at only 4 weeks, since then I had to remove them but I got tired of it so it had a couple of pods when I planted it out. The plants stayed pretty small so far but I hope they will grow again once I pick of the pods and produce a lot more. Luckily I have 6 plants of this variety :D
romy6 said:
Hey brother Stefan. Glad to see your plants are coming around and producing some nice poddage. Only gonna get better as the weather warms up. 
keep up the awesome grow and please send some strawberry pie my way  :P
Hey Jamie. If I could, I would send you some strawberry pie ;) Temperature is staying like this for at least another 2 weeks so I expect a lot of growth these weeks. Although most of the Annuums are setting pods, from experience of last season this means not a lot of vegetative growth till the pods are off.
WalkGood said:
Great pics & harvest Stefan ... I'll bet you'll soon be pulling mas, keep up da awesome work & grow and have a great week!
You have a great week as well, Ramon. For the first time it really feels like summer over here :lol: Tomorrow I'm doing Jerk Chicken Wings on the BBQ :D My wife and I love those!
meatfreak said:
 ... Tomorrow I'm doing Jerk Chicken Wings on the BBQ :D My wife and I love those!
Lucky me I won't be around to get hungry from pictures of your Jerk Chicken, I love the many different varieties … you make your own Jerk Sauce?
I'll be getting around to Jerk Chicken a little later, but I tried my hand at some Javanese food last night.  I really liked it... especially the "Red Devil" Barbecued Chicken (Ayam Panggang Setan)!
WalkGood said:
Lucky me I won't be around to get hungry from pictures of your Jerk Chicken, I love the many different varieties … you make your own Jerk Sauce?

They were mighty tasty again, together with some fresh turnips from the garden and flatbread. I do make the Jerk sauce completely from scratch with fresh produce. All the fresh herbs from the herb garden. I got the recipe from someone 3 years ago and in that time I tweaked it to our liking.
stickman said:
I'll be getting around to Jerk Chicken a little later, but I tried my hand at some Javanese food last night.  I really liked it... especially the "Red Devil" Barbecued Chicken (Ayam Panggang Setan)!
I saw your post wit the Javanese, absolutely very very tasty and good looking!! I'm sure you really liked it, as it looked tasty as hell :D
Ooh... nice shot of the Jerk Chicken on the grill Stefan! +1 on homemade! Nothing else even comes close. :drooling:  I got a box of love from coheed196 with some gnarly-looking pods... I think I'll be using some of them to make up some jerk this weekend when my wife gets home from Canada!
stickman said:
Ooh... nice shot of the Jerk Chicken on the grill Stefan! +1 on homemade! Nothing else even comes close. :drooling:  I got a box of love from coheed196 with some gnarly-looking pods... I think I'll be using some of them to make up some jerk this weekend when my wife gets home from Canada!
Thanks, Rick. We always have a batch ready in the freezer to pull out whenever we feel like eating it, especially during the summer we eat it almost every 2 weeks. I feel it's even more marinated and seasoned when it's being in the freezer for at least a week, then just seasoning it over night.
We've been having amazing weather these last few weeks and the plants are absolutely loving it 
 and so does the weeds :( So time for another update 

Chilhuacle Negro

Waialua (PIC1) No pods yet but it's grown a lot.


Devil Serrano

Jalapeño Goliath

Jalapeño Gigantia. The pods are much lighter then your regular Jalapeño. Curious to if it will actually ripe off red.

Coyote Zan White. Unfortunately not true, looks more like a yellow Chupetinha/Biquinho to me  


Maldivian White? Not exactly but the traits remind me of the Fidalga Roxa or CGN21500, only the podshape is of course different.

Biker Flames F2. 3 plants, 2 different podshapes.


A bump would be nice :) got a lot more coming!