• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2014 Glog

So I've started my grow a couple of weeks ago, 28th of January. I use the same setup as previous seasons, 2x 125watt CFL 6400K lights, black/white foil. First round were the Chinense, about 22 different varieties, mostly superhots and hots. Almost everything germinated within a week and with a total germ rate of 92% I was pretty pleased. I potted them up last week and they quickly showed new growth again. Well enough talk, this is what the plants looked like yesterday, 10 days after transplant and almost 4 weeks from start date.


Devil’s Tongue White (Jason/GA Growhead)

This one is a beast, very rapid growth, big leaves and already branching out? Georgia Black (Jason/GA Growhead)


This season I'm growing out a couple of crosses from friends like Gary/Nagabrain Chocolate F-2, Mike/Elysium Oxide Bonnet and Jamie/Green Hornet F-2. Also some phenotypes that showed up at John's garden, 7 Pot Peach F-2 and 7 Pot Caramel F-2. Of course I'm also growing my own discovery from last season, Pimenta Lisa F-2. Got 2 seedlings going, one has the desired traits so far and the other one is green as grass. Looking forward to growing both out!
Last weekend I started up the second round, mostly Annuum and some Chinense I got in trades these last few weeks. Today the the first ones sprouted after merely 3 days and even Chinense! Well that's it for now, thanks for keeping up so far :D
stickman said:
That's a real drag about the one twig Stefan... once you lose the nodes there's not much you can do but bow to the inevitable. the plants with the crispy leaves at least have intact nodes... they'll look ugly for a while, but will eventually grow out of it. The really large leaves the plants develop when we grow them inside under artificial light are more of a liability than an asset I think. They're not quite tough enough to stand up to full sun, and have enough surface area to really catch the gusty winds we get in spring and beat up the plants. I always figure on losing them, I just hope they stay there long enough to provide the energy the plants need to make the new ones.
Yup, your absolutely right. The shitty thing about it was that I had actually 5 plants of it but gave 3 away to a friend. Now I might end up with nothing  :banghead: Oh well as long as all the others bounce back I'm happy, will set me back at least a month. I always remove them also later when they have grown some. I'm gonna leave the doors open from now on since the weather is really good and forecasts are to. A night temperature of 54F is fine.
On the other hand the Madame Jeanette pods have grown and looks true :)


Tomato tunnel is almost done now, my eggplants and cukes were really really rootbound. 2 types of eggplant, Rosa Bianca and classic Italian. 4 kinds of snack/mini cukes, didn't plan on so many but got 10 plants from my neighbor and didn't wanna let them go to waste since I have the space for it. We're gonna eat cukes every day, very soon :lol:

It's also time to plant out my Basil.
Sorry you lost a few Stefan!  Glad to see some pods tho.  The string trellising is working out awesome it looks like.  All the tomatoes seeds you sent I started the day I received and already have a Purple Calabash on the vine along with a few others :party:   I know I probably should say this on here but I'm almost looking forward to my tomatoes this year as much as my peppers.  Can't wait to try some of the varieties you sent me.  Thanks again! 
Jamison said:
Sorry you lost a few Stefan!  Glad to see some pods tho.  The string trellising is working out awesome it looks like.  All the tomatoes seeds you sent I started the day I received and already have a Purple Calabash on the vine along with a few others :party:   I know I probably should say this on here but I'm almost looking forward to my tomatoes this year as much as my peppers.  Can't wait to try some of the varieties you sent me.  Thanks again! 
Happy to hear they are doing well and already producing! :D I think it's no problem to say that, I feel the same way ;) Can't wait to see the plants in full swing, the maters are going very well, all flowers and a few have set already. The purple Calabash was one of my most prolific varieties last season. Also very early it kept on giving until the end I just had to remove the plant since it was getting to cold and they weren't gonna ripen of anymore.
Devv said:
Sorry about the plants taking a hit, all of mine did this season after they got in the dirt. I think my soil was too cold or I over watered at first. But they will rebound. A little TLC and they will surprise you.
Yeah, I know they will rebound but I just felt so stupid. I should have known and I do. Anyway so far it looks like there are no new leaves burned. Yesterday I prepped the other side of the tunnel and watered it a LOT, after 45 minutes I checked how far deep it was, just 2 inches wet/moist and then stone dry again. So I watered some more before covering it with the sheet. Started to harden of the Annuum and some Chinense that were still inside, should be ready by the end of this week. I will be more careful this time though. Temperature has been really good and it's gonna get even better this week. Night temperature around 60F, not complaining here :) Managed to do some more crossing this weekend, finally had some more pollen ready :D
I've had to water my garden just to till it, and went that entire season without ANY rain.
I fear water may be worth more than money soon. We just keep adding people and homes.
I already know several people who have city water and no longer garden due to the cost.
I realized a major mistake I made in prep for the garden this season. The area I grew peppers in until Dec. is in bad shape. The cover crop never came in due to cold. And I ran out of manure to till in. A big difference in growth there versus the rest of the garden. We learn from what happens ;)
Congrats on the warm forecast!
I really hate the likes popo's!
Devv said:
I've had to water my garden just to till it, and went that entire season without ANY rain.
I fear water may be worth more than money soon. We just keep adding people and homes.
I already know several people who have city water and no longer garden due to the cost.
I realized a major mistake I made in prep for the garden this season. The area I grew peppers in until Dec. is in bad shape. The cover crop never came in due to cold. And I ran out of manure to till in. A big difference in growth there versus the rest of the garden. We learn from what happens ;)
Congrats on the warm forecast!
I really hate the likes popo's!
Your right, sorry to hear about your mistake. We all learn every season, right :)
Some more pod pics.


Devil's Tongue White (thnx Jason)
stickman said:
Hi Stefan,
     Just a few quick lines to let you know that the Jalapeno Ciclon you sent seeds for started setting pods this weekend. It'll be some time until they get as big as yours, but at least they're on their way. Cheers!
Thanks for the update, Rick. Looking forward to seeing them :) There's more then enough time to get the big boys :)
Devv said:
Glad to see the poddage!
Poppers are in the future!
Definitely, although these need to ripen first since they are crosses I've attempted.
Some more (small) pods being formed.
Sweet Chocolate

And lots of these little buggers, Murupi Amarela.
Devv said:
I had to look up the Murupi Amarela, sounds like in interesting pepper!
Glad to see the continuing poddage too!
GA Growhead said:
That Murupi Amarela sounds like a tasty one.
It does and it ripens of white so that's a winner for me :) Of course I will save seeds so get back to me at the end of the season and I'll hook you guys up. Looks like it's gonna have a lot of pods, flowers everywhere.
So I went to the garden today for watering and noticed a lot of new growth at the damaged plants  :dance:  :dance: After a week, did not expect them to bounce back this quickly! Still looks a bit like an battlefield but in no time it will be a jungle I'm sure :)

7 Pot Evergreen

Weird 7 Pot Lava Yellow I topped off, the new growth keeps on being weird :)

Pimenta Lisa

Pink Tigers

Even the HGW with the black internodes has new growth if my eyes don't deceive me.

Not peppers but my cukes have taken of also.


2 varieties of eggplants, Italian Heirloom and Rosa Bianca.
You're on your way Stefan!
Glad to see the ladies are kicking back in. Peppers are so resilient, it's just crazy.
It's going to be a jungle soon!
Way to go Stefan... it's all looking stellar! I had a Chilhuacle Negro that was growing kinda funky last year, and it looked a lot like what you show in your 7-pot Lava pic. It also had a bit of variegation at first but eventually grew out of both and stabilized. I don't think I'd save seeds from that plant, but I'd grow it out. Cheers!