• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2014 Glog

So I've started my grow a couple of weeks ago, 28th of January. I use the same setup as previous seasons, 2x 125watt CFL 6400K lights, black/white foil. First round were the Chinense, about 22 different varieties, mostly superhots and hots. Almost everything germinated within a week and with a total germ rate of 92% I was pretty pleased. I potted them up last week and they quickly showed new growth again. Well enough talk, this is what the plants looked like yesterday, 10 days after transplant and almost 4 weeks from start date.


Devil’s Tongue White (Jason/GA Growhead)

This one is a beast, very rapid growth, big leaves and already branching out? Georgia Black (Jason/GA Growhead)


This season I'm growing out a couple of crosses from friends like Gary/Nagabrain Chocolate F-2, Mike/Elysium Oxide Bonnet and Jamie/Green Hornet F-2. Also some phenotypes that showed up at John's garden, 7 Pot Peach F-2 and 7 Pot Caramel F-2. Of course I'm also growing my own discovery from last season, Pimenta Lisa F-2. Got 2 seedlings going, one has the desired traits so far and the other one is green as grass. Looking forward to growing both out!
Last weekend I started up the second round, mostly Annuum and some Chinense I got in trades these last few weeks. Today the the first ones sprouted after merely 3 days and even Chinense! Well that's it for now, thanks for keeping up so far :D
Devv said:
I can hear it "plant me!"
Nice looking gal there!
GA Growhead said:
Plant me! Just echoed on this side of the pond. That jala looks delicious!
:lol: Yeah it's in there for a while, plant is now 15 weeks old but still growing. Got the seeds from a guy named Jason :P The Jala is gonna be the first of the season and I'm gonna enjoy eating it, but first it has to ripen of.
Big Time progress in the conservatories (tunnels).
I like the twine...will you train the pepper branches to grow upwards when they try to grow outwards ?

Any pods on the Oxide Bonnets ?, I have a few small ones...the starting color is a very light green almost blond in color...pretty cool !

The Jaloro's will take quite some time to change to red. The store bought one's around here are sold when they are in the yellow phase.
maximumcapsicum said:
+1 on the Jala. I got annuums on the brain lately... must be the jalapeno pulls.
Keep it growin' Stefan!
Thanks, Adam. I love Jalapeno's :)
chile_freak said:
Wow very nice grow! I be keeping an eye to see that 7pot peach!
It's flowering heavy at the moment, won't be long till I get some pods I hope :)
PIC 1 said:
Big Time progress in the conservatories (tunnels).
I like the twine...will you train the pepper branches to grow upwards when they try to grow outwards ?

Any pods on the Oxide Bonnets ?, I have a few small ones...the starting color is a very light green almost blond in color...pretty cool !

The Jaloro's will take quite some time to change to red. The store bought one's around here are sold when they are in the yellow phase.
I do, Greg. I cut away (early) one of the branches when the plant started to fork at most Chinense to get some more height also. Once they get like 4 ft I stop doing this but still will guide the branches upwards. The Annuum will get there on their own so no need to put more effort in those, unless the method proves to be succesfull.
No pods on the Oxide Bonnets yet, they've taken an heavy blow. Dropping leaves and such but they are recovering now, should have pods forming by the end of this month I hope. Sounds cool! I've seen this before with varieties that ripens of to a Caramel/Cappuccino color. Thanks for the info on the Jaloro's. Wanted to try it and thought it would give a nice contrast in the jars when I pickle my Jalapeno's :) What about the flavor is it like an Jal? Great seeing you again, hope you are doing well?!
It's been very hot these past days and it looks like it's not changing soon. We do have rain mostly at nights so luckily it cools down a bit.
Thai Demon pods, yellow on the leaves is the reflection of the sun :)

Jwala forming pods (PeriPeri)

Yaki Blue, just planted out, some leave damage.

Devil's Tongue Chocolate (Pepperlover)

Scotch Bonnet Yellow x 7-Pot BS Yellow F-2 (PIC1) really thick stem already.


Strawberry ice cream :)
stickman said:
It looks like my Thais will be coming in right behind yours Stefan. :)  Picked our first strawberries of the season today too. If you want enough strawberries for ice cream, you'd better not show them to your daughter... ;)
Yeah, they are rooted now which you can really see but all the growth it's putting out. Think we had about 5 lbs of strawberries so far. Of course I couldn't held back on giving some to my daughter when she saw them :lol:
GA Growhead said:
Strawberry ice cream! On my way! ;)
Already finished! First time using the new ice maker, wasn't perfect yet but had a really good taste :)
Maybe capsidadburn can help me out here, I ran across this fellow in the tunnel. Biggest one I've ever seen, think it was about 3-4 inches in length.


Petit Marseillais

Old man's face?
Old man face pods seem to be a frequent occurance.  If you haven't seen an old thread I made called "Face pods" it's a good laugh and a long look back thru THP history.  Potawie added his previous collection to it to make a nice laughable viewing trip.
There is certainly enough info available in those two pics to get you an ID on the dragonfly Stefan.  It is certainly different than what I see this side of the pond.  I give it a look for sure!
Have a great day!

Looks like it might be Anax junius.  Yours looks like a male.  Heres a link to a male.  It is found here in Texas too up to Canada  but no mention of Europe.
The cerci, (tail spike looking thing) is not noticibly present on this Anax imperator so I now believe it's the Anax junius.  Most likly Anax imperator Stefan.
The next choice would be Brachytron pratense but those images turned up quite a bit more variety in color with only a few like yours.
Thanks for the challenge!
capsidadburn said:
Old man face pods seem to be a frequent occurance.  If you haven't seen an old thread I made called "Face pods" it's a good laugh and a long look back thru THP history.  Potawie added his previous collection to it to make a nice laughable viewing trip.
There is certainly enough info available in those two pics to get you an ID on the dragonfly Stefan.  It is certainly different than what I see this side of the pond.  I give it a look for sure!
Have a great day!

Looks like it might be Anax junius.  Yours looks like a male.  Heres a link to a male.  It is found here in Texas too up to Canada  but no mention of Europe.
The cerci, (tail spike looking thing) is not noticibly present on this Anax imperator so I now believe it's the Anax junius.  Most likly Anax imperator Stefan.
The next choice would be Brachytron pratense but those images turned up quite a bit more variety in color with only a few like yours.
Thanks for the challenge!
Thanks, Mike! Judging by the pictures I would go for the Anax Junius. It made quite some noise when it was flying around, scared the sh*t out of me when it suddenly moved for the first time. Not sure if they sting?
Devv said:
Plants and pods look great!
And those Strawberries, yum!
Nice pics of the dragon Fly. Every time I see one I don't have the camera. :mope:
I only make pictures with my smartphone and I always have it close by so easier for me to just snap pics :) Strawberries are really tasty only they bruise so easily. The rest of them went into the freezer for the next batch of ice cream :)
maximumcapsicum said:
Creepy pod Stefan. Does growing the plants on a string strengthen them or help them grow taller?
Instead of staking them, I prefer this method. Easier and it doesn't fall over once the plant gets to heavy. You can also guide them to grow more taller, at least that's the idea :)
The first peppers of the season have started to ripen of. Hardly any difference this morning but got some real color now. Madame Jeanette's, from pollination tot ripening of in 5 weeks. Plant is still inside but once the pods are harvested, I will plant it out inside the tunnel.
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice to know. Is that the old man face? If so it sure matured quick.
No, this is a pod that's already been formed before that one :) Old man face was just 3 days old. The varieties are pretty similar in shape though.
capsidadburn said:
Stefan, I liked that one (Anax junius) too, but its distribution says otherwise.  Maybe it found its way accross.  I did find one site that suggested presence in Russia, China, and United Kingdom, but that there was not a population, just blown in by storms.   Here's two more nice links.
Nice looking pics of the dragonfly by the way and cool ripe Madam Jeanette!
Maybe this one was blown in by storms also because reading that wiki the size really is spot on, 3 to 4 inch sounds about right. It was freaking huge :) Last year I've seen my share of weird bugs also. Maybe it's a sign of the changing climate?