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Meatfreak 2014 Glog

So I've started my grow a couple of weeks ago, 28th of January. I use the same setup as previous seasons, 2x 125watt CFL 6400K lights, black/white foil. First round were the Chinense, about 22 different varieties, mostly superhots and hots. Almost everything germinated within a week and with a total germ rate of 92% I was pretty pleased. I potted them up last week and they quickly showed new growth again. Well enough talk, this is what the plants looked like yesterday, 10 days after transplant and almost 4 weeks from start date.


Devil’s Tongue White (Jason/GA Growhead)

This one is a beast, very rapid growth, big leaves and already branching out? Georgia Black (Jason/GA Growhead)


This season I'm growing out a couple of crosses from friends like Gary/Nagabrain Chocolate F-2, Mike/Elysium Oxide Bonnet and Jamie/Green Hornet F-2. Also some phenotypes that showed up at John's garden, 7 Pot Peach F-2 and 7 Pot Caramel F-2. Of course I'm also growing my own discovery from last season, Pimenta Lisa F-2. Got 2 seedlings going, one has the desired traits so far and the other one is green as grass. Looking forward to growing both out!
Last weekend I started up the second round, mostly Annuum and some Chinense I got in trades these last few weeks. Today the the first ones sprouted after merely 3 days and even Chinense! Well that's it for now, thanks for keeping up so far :D
stickman said:
Way to go Stefan... it's all looking stellar! I had a Chilhuacle Negro that was growing kinda funky last year, and it looked a lot like what you show in your 7-pot Lava pic. It also had a bit of variegation at first but eventually grew out of both and stabilized. I don't think I'd save seeds from that plant, but I'd grow it out. Cheers!
Never seen something extreme like this before, Rick. If the leaves and stems are already this twisted what are the pods gonna look like is my thought :) I stripped and topped it of to see if the new growth was the same, which it is. The other 2 plants had it in the beginning but are now "normal".
Portuge said:
beautiful looking specimens... Great job Stefan....
maximumcapsicum said:
Your grow looks meticulous Stefan! Good going. Lots of innovation and organization here. What crosses are you most excited about?
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looking really nice.
Thanks! Difficult to say which particular crosses I'm most excited about. I would say every variety I'm growing this season :D
Some new pictures.
7 Pot Evergreen a week later.

7 Pot Jonah Orange. Sheet works but I should have done it the same way like I did with the tomatoes. Damn weeds find their way anyhow.

The force is strong in these, Habanero White Giant, don't think I will get to see any ripe pods coming of this one but how resilient can a plant be? I did bury the plants a bit deeper during plant out, guess that made the difference in this case. 


Pimenta Lisa F2, dark pheno, getting back in shape again.

Cute as a bug :)

Rick, the Datterini is getting out of hand here already :) Won't be long till I can top of the plant.

Cukes are coming.
My Datterinis are growing a lot more compactly here Stefan, but they have good sturdy stems, dark green foliage and the beginnings of blossoms. The plants have more than doubled in size between the recent rain and the sunny days afterwards. The Costolutos and Russian Plum Tomatoes also have a similar habit ATM... I think they're all gonna be beasts, but they're building their foundations now. I'll try to get some pics for you tomorrow.  Meanwhile... great pics of the plants in your hoophouse, and continued success brother!
capsidadburn said:
Stefan, Everything looks great but that Pimenta Lisa is very beautiful!  Can't wait to see them loading up.
Mike :P
Me either, Mike. Once your Scotch Bonnet is in better shape again, I will post some pictures. At the moment I'm to embarrassed to show, it has taken an hard hit but is getting back.
HillBilly Jeff said:
I need to start just watching Colorado type glogs....you know...the ones that are behind me in planting!!!
Looking good.
Don't worry, Jeff. I haven't planted out everything yet so I'm still behind on planting ;)
stickman said:
My Datterinis are growing a lot more compactly here Stefan, but they have good sturdy stems, dark green foliage and the beginnings of blossoms. The plants have more than doubled in size between the recent rain and the sunny days afterwards. The Costolutos and Russian Plum Tomatoes also have a similar habit ATM... I think they're all gonna be beasts, but they're building their foundations now. I'll try to get some pics for you tomorrow.  Meanwhile... great pics of the plants in your hoophouse, and continued success brother!
That's normal, Rick but from last years experience I knew this and that's why I removed the excess leaves and suckers until they were at least 3 feet tall. Otherwise the air circulation isn't very well. They love a lot of water in the beginning when they are growing, rain and sunny days are excellent.
Pimenta Lisa F2 "green pheno"

Morado (romy6)

My only OW Jalapeno FMP.

Murupi Amarela

Jalapeño Jaloro
GA Growhead said:
The jaloro ripens red still?
That green Lisa I'd a beautiful specimen!
Glad to see the GWH fighting itself back to life! Plans may continue!
Apparently it does :lol: I was under the impressing it ripens to yellow... damn :) Plans do continue indeed! Got some 7 Pot White plants as back from a friend ;)
Devv said:
Very nice Stefan!
Things are moving along nicely.
Keep it green!
They sure do, Scott. The tunnel is starting to fill up nicely, almost done with the plant out. The Chinense are recovering very well.
Elysium Oxide Bonnet F-4 (capsidadburn)

Georgia Black (GA Growhead) They are slowly recovering.

7 Pot Peach (Sawyer)

Thai Demon

Orange Thai (cmpman1974)

Jwala (PeriPeri)

Time to get beezy. Tomatillo flower.
Looking good Stefan!
That's a different looking bee, what kind is it? I saw a honey bee on the sunflowers today and wanted a pic; it's pollen sacs were really full and the bee was yellow from working the flowers. I ran and got the camera, it was gone :mope:
Which reminded me I left the camera outside!
So how do you water them with the small cutout?
Have a great week!
Devv said:
Looking good Stefan!
That's a different looking bee, what kind is it? I saw a honey bee on the sunflowers today and wanted a pic; it's pollen sacs were really full and the bee was yellow from working the flowers. I ran and got the camera, it was gone :mope:
Which reminded me I left the camera outside!
So how do you water them with the small cutout?
Have a great week!
No idea what kind of bee it is, Scott :) it went from flower to flower before going to the Tomatillo. They really like Tomatillo flowers. The water runs through the sheet and for now I give it extra work where the small cutout is. Have been doing the same with the tomatoes and works perfect. You can see the result of when I did the bigger cutout, still lots of weeds grow there :( you have a great week as well!
cone9 said:
Fine looking setup, Stefan.   You should be quite proud of that.
Your plants look wonderful as well.
Is that plastic or landscape fabric?  If plastic I'd guess you don't have much need to water with so little evaporation.
Thanks! It's woven landscape plastic.
stickman said:
All looking good Stefan! Glad to see you're beginning to get flowers on your plants now. Cool looking Bumblebee too... I've never seen a brown one before. Cheers!
Cheers, Rick. Been pinching of buds for almost 2 months, very happy I can finally let them go now. Time to get some pod action ;)
romy6 said:
 Stefan , outstanding grow  per usual . :dance:
But where are all the Jalapenos ? :rolleyes:
I have only seen a couple varieties so far  ;)
Once they have rooted I will take some pictures, Jamie. I do have Jalapeno's of course :D Not as much as last season but still 24 plants as I gave 6 away. 8 different varieties I haven't grown before except 1 :P Today it was 95F in the poly tunnel with both doors open so they are wilted most of the time for now. Only makes them stronger in the end and ready for what's to come during summer.
maximumcapsicum said:
Plants are looking strong Stefan. Loving the GA Blacks!
They are very impressive in growth habit, now it's time to set some pods :)