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MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
After correcting my under watering issue on the sprouts, they're really starting to put on the growth now. Have a few in miracle gro seed starting mix that are lagging behind those in the light warrior, so probably going to change them out of the MG and into either LW (if I have enough left), ocean forest, though I'm worried about that being a bit too hot for them at this stage, or into my own mix. Decisions decisions lol.
Updated pics of the seedlings in cups-


I have a feeling they should be bigger than they are due to the watering issues. If so, another rookie lesson learned. 
MeatHead1313 said:
I have a feeling they should be bigger than they are due to the watering issues. If so, another rookie lesson learned. 
I've been experiencing the same problem with my grow. My guys are 6 weeks old and about the same size as yours. Going to up the watering schedule on a select few and see what happens.
Also started feeding the ones that dropped their cotyledons, and that seems to have perked them up.
blorvak said:
I've been experiencing the same problem with my grow. My guys are 6 weeks old and about the same size as yours. Going to up the watering schedule on a select few and see what happens.
Also started feeding the ones that dropped their cotyledons, and that seems to have perked them up.
I gave mine a light dose of seaweed extract on their last watering. Seemed to help a little as well. Might try a light dose of fish emulsion in a couple of waterings time.
beerbreath81 said:
nice work on the DIY soil, looks great. How is the Jamacian Yellow doing. Are you still waiting on more additions before transplanting the rest??
Thanks BB. So far so good on the test yellow mushroom, though it's only been 2 days so time will tell. I'm going to transplant as each plant needs it. The chinense's are growing a lot slower than the others, so they'll more than likely be transplanted last. 
While at a local nursery on Saturday I picked up an already setup sfrb for soil tests from LSU. Going to send off a sample of my homemade mix to see how it stands, and a sample of the soil at my wife's church so I can see what needs to be added before planting. 
Everything looking good Chris!
I'm not one to water heavily until I can put them outside.
And you did right not chunking those babies in the weather unless you're around to watch them. I should have been more clear, my older plants go outside, not the solo cup gals.
Devv said:
Everything looking good Chris!
I'm not one to water heavily until I can put them outside.
And you did right not chunking those babies in the weather unless you're around to watch them. I should have been more clear, my older plants go outside, not the solo cup gals.
Thanks Scott. I was going roughly a week at a time between waterings on the solo cups, mainly due to worries about over watering which was a problem I had on the plants in the greenhouse when they were in cups last year. Ended up going the opposite direction lol. Just another lesson for me to learn from, and I can easily say if it wasn't for all the advice available on here I probably would've killed everything and given up on starting from seed and just bought already started plants. Thankfully I can either get advice or research on here and correct any mistakes I make. And hopefully I can have a good enough season that I'll end up with more peppers than I'll need and be able to share the love on here.  :dance:   
We're always learning. Mine in the solos are under lights with a box fan. The smallest get a tiny sip everyday, I tend to be on the shy side when it comes to water. Once in the dirt, in the sun and wind I keep them moist.
Keep it green!
Devv said:
We're always learning. Mine in the solos are under lights with a box fan. The smallest get a tiny sip everyday, I tend to be on the shy side when it comes to water. Once in the dirt, in the sun and wind I keep them moist.
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott. A small drink every day sounds like a good plan to keep the soil moist but not too wet. At the height of the problem when I watered them the water was instantly running out the bottom of the cups due to it being far too dry. A good soak fixed that problem thankfully. 
HillBilly Jeff said:
The plants are looking good.
Thanks Jeff. It was your advice that helped me fix the under watering issue. Appreciate the info!
thirdcoasttx said:
Seedlings look good! Looks like you'll have your hands full in no time.
Thanks thirdcoast! Definitely hope so. Really itching to start harvesting some pods!
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking good mh! The seedlings are looking strong, and kudos for making your own mix. That isn't easy.

Watering the solo cups is a fine art, but it looks like you're getting it down! Keep on growing!
Thanks Adam. Will be interesting to see the results of the soil test when I get them back.
Watering issues have seemed to be my only major mistakes so far thankfully. Hope you're right about me getting it down lol.
Jamaican yellow mushroom seems to be liking the homemade mix so far. I didn't measure it when I planted it, but it seems to me as if it's grown a bit since it's transfer. I did put it out in the greenhouse as well, though shaded from full sun by the larger plants. So unsure if it's the mix or the natural light that's helping the most there.


Found another spare 6 inch pot this afternoon, so decided to pot up a Jimmy Nardello as well into my own mix. Buried it a little deeper than it was in the cup, so currently it's sitting right at 3 inches tall. This one was also moved out to the greenhouse and shaded behind the larger plants.

maximumcapsicum said:
Pot ups look great MH! Will be interested to see the results. I bet the plants love your mix!
Thanks Adam. I'm hoping they do too haha. It worked out a hell of a lot cheaper making my own mix rather than buying FF online, which was my only way of getting it as nowhere around here stocks it. I think Amazon has the happy frog and ocean forest at around $40 a bag now with prime, and it would've just cost far too much to order enough of that for all the plants. I think so far I've spent about $40-50 for everything for my own mix, and I'll get a lot more mix with that than I would with one bag of FF. And I found a great nursery fairly close by on the weekend that has any amendments I'll need cheap if it turns out I need any.
Devv said:
+1 on 294!
We're always learning and moving forward. Good job with the transplants!
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott!
Not much to report at the moment. Waiting on some new pots so I can start transplanting. Have some 1 gallon grow bags, along with a couple 10 gallon and 1 15 gallon to try out some larger pots on a couple plants ordered. Just waiting on them to come in.
Did find another old pot laying around so potted up an MoA today into some FF Ocean Forest. Still have half a bag so need to use it up.
Sm1nts2escape said:
The Jimmy Nardello looks real nice and healthy. I am also planning on potting up with 1 gal grow bags. Interested to see how they work and think they will help combat mold.
I'm interested to see how they work too. So far I've generally gone from cups to plastic 6 inch pots. I have noticed with the plants I have in the dollar store eco friendly bags that they need to be watered more often than the plants in plastic pots, so I don't think mold will be an issue if the proper root pouches have similar drainage.
Transplanted another couple of plants today, this time 2 of the older plants. My wife's being buying the buckets of kitty litter for our cat, and instead of just throwing the buckets away when finished, I'll drill a bunch of holes in the bottom and reuse them for the plants. Finally got finished with another bucket, so transplanted one of the greenhouse plants from the small 12 inch pot it was in into the new bucket. If I've figured it out right these buckets are roughly 5 gallons.

As I then had a free 12 inch pot, and my Brazilian starfish was looking like it was getting too big for the 6 inch pot it was in, gave it an upgrade as well.

Both were potted into the last of my Ocean Forest mix, so any future pot ups will be into my own mix, providing there's no catastrophic failure there.
Really need these last few cold fronts to hurry up and disappear so I can get the plants out of the greenhouse for good. Most of the plants are now pressing up against the edges, and I'd hate to see them get some sort of infection from it. 