• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Those goats looked like they have been crossed with a brainstorming! The ones I got last year were much smoother, and the same with the early runts this year. Yours look great and mean!
bpwilly said:
Those goats looked like they have been crossed with a brainstorming! The ones I got last year were much smoother, and the same with the early runts this year. Yours look great and mean!
His look awfully mean for a goat! I have only seen smooth ones too, hope a experienced bahamian goat grower will chime in
Thanks all. If I remember right on the Bahamian goat the pod I took seeds from last year was similarly bumpy. Tastes outstanding, and a nice heat level as well

Been pretty busy here the last few days so not much of an update. I had the privilege of meeting windchicken on Friday as he was coming down for the Louisiana hot sauce expo and had offered me some plants, which I accepted. What was originally going to be just these

F3 nagabrains and a Madame Jeanette
Ended up as these added as well

Left to right-yellow 7 pot, F1 nagabrain, Trinidad Congo red and a Birgit's locoto.
Thanks again Gary! It was a pleasure meeting you, and an extremely generous offer. Hopefully I don't mess up and can keep the plants thriving.
Did some picking today. Quick pic of a slightly deformed yellow 7 off my plant


Today's harvest. 

Not a bad haul, but absolutely tiny compared to what I picked off the plants I got from windchicken. 5 gallon bucket nearly fully loaded
Hey Noah!
Joshua, the festival was one of the best experiences of my entire life…I am not exaggerating even a little. I look forward to meeting you there next year!
Chris, those plants are in excellent hands now. I am 100% confident that in your care and in that wonderful South Louisiana climate they will continue to give you buckets of fruit!  :party: Your plants are some lucky bushes…I was amazing at their vigor and productivity and the wonderful variety you have there…Thanks so much for sharing your produce with me—Those are far and away the most potent and tasty Aji Limon I have ever eaten, by several orders of magnitude, and I cannot believe these Bahamian Goats. I've grown two different variants of it, but none of them came close to producing the large, beautiful pods I'm holding in the photo:

I had a couple of your tasty Squash Peppers with breakfast at the hotel Saturday morning, and I'm sold on these Bonnet-looking annuums. Wonderful flavor and a real nice kick:

It was great meeting your family and hanging out with you at the sauce fest… :P Grow on, dude!
LS929 said:
That is a crazy amount of pods!!!!
That sucks I almost went to the hot sauce festival too. How was it?
The festival was great. Both my wife and I had a great time, and I think we spent more money buying stuff for her than we did me, which is something I would never have thought possible! Haha. All the vendors were outstanding. Extremely friendly and down to earth. I'm already looking forward to next years!
millworkman said:
Closer pictures of those massive plants Gary gave you please!!!
Sure thing! Got a few closer pics coming up.
windchicken said:
Hey Noah!
Joshua, the festival was one of the best experiences of my entire life…I am not exaggerating even a little. I look forward to meeting you there next year!
Chris, those plants are in excellent hands now. I am 100% confident that in your care and in that wonderful South Louisiana climate they will continue to give you buckets of fruit!  :party: Your plants are some lucky bushes…I was amazing at their vigor and productivity and the wonderful variety you have there…Thanks so much for sharing your produce with me—Those are far and away the most potent and tasty Aji Limon I have ever eaten, by several orders of magnitude, and I cannot believe these Bahamian Goats. I've grown two different variants of it, but none of them came close to producing the large, beautiful pods I'm holding in the photo:

I had a couple of your tasty Squash Peppers with breakfast at the hotel Saturday morning, and I'm sold on these Bonnet-looking annuums. Wonderful flavor and a real nice kick:

It was great meeting your family and hanging out with you at the sauce fest… :P Grow on, dude!
Appreciate the kind words Gary! I've got some more aji lemons, yellow mushrooms and a couple more goats ready if you'd like some more. 
Update time. A few closer pics of the plants I got from Gary.
F3 nagabrains


Madame Jeanette

Yellow 7 pot

F1 nagabrain

Trinidad congo red

Birgit's locoto

Will have updates on my plants shortly
Ok update time on my plants. Meant to do this last night but fell asleep.
Have my first, and so far only, Bonda ma Jacques ripening. 

Yellow mushrooms are starting to ripen in numbers, rather than the 1 or 2 at a time I was getting. Plant 1 (this one's extremely dense so hard to get a good pic)

Plant 2

Soooo close to having my first ripe CGN21500

My wife and I gave our aloe vera plant another pot up, and got 5 pups off it in the process. Had 3 real small one's that were given away between co workers, and the bigger 2 will go to my mother in law and sister in law. Pretty sure we'll get more, so if anyone's interested I may have some to send out before seasons end
The 2 biggest pups

Big mumma in her new shoes

Jimmy nardello that I repotted into the Dr Earth potting mix seems to be bouncing back

Always a great site to find beneficials in the garden. Assassin bug nymph on patrol

2nd round of pods is coming in nicely on the Bhut Indian Carbon. 

That's 10. More after a bump.

HillBilly Jeff said:
Are you sure those aren't trees?  Holy crap those are some nice peppers.  By this time next year I expect to see you sitting at a picnic table shaded by these trees!!!
Awesome plants man.
Thanks Jeff! Sitting at a picnic table shaded by pepper trees sounds great, hopefully I'll be able to do it! All credit goes to windchicken on those plants though, it was his hard work that got them to this stage.
Thanks neoguy! 
Got a bunch of pain ripening in here. Not red brain strain. I heard again from seacowboy regarding these, and he said he has Primo's planted there that look like mine, so he's pretty sure they're Primo's and not reapers or funky brains. Either way, great flavour, and hot as Hell!

Finally have pods on my 2nd SB7J plant, and turns out it's a not as well. Lesson learned from seed saving last year, try to save the seeds on different plates for drying, and not all on the same plate. 


MoA suffering from overwatering due to all the rain we've had here lately. Still setting pods though so I'm happy there

More ripe Bahamian goats!

Just finished applying a fresh round of fertilizer to some of the plants. Decided to try the Dr Earth Homegrown tomato and vegetable fertilizer over the Espoma tomato tone and Jobe's organics tomato ferts I have been using as I can get a 12 pound bag of the Dr Earth at my local garden centre for only double what a 4 pound bag of the other 2 were costing me at Lowes. No idea how it'll work yet, but I can say it smells much better than the other 2. While the Jobe's and Espoma stink to high heaven, the Dr Earth smells (to me at least) similar to hay. Much more pleasant to work with.
After a nice little "cool" front came through at the end of last week, knocking the humidity down and making it pleasant to be outside, the typical Louisiana weather is back with a vengeance. Hot, and extremely humid. After being out in that, and seeing as I have the next 2 days off, time for a little refreshment

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!
Couple more quick updates. Tomatoes haven't been doing well with all the rain we've been having. Too much water is causing nearly all the fruit to split

Also have yet another mystery pepper. This is from the original plants I started last September and OW'ed. The seeds I planted then were for fatalii, yellow bhut, chocolate scorpion, brain strain (now labelled as Primo), aji limon, black Hungarian and Chinese 5 colour. Definitely doesn't look like any of those

Quick shot of the innards

My  (uneducated) guesses would either be a red fatalii, or a cross of some sort. Aroma to me is very fruity, and not very pungent heat wise. I taste tested a piece of a pod and it was sweet and fruity tasting, with a decent heat. If anyone has any idea at all what this could be feel free to let me know. Or if someone would like to try it themselves and do some sort of review and have a guess I have several pods of these and could fill the rest of an sfrb with a mixed assortment. 
Things are looking saaweeet your way Chris!
My "goats" are coming in as well, been so busy I've just chunked them in the freezer, along with a ton of others. So far the freezer monitor (LB) hasn't complained yet ;)
Nice score on those most excellent trees from Gary, he's a stand up kinda guy for sure!
Keep it green!