• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Your plants look great!!
Can't eait for the mail to come.in the am
Thanks Denniz! Hope the box arrives safely!
maximumcapsicum said:
Great updates Chris. Those chocolate morugas are mean pods... matured surprisingly quick for me too. Looks like you're doubling my production. Any plans for those suckers? They're hot.  :onfire:
Thanks Adam. I made a smoked chocolate sauce and smoked chocolate powder last year with a bunch of different chocolate peppers from mixed boxes I bought and was gifted last year that turned out great. Thinking of giving it a try again with the choco scorps. 
Found this little guy hiding on one of my fatalii plants today. Hoping it sticks around, as I've got a feeling I'm going to be having a caterpillar problem soon as I've been seeing a lot of moths hanging around the last few days

Todays little harvest

My not red brains/possible reapers are downright nasty looking. Love the flavour of them though

CAP215 pod. Got a handful of these set now. 

Thai fire

Went to pick some banana peppers this afternoon, and noticed I have one ripening. Having never tried a ripe one, definitely letting it stay on there til it's finished

Bahamian goat's are looking fantastic! Just wish they'd hurry up and ripen

Not sure what's going on with a few plants. For some reason my Jimmy nardello's and red bhut are all looking like crap. Not enough nutrients maybe? It's only affecting these 2 varieties, while all the others are going great

Well it seems I was right about the caterpillars. Just found this little barstard munching on one of my chocolate scorpion plants

Promptly squished under foot after the photo was taken. Going to have to keep a close eye out now, and also order some Bt, 
Once you see the first hornworm keep looking, you'll find more I'm sure. I have a small green worm, like an inch worm eating a good 15% or more of certain pods. Some they just don't bother with. I always thought it was grasshoppers, bastards are gonna die!
You should be able to find the BT locally, I can and I live in a really small town.
That snake would have scared the crap out of me, last year we had two rattlers in the garden. So far none this year, which is good.
Keep up the pullin'!
thirdcoasttx said:
I've got something eating the top leaves of my bhut. Haven't been able to find the bastard yet!
Slugs or snails maybe? I had a problem with them at our old place, only small one's though so could never find any slime trails.
Devv said:
Once you see the first hornworm keep looking, you'll find more I'm sure. I have a small green worm, like an inch worm eating a good 15% or more of certain pods. Some they just don't bother with. I always thought it was grasshoppers, bastards are gonna die!
You should be able to find the BT locally, I can and I live in a really small town.
That snake would have scared the crap out of me, last year we had two rattlers in the garden. So far none this year, which is good.
Keep up the pullin'!
Found a bunch more today. Got pics coming up of where they went  :)
Found some Bt at the garden centre today. They didn't have the powder, only the liquid. Hoping that works just as well.
Yeah the snake did scare the crap out of me to start with. Glad it was non venomous. Rattlers? I'll pass! Lol. I'm yet to see any venomous snake here yet thankfully.
As stated above, found a few more hornworms along with a couple other caterpillars today

Didn't pick and squish these one's. I kept these alive, so they could go here

The chickens loved them!
Care package from Texas. Thanks Scott! Some killer pods in there. Great tasting and HOT!

Had a CAP 215 partially topped during a storm last week

Yellow 7 pot is finally ripening!

My dog Max happy to see me after work

A3W Kraken scorpion. Seeds from smileyguy697

Tepin x lemondrop also courtesy of smileyguy

Picked my last MoA from round one a couple days ago. Have round 2 starting already on one plant

Not sure what this guy is. Seeds were labelled yellow mushroom. Not sure if I messed up while saving seeds last year, or if it's a cross
JoeFish said:
Gotcha. Worked really well for me.
Awesome. I've heard nothing but good things about it, so hopeful that it'll work for me too.
beerbreath81 said:
Thanks for the box of peppers Chris, all arrived in good condition. Good variety of heat and flavor here.  :onfire: The lemon drops were gone that night, damn them things are good!!
No problem! Glad you liked them. The lemon drops are great. Made a jelly with some last year that was outstanding.
Tepin's are really starting to ripen now

First ripe bhut Indian carbon. Hoping the smallness is due to being a first round pod and the rest are true to form

Today's harvest. Easily my biggest so far

Also finally harvested my first ripe yellow 7 pot!

This thing looks like it could be pretty mean! Thinking of taking a small bite out of both the BIC and yellow 7, then using the rest in omelettes. Or just saying screw it and popping one or the other whole this weekend. Unsure yet.
thirdcoasttx said:
Man nice looking haul you got there!! Let us know about that bic I've got seeds and am thinking about germing those next season.
Thanks Daniel. Will do on the BIC as well. Probably going to have a sample after dinner tonight. Need to get something in the stomach before eating any supers lol. 
So I picked a safi red hab yesterday and found this

Turned the pod around a little and found the culprit

Stopped at Hoe Depot this afternoon and picked up some more Slug-go. Seemed to help a lot last time I applied it, just need to stop procrastinating on follow up applications.
Doing an experiment with one of my ailing Jimmy nardello's. I'm unsure if the problem was soil related or not, but while at the nursery the other day I decided to pick up a bag of Dr Earth homegrown potting mix to transplant one into and see if it helps. Hoping within a week or two I'll have an answer to that question
Current pic-

Hopefully my next updated shot of it is a positive one
Some good news. Finally have colour showing on some Bahamian goats!


I received some pods from Buzz last year that he'd grown from seed that was supposed to be Jay's peach ghost scorpions. His plant put out pods that looked like chocolate scorpions, but had a very grassy flavour, and very little heat. I saved seeds from some to see what it'd produce this year, and the pods have so far come out looking more bhut/naga  like. Found a couple half ripe this afternoon, and looks like they're going to be chocolate again

Very interested to see if there's a difference in flavour between last years pods and this years to go with the different pod shape.
Now for some bad news. Due to having storms pop up nearly every afternoon, I haven't been able to apply any Bt yet. So hornworm control has been limited to hand picking. Found one today that had nearly completely stripped a Thai fire. Not happy! Effing bastige was quickly removed and fed to the chickens.
Damage done

Supposed to be clear tomorrow, and doesn't look like we're getting any more rain tonight, so I'll definitely be applying some Bt this evening!

Just tried a piece of the bhut Indian carbon. Very strong typical bhut flavour, but no fruity flavour like I've noticed in other red bhuts. Typical slow burn as well. Definitely a great pepper if you enjoy bhuts. Hopefully my next batch of pods are bigger than the current batch.
Nice counter top harvest with all sorts of stuff !
The Yellow 7 probably has some good oily heat......go for the top half of the pod........for the full effect......... :drooling:
Dam worms and catapillars.......I'm always looking for the 1st hornworm this year.........none so far......Most likely the day I don't check, I'll be missing a half a plant.
Plants and pods are looking great minus the snail trail damage and those damn hornworms. In the pic of the ripening Bahamian goat are those eggs from something in the background?
Looking good, those Bahamian look nice. I have yet to find whats eating the top leaves of my bhut but the damage is minimal compared to that bastard horn worm that did damage to yours. Hope you get rid of them soon.
PIC 1 said:
Nice counter top harvest with all sorts of stuff !
The Yellow 7 probably has some good oily heat......go for the top half of the pod........for the full effect......... :drooling:
Dam worms and catapillars.......I'm always looking for the 1st hornworm this year.........none so far......Most likely the day I don't check, I'll be missing a half a plant.
Thanks PIC 1! Top half it is! Hopefully that doesn't backfire at work though lol. 
Hornworms are terrible for me at the moment. Worst part is I've seen plenty of moths at our new property so it won't be any better when we move out there either. I'm thinking row covers are in order for next season.
Seacowboy said:
Plants and pods are looking great minus the snail trail damage and those damn hornworms. In the pic of the ripening Bahamian goat are those eggs from something in the background?
Thanks Jason! No that's not eggs in the background. That's a top down pic and I'd just put out a new application of Sluggo to help control the snails.
thirdcoasttx said:
Looking good, those Bahamian look nice. I have yet to find whats eating the top leaves of my bhut but the damage is minimal compared to that bastard horn worm that did damage to yours. Hope you get rid of them soon.
Thanks Daniel! My guess would be slugs or snails, based on what I've seen from them this year. Sluggo or Natria slug and snail bait is great for them (unless you're like me and forget to follow up applications) if they are the culprit.
Buzz said:
Man, you got it going on! Even if those chocolate mutts don't improve, it looks like you're covered! Awesome grow!
Thanks Phil! Chocolate mutts are much improved in my opinion. Going to make an even more killer smoked powder this year.