• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megahots grow log 2011-2012

First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.



Looks great! That is under the MH right? That is proof they can really penetrate the canopy. Looking good man. Keep the pics comin!
Yah, Jon, good call on the weather.
We've had 3" of rain again in our neighborhood,
so anything put out would drown!

Thanks! I plan on growing a few outside and a few inside. But as you can see the weather here in the NW sucks ass! ya, we got snow!!! Grrrrr! :( So it wont be time to start hardening off till this crap weather leaves us! My only struggle so far for the most point has been edema and its a constant battle! I'm working on getting the humidity just right though :)
Jon thanks so very much again for your generosity! YOU ROCK!!!!! We'll be getting a grow log started in a few days. Got the plants home last night and got them under our grow lights and they still seem good after 24hrs of change in location :)

And to everyone else after seeing his grow set up in person I now know that even if you live in an apartment in one of the wettest states you still can have a successful grow. I was very impressed with his plants and tent.

Jon thanks so very much again for your generosity! YOU ROCK!!!!! We'll be getting a grow log started in a few days. Got the plants home last night and got them under our grow lights and they still seem good after 24hrs of change in location :)

And to everyone else after seeing his grow set up in person I now know that even if you live in an apartment in one of the wettest states you still can have a successful grow. I was very impressed with his plants and tent.


Thank you!!! I appreciate the kind words!!! and yes, you can pretty much grow peppers anywhere as long as you are willing to splurge a little lol :) Glad to hear the plants are doing well in thier new home! :) I look forward to following your glog!!! :D
Thank you!!! I appreciate the kind words!!! and yes, you can pretty much grow peppers anywhere as long as you are willing to splurge a little lol :) Glad to hear the plants are doing well in thier new home! :) I look forward to following your glog!!! :D

Me too, it will be good to have some more NW folk adding their 2c :D
My early plants got that real bushy bottom growth, now all the peppers on the bottom branches lay on the ground. On my younger plants I have started removing the lower branches to prevent the low hanging fruits.
Here's the update as promised! Sorry it took so long lol. All plants are looking great minus the smaller ButchT which was under fed. Then I made the mistake of over correcting and over feeding it. So it had major fert burn. I cut the worst leaves off, as you can see some leaves are still showing fert burn. But the newest growth looks nice and green and no fert burn and the plant is still growing. I havent fed it for about a month now. I wont be feeding it again until sometime next month. Hey, we all make mistakes right? lol.



I hope you reconsider and don't close your log megahot. For me I enjoy getting comments from folks but that isn't the real point of doing a glog. I do it to keep track of my season and the things I experience. I don't write anything down I do any place else, this is it. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to glogs I did two, three years ago, just to check on something I may or may not have done.

Even if folks don't leave a comment they're still reading yours. You've got darn near 3,700 hits and that's in less than five months. That's like 32 times a day someone is reading your info.

Hope I've convinced you.