• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megahots grow log 2011-2012

First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.



Your plants are really grown up, Jon! We're getting some sun now,
so maybe it's almost outdoor time! Get those babies into some fresh
air and sunshine, and you'll be swimming in pods! Glad to see you
are going to continue with your glog.

Ya, someday Its supposed to be really nice today but I cant put my plants out in the sun.
Only way I can tell is to gently touch them with my finger tip and see if any sticks to it. In the same boat here. Tons of annuums setting...very few chinenses, but they are all starting to flower like crazy. Just takes a little time I guess. Great update my friend!
Only way I can tell is to gently touch them with my finger tip and see if any sticks to it. In the same boat here. Tons of annuums setting...very few chinenses, but they are all starting to flower like crazy. Just takes a little time I guess. Great update my friend!

Thank you! Ya, waiting and waiting for my very first pods is a tough thing to do! Ya, I see no pollen on my finger tips or q-tip! sigh :(

John my man. Plants look really happy. I see pods soon :dance:

Thank you my friend!!! I truly hope so!!!!!!!!!! I hope to follow your foot steps! :)
I'm with Shane, I got an Annum and my Explosive Embers producing flowers with plenty pollen, but none on my chinense.

Hmmm wierd, what is it with these Chinese's and not producing pollen? Lol I've heard that the over winters are really supposed to produce a lot more the next yr and more the next etc.! That is a good sign!~ I'm gonna have a 5 yr old butchT in 4 1/2 yrs from now, spittin out crazy pods!!! :flamethrower:
Honestly bro, I'm just hoping for a few pods this year so I know I'm doing this ok. Then next year I'll be in pepper pod heaven :)
Either way, at least you got flowers on yours, good luck man, and keep us posted :)
Honestly bro, I'm just hoping for a few pods this year so I know I'm doing this ok. Then next year I'll be in pepper pod heaven :)
Either way, at least you got flowers on yours, good luck man, and keep us posted :)

Dont you have several plants? None of them are flowering??? You will get more then a few pods! Trust me!
It's tough to hang in there, Jon. I was just whining on Stickman's
page about our weather. Hard to maintain a positivity quotient when
it's raining and cloudy, but I know in a few weeks we'll be feeling
much better. Why I seem to expect it to happen any earlier each
year is beyond me!

Good luck, my friend!
It's tough to hang in there, Jon. I was just whining on Stickman's
page about our weather. Hard to maintain a positivity quotient when
it's raining and cloudy, but I know in a few weeks we'll be feeling
much better. Why I seem to expect it to happen any earlier each
year is beyond me!

Good luck, my friend!

Ya, the weather sucks, good thing I have a good indoor set up lol!