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Mels growing adventures

I had some aphids a while back and managed to eradicate them in one neeming. My initial thought was that they came in on a nursery bought plant, which I am now convinced is true... thank goodness I got the little bastards before day 21! If they came from the environment here, I'm positive I would have not been so lucky.

Now I just gotta find out who is harboring spider mites around here and go give them a piece of what for. Every time I think I see the last of them, BAM, they're back! I bet some lazy f#@k around here at my units is infested and not doing anything about it. I feel like going and burning everybody's plants just in case :evil:
gasificada said:
I had some aphids a while back and managed to eradicate them in one neeming. My initial thought was that they came in on a nursery bought plant, which I am now convinced is true... thank goodness I got the little bastards before day 21! If they came from the environment here, I'm positive I would have not been so lucky.

Now I just gotta find out who is harboring spider mites around here and go give them a piece of what for. Every time I think I see the last of them, BAM, they're back! I bet some lazy f#@k around here at my units is infested and not doing anything about it. I feel like going and burning everybody's plants just in case :evil:

Mental note... don't f**k with Gas... he might burn my house down... lol
update time!! found some bugs this morning so gave everything a massive neeming.. i may have overdone it.. but now the soil and all of the leaves have been sprayed and soaked.. i feel like a walking neem bomb!

here's the little buggers on a flower on my scotch bonnet:


and on some better news - my habs are going crazy! how cool do they look?!



my junk pot is still one of my outperformers.. i took two of the annums out and repotted them for my sister in law so they're out... but have a go at this guy! i dont know what it is yet.. but i dont think its an annum... of the seeds i chucked in it could be a red hab or a bhut


and here's the total pot.. on the left is a scotch bonnet, the middle is two kinds of annums and the right are three unknowns (and the one pictured above)


and finally, an update on my seedlings.. i got sick of them growing so slowly in their little pots and some were dying off so I planted the healthiest looking ones in a pool fence pot - here are my baby bhuts

and baby scotch bonnets

some died, but the stronger ones are doing much better now they are under the pool fence regime :)

looking forward to next season.. i know we've probably got a month or two before i have to worry about overwintering, but I've already got big plans for next season - next season i'll be pool fencing and putting a heap in the ground... i'll start preparing my patch of dirt over winter :)
here's my so-called peter pepper.. i think i've been ripped off.. it was an ebay purchase so anything is possible.. any suggestions to what it might be?


mel said:
here's my so-called peter pepper.. i think i've been ripped off..

Ripped off? You got the shaft!

:groans: sorry, I couldn't help myself

Looks really healthy whatever it is though
lol... that was really lame :) it is really healthy and has a tonne of pods so i'm not too upset about it... just dont know what it is!
here's my latest sauce making attempt... nagas and scorpions with roasted red capsicum and other bits and pieces... came out quite good... not excessively hot but my mouth has gone numb from the numerous taste tests i've had :) i love the colour of it!!

i wouldnt be surprised if it did burst the bottle!! damn sauce... my fingers are burning from the chopping (and i had dodgy gloves on) and then burnt my hand on the pot when i was taking the boiling bottles out.... oh well.. it should taste good :)

very unusual for you to be drunk nova ;)
no one else has said it mel, but that sauce looks scary...I bet it is hot...and the taste is probably divine with the mixture of peppers...