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Mels growing adventures

the one with the purple flowers is most likely an annuum. I still have no pods on my peterpepper plant yet, maybe u have uncircumsized peter pepper:lol:
p.s don't cull unless you really have to JMO
the latest bug to cop it with my wooden spoon :D the white sandy stuff around it is bug killer stuff..


OMG. You have just offended thousand of indigenous australians. I pity you, of coarse all can be forgivded ifm you sens booze to constapate.
i'll send the grub up for you and you can give it to your locals.. its only been tenderised by the wooden spoon :P
APHID QUESTION!!!! I found some aphids in my junk pot and gave them a spray with pyrethrum... they are still quite young so wasnt sure if i should or not but wanted to axe the aphids... should i be spraying with neem as well? I gave most of the plants a neem spray a couple weeks back - should i be neeming everything else as well just to be sure?? any suggestions appreciated :D
I have never used the neem or the pyrethrum for aphids. My seedlings are all inside the house and I don't want to use something too strong with the kiddies in the house. I use soapy water and it kills them good. If they get too bad I have to check every couple of days and respray as needed. It took 2 weeks to complete eliminate them from my seedlings, but I did get them under control. Outside, I have enough ladybugs to control them pretty good, but sometimes they build up on the peas and tomato and pepper seedlings when I first put them out in early spring before the ladybugs are in full force. I try to wash them off with a water hose first, check again in a couple days, then use the soapy water again.

Good luck!
You have to stay on the aphid hunt once they show up. Every few days hose the plants down and then you can use things like soapy water or neem and such. One thing you don't want to kill is spiders though, they are almost as good as ladybugs when it comes to eating and killing pest bugs.

Good luck with the aphids, I hate the damn things.
thanks guys, i'll stay on the hunt.. i'll give everything a good neeming tonight once the sun isnt so hot.. i think i got them this morning but rather be safe than sorry :D
Mel it's almost impossible to run em off for good, specially with just one application. I would do it every three or four days for a couple of weeks. They are truly a never ending pain in the butt.
^^^^^what patrick said^^^^

and a couple of additional points...

ants...in my garden, if I find ants on plants, aphids are there also...after you get to know the signs, it is a matter of looking at the leaves to see if you have aphids...if you do, you will see a shiny substance (honeydew and excrement) on the tops of the leaves...if you look under the leaf above the shiny stuff, you will find your aphids...eradicate the ants and you have gone a long way towards preventive aphid control...

aphid life cycle...as you probably know, aphids are born pregnant without the pleasure of sex...

I googled this quote.... "A newly born aphid becomes a reproducing adult within about a week and then can produce up to 5 offspring per day for up to 30 days!"...in order to get them all, you have to treat weekly or twice a week for a month or more if you want to get them all...

If you don't have ladybugs, green lace wings, or praying mantis in your garden, you need to get some....
thanks guys, i'll keep up the treatments.. i did notice ants the other day so i guess that was the warning sign!!
Mel, you might be interested in this...and anyone else that may have ever wondered...hmmmm if I...........

OK, I had one of those moments and here is what I came up with...

What if I had one aphid...how many would I have at the end of a month?

information based on one adult female aphid that produces 5 eggs every day for 30 days starting at day seven and their offspring...

pretty confusing but I think I got it...whacha think...what I deduce from the graph is that if you don't find aphids by day 21 you are ******!!!!

man.. AJ that chart looks scary!! i think another neeming tomorrow night to be sure!! thankyou nerd-dad :D
just an early morning here in fort worth that is cold 32F...sittin here thinkin about stuff.... :lol:
What Nova....you dont' have thoughts like this?....
Mel you might want to check some surrounding plants as well i was and still am batteling fo raphid control and one thing i noticed after finding them every day was that i had a pant that is ornamental shrub was harboring like thousand and thousands of aphids on this shrub when i neemd this plant i noticed a great decrease in aphids , if no luck with sprays and stuff check soem close by plants and shrubs with leaves that might be harboring aphids.