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Mels growing adventures

yep :D they are good :D its hard to see in the pic but there's another two little baby plants in there as well.. when they get bigger i'll take them out and put them into separate pots.. if you're lucky you can have one :D
mel said:
latest addition to the pool fence :D its not a chilli plant though.. it goes well with chilli! its a curry plant!! yaaay!!1

Curry leaf trees kick ass!

It took me so long to find one! I know quite a few people who have them but when I asked where they got them from, it was always, Oh, I got mine from a friend....

Seems that's still how they're acquired, aye, Nova.............. ;)
thehotpepper.com said:
I want one! What is it?

the link gas posted is pretty good and will tell you all about it.. you can use the leaves in curry or any sort of cooking really.. i have a great curry recipe that uses them.. also dal and other kinds of dishes. If you can get your hands on one i'd recommend it :D i'd send you one of the little ones but dont think it'd make the trip and your customs would not be happy :D
good or bad thing??
this morning i did my usual check and noticed that there was all this spider web type stuff on my peter pepper plant.. there were bugs in the web too.. some little black ones and some little white ones.. i didnt have time to do anything as i was running late for work as it was.. come home this arvo and the bugs are gone, but theres this web on just one of the leaves.. I'm considering doing a neem spray tonight.. but what do you think it could be? is it a sign of bad things to come? pics below:


I'd say that was just a spiders nest and it was the babies that hatched from the eggs ....spider mite webs spread all over the plant. I don't think anything to worry about...but without seeing the little critters then I cant say for sure????
thanks JR - the web was just off one leaf.. and i've been inspecting and cant see any bugs.. so hopefully just a spider.. will apply neem to be on the safe side i think :D
Very lucky, missy! :D

I just found spider mite webs on one of my little fellas before. Can't whack them bastards with a wooden spoon neither......
heheh missy is the name my family calls me.. i think a wooden spoon would do too much damage!! I'm just back inside after neeming and giving the plants some fish emulsion.. i stink!
Yeah, I'll be doing the whole stinky fish thang tomorrow. It was supposed to be tonight but there was more important things to attend to.....
update time!! my junk pot is going great guns with flowers on one of the plants.. any idea of what it might be?


and a question for anyone who has grown peter peppers.. i'm getting pods, but not sure if they will turn into little peters - i know that they dont always grow to look like 'them' but just wondering if it is the right plant
Got no input as to what they are. Lookin very healthy though! Cool.

Off the subject,but what's up w/ the "great guns" sayin'? (origin wise) Noticed it amongst the Aussies. Just wonderin'. Like it, the Aussie flava.
mel, a hint for you...spider mites (and some other pests) are almost too small to see with the naked eye...

Take a piece of clean white notebook paper, hold it under the leaves then thump or shake the leaves and see what hits the paper...if anything that hits the paper moves, it is an insect and you usually can identify it with a magnifying glass...
thanks AJ.. i'll give it a go... it'll need to wait till monday though as i left my glasses as work for the weekend - too much time in front of the computer! I gave them a neem spray through the week just in case but i'll do a check when i get home on monday.. i'll try tomorrow but i dont trust my eyes!

boutros.. not sure where the saying came from but its just one I picked up.. definition below:

be going great guns
to be doing something very successfully and quickly I know he had a little difficulty at the start of the course but he's going great guns now.
Still looking good mel. I am not sure about the Peter Pepper plant either, mine are both still small, but they are the tallest of all my plants so far. Not as bushy as everyone else though. I wonder if the Peter Pepper plants are like the T Scorpions, correct me if I am wrong but you only get stingers plants from the pods that have stingers, right?