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Mels growing adventures

junk pot help wanted!!

here is a pic of my junk pot.. all the plants in there are doing well but some of them are growing very close together.. the one in the pink circle is a scotch bonnet, but all the rest are unknowns.. the one that is in the triangle of the Y shape has purple leaves which is weird :) the ones with the blue arrow are all really close together.. soo.. my question is, should i be separating them out and putting them in separate little pots? or given its a junk pot anyway, let it run and see how she turns out?

why will Y grow quicker?? lol.. that whole side of the pot is growing quicker.. i'm guessing they're the annums :D
I think you have plenty of other plants coming along nicely, so I'd let those junk yard dogs alone and see just how mean they can get. ;)
kiddc said:
Nova, asian hereeeee

mel, let them grow and cull them later when it gets reallllyyyyy crowded.

No offence intended mate, im not racist. I hate everyone with equal measure. :D
Post removed. Please do not use derogatory terms.
thanks for the feedback guys, i think i will let the junkpot just continue to grow.. you're right SS - i have a tonne of plants at the moment.. and seeing as though the junkpot is doing so well.. no point messing with it :D
mel said:
thanks for the feedback guys, i think i will let the junkpot just continue to grow.. you're right SS - i have a tonne of plants at the moment.. and seeing as though the junkpot is doing so well.. no point messing with it :D

Right, never mess with a good thing. ;)
As far as interaction with my "junk pot" volunteers go, they get a pot over their heads at night for protection against possums, and that's it. I'm going to get some chicken wire soon to wrap around them and that will be that. I'm very curious to see how things will turn out if I don't lay a finger on them.

The biggest test will be letting them be if (or rather, when) the mites find them. Not looking forward to that!

Of course, mine aren't so close to each other either....... :P
Original pic my a$$! LOL you photoshopped that penis rock entering that butt rock!
I thought it was the front bum. I guess it's how you see it, the glass half full or half empty or ...what ever ...feelin a bit fissed but you know what I mean ;)
thehotpepper.com said:
Original pic my a$$! LOL you photoshopped that penis rock entering that butt rock!
thehotpepper.com said:
Original pic my a$$! LOL you photoshopped that penis rock entering that butt rock!

its not photoshopped honest!! i dont have the photoshop skills to make penis rocks, butts or front bums!

JR - i loooooved thailand.. this time last year we were there for a few weeks.. i wish i was there now!
latest addition to the pool fence :D its not a chilli plant though.. it goes well with chilli! its a curry plant!! yaaay!!1