food Memorial Day (Two-Week) User-land BBQ Contest

not your traditional bbq, but all cooked using a cast iron skillet on the grill. I went asian kind of bibimbap route. Spinach cooked with sriracha, garlic, ginger and a little bit of oil, crispy rice cooked in some benton's bacon fat, deep fried chicken katsu with my personal pepper powder blend (aji pineapple, brazilian starfish and a cream fatalii cross) both in the panko before cooked and sprinkled on after, and finally there is a fried scrambled egg with panko crumbs in it and peri peri hot sauce on top. For the katsu I had a dipping sauce of black chinese vinegar, chili oil, and this thin less salty soy sauce
nice texture ... noticing the fat's rendered nicely a la Booma's, and it really makes the difference for me eating spares ...
confession: i've been Googling katsu since BigB's post ... filled w/ Hawaiian and Japanese concepts to explore, now ....
Big day ahead today.  Just put three racks of superhots in the dehydrator,  now doing some fresh pickled carrot for the lunch cook up.  about to start scrubbing apples (finally ready ffs) for cider, which need to be crushed  before the BBQ can be lit. somewhere in all of this I need to fit some work in.   Some amazing food going on in here.  The comp is bringing out the big guns, briskets and ribs a plenty.  Going to be some tough decisions come judging time! 
     Holy crap. Best ribs ever. The first pic in post #110 does a good job of showing how the meat was just starting to fall apart. Still a bit of chew left, though. I can't believe they turned out as good as they did considering the meat lump/meatwad/meat hump cooking method, as well as the fact that this is the first time I ever cooked ribs.
     The butt is still in the "smoker". Maybe I'll post a midnight snack pic of a pulled pork slider.
buttons are on the weber with just salt and pepper.    smoking onion and a mutant Hulk clove of garlic( look at the size of that thing cut in half) for the sauce,    ..  finished pics will most likely be very late tonight/early morning 
awesome sea salt ,I get cheap at  the Portuguese store where I buy a lot of our meat.    they have the best meat counter left in a grocery store  close to here. 

     Memorial Day weekend meal 2a. Pork butt with KC barbecue sauce topped with brick cheese and hamburger dills.

     That big fucker is finally done. I think I put it on around 7am. What a slog. Temp stalled at 151F for freakin' ever. So I said fuck it and wrapped it. Then let it go. For another SIX HOURS. After another hour or three of fucking around (I used the oven) , it finally made it up to 185F. I let it sit for about 30 minutes then started breaking it up/ 
     The above slider was my test sample. I deserve it after that fight.
     Now it's time to go get in bed, listen to Coast to Coast am with Art Bell and do some crosswords. I'm all smoked out.
Heartburn will be worth it. That sauce is just nuts!