food Memorial Day (Two-Week) User-land BBQ Contest

Quick grilled turkey and cheese with rustic bread and chipolte mayo..

leftovers later with more food!
I'm heading to Lancaster to go shopping for tomorrow at the Asian markets so while I am there I will be stopping by a few beer spots.  Probably Lancaster Brewing and Spring House's Taproom.  They always have some good stuff.  I might pick up something at one of them or at the bottle shop.  We'll see.  If what is in my head translates into what comes off my smoker and grill I am gonna be a contenda!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Quick grilled turkey and cheese with rustic bread and chipolte mayo..

leftovers later with more food!
Beautiful sandwich. Enjoying the same beer. Cheers!
The corn was roasted with lime and hot chili powder, the asparagus with sesame oil, ginger and garlic.

What am I going to put all this on? I may have to dig the turkey platter out of storage.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Of course you did my little FB friend :) I have no reason to fib and get very excited when I can get a break from cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That bread is amazing, thinking brisket sandwich for dinner! orrrrrrr maybe a MCRib
What a great decision ... I could #waffle back and forth on that one over some beer for hours ...