• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mildfruit 2022. Greenhouse edition.

Oh boy, here we go again.
I joined this lovely forum back in 2018, been a lurker much longer though. At that time I was a student living in a small apartment, trying to learn all I could about indoor growing. Mostly because I didn't have outdoor space, and when I had a hobby that demanded I grew something, I had to get creative.
I loved the control of growing indoor, and trying to create optimal growing conditions for the plants.

However, late last year I bought my first house with a garden, and fortunately I got a greenhouse as a birthday present from my girlfriend and friends.
So my dream of growing plants in a greenhouse is finally coming true!

The gear:


Unfortunately this isn't from my garden, this is the picture from the website :lol:

This is my process so far :D A picture from late January, without snow! I still need lots of work before the greenhouse is ready. I need to dig out the dirt and replace it with gravel before I lay some flagstones. This part of the garden is faced in the north/south direction so I think it will be perfect.

Luckily I have lots of people to help me, so I have no doubt that the greenhouse will be ready before mid May, which is the usual time to transplant plants into the greenhouse in my country.

In my last glog I experimented with autopots, and I liked them so much that I have bought additional autopots for the greenhouse, and a big 225L (59.5gallons) water reservoir.

I also experimented with diffrent kinds of fertilizer over the years, mostly kinds that where designed for hydroponics or coco choir. This year I will try soil so I had to find a new source for fertilizers. I went with a danish product called 'Hornum Gødning koncentrat'. Its a fertilizer made in the national research station for professional use, and as a total newbie in a greenhouse environment its a match made in heaven :halo:


Jalapeno Lemon SpicePlantekasse.dk
Jalapeno Craigs grandePlantekasse.dk
Murupi AmarelaPlantekasse.dk
F2 Dutch chili x Ancho poblanoOwn cross
Cayenne OrangePlantekasse.dk
White bhut (White W strain)Whitehotpeppers.com
T-Rex YellowWhitehotpeppers.com
De ArbolPlantekasse.dk
Ancho PoblanoFataliiseeds.net
Golden MarconiSemillas.de
Grenada SeasoningWhitehotpeppers.com

I am growing some of the same plants as last year, but with a change in vendor. Also some new varieties.

Besides peppers I am also growing some cucumbers, tomatoes and a single Pineapple cherry plant.
Its been really hard to settle on the growlist above, I know you all know the struggle. So there might be a slight last minute change :P

The seeds will properly hit the dirt in the next few days.

Hope you will enjoy this journey with me 🤞
A little Cal-Mag and maybe some
bone meal might help the end rot.

Your plants love that beautiful green-
house! How about a pic of the green-
house full of podding plants?
Thank you all for the kind words, it means a lot 🤩!



Heres both the lemon spice and the Craigs grande, its roughly twice the size.
So one of my hopes this season was a lemon spice with actual heat, after Semillas.de only had lemon spice without any detectable heat.
And im glad to annonce I've found it! really good jalapeño flavor with a good amount of heat, probably 4-5k Scoville or around a regular jalapeño. I've yet to try Craigs grande, I'll have to report back later :)
I have bought a dehydrator, so hopefully within the next month I can make and share some dried peppers to my "investors" aka the people who gifted me the greenhouse. I suppose its only fair to get something out of a gift that size :rolleyes::P

Anyway, for those of you that are familier with the YouTuber Chilichump, he recently released a recipe for a green hot sauce with lime, coriander, garlic and ginger. I made a small batch seen below in a old hot sauce bottle. I mixed some yellow and red peppers in, so my sauce turned out more brownish, but the taste was great! Can highly recommend! Very "fresh" tasting with a minimum of heat. Perfect for those in the household who prefer less spice.

A great pheno type from KSLSB, unfortunately the only one among a lot of peppers (so far). These are from an early generation from Yelanfam Farms which I believe is also active in this forum.


A day or two away from having the first ripe Grenada Seasoning! Some of these are pretty huge.

Poblano pepper with my hand as reference.


Almost everyday I've been checking out if my T-Rex Yellow would start podding up, and know I think the first two have begun! Very excited

Grenada Seasoning. Had 4-5 pods ready for picking this morning and I had to try it, always fun to try a new pepper for the first time.
The pepper is advertised for low heat, and as one can see the amount of placenta is low as well.
Great frequance, not as intoxicating as the traditional habanero often is, but clearly a Chinense smell. Taste is fruity with an almost undetectable amount of heat. However this changes considerably when biting into the placenta tissue holy moly it gets really hot. Overall im glad I grew this pepper.


Strange pepper. This was supposed to be a Yellow marconi pepper, but it never ripened at the top of the pepper, but the rest is kinda 'over'ripen.


First real harvest picture of the season :)
The big (orange) golden marconi was a huge success in a greek salad im glad there's a lot of new pods on the little pepper tree for probably one more harvest.

From zero Scoville to around habanero the next pepper is my little favorite white variety: Murupi Amarela

I had someone on reddit tell me the pepper looked like the sorting hat from Harry Potter, and know I can't unsee it :p

The taste reminds me of honey melon, with a sharp "clean" heat. Its supposed to be around 100k Scoville, but I honestly can't detect a difference between this and habaneros. It went into my drier, and will soon be spice for the winter months :)

Seems like my cross worked. This is murupi amarela x pimenta de neyde, not the most creative cross but im looking forward to it :).

Perhaps some ripening is beginning in the top? This is the sugar rush peach Stripey.

So many wicked shapes on this T-rex yellow.

KGS LSB lots and lots of pods around 1/10 have the "right" pheno with a tail, so that's nice. They will probably all taste great.


Poblano is breaking under its own weight. I have supportive strings on most branches, but evidently not enough.

Dutch chilie x Poblano F2 are beginning to ripe! can't wait to get back from vacation and taste a ripe one.

Another pepper im looking forward to, is this orange cayenne. I think it will make plenty of great powder :)


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Great results, MF!

How warm does it get in your green-
house in the summer?
Thanks Paul!
It’s a good question, originally I wanted different kinds of sensors to get temperature data over the summer period, but I never got around to that part. This year haven’t been the best, with a rainy day or two each week.
If I had to guess the temperatures haven’t been much over 35degrees Celsius (around 100fahrenheit). But again I could be wrong.
Huge picture heavy update.
So I just got back from a vacation in France, and the greenhouse have been hard a work while I was gone!

First of all, some T-Rex spam. Its been a long time since I grew such a gnarly looking pepper.




I don't know, but there's just something fascinating about these shapes in peppers.

Orange Cayenne are beginning to turn! A great all-around pepper.


KGS LSB. Really prolific plant.

Harvest when I got home. All the green jalapeños was due to a branch that broke due to the weight.

Grenada seasoning. Some of them get rather big.

Pimenta de Neyde.



Two peppers. The red one is my F2 Dutch chili x Poblano, and the white is Aji Fantasy white.
F2 Dutch chili x Poblano taste test:
So I have managed to cross two rather low Scoville peppers and produced a even sweeter/lower Scoville pepper.
The taste is really sweet, and I think everyone can eat these fresh. There's just a very low detectable heat on the lips. I guess I'll grow the F3 next season as well, its easy to use in everthing.

Aji Fantasy White taste test:
No soap taste/smell.
The heat is also rather low, only heat around the placenta which is also rather low. The taste is really hard to describe, the pepper is like sugar rush peach full of water in the walls, which are rather sweet, like a very watery melon in taste I guess. I guess these will work great as fillers in hot sauces.


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wow those peppers are very gnarly
Did you have a good holiday in France? Hopefully you've taken the heatwave home with you :D
It was great, I've been to France 9 or 10 times and I love it every time, great food & wine, what's not to like? :)
Hah we actually had a heat record in Denmark while I was in France, but now its back to the usual 20+ degrees celcius with rain every other day or so :D