• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mildfruit 2022. Greenhouse edition.

Oh boy, here we go again.
I joined this lovely forum back in 2018, been a lurker much longer though. At that time I was a student living in a small apartment, trying to learn all I could about indoor growing. Mostly because I didn't have outdoor space, and when I had a hobby that demanded I grew something, I had to get creative.
I loved the control of growing indoor, and trying to create optimal growing conditions for the plants.

However, late last year I bought my first house with a garden, and fortunately I got a greenhouse as a birthday present from my girlfriend and friends.
So my dream of growing plants in a greenhouse is finally coming true!

The gear:


Unfortunately this isn't from my garden, this is the picture from the website :lol:

This is my process so far :D A picture from late January, without snow! I still need lots of work before the greenhouse is ready. I need to dig out the dirt and replace it with gravel before I lay some flagstones. This part of the garden is faced in the north/south direction so I think it will be perfect.

Luckily I have lots of people to help me, so I have no doubt that the greenhouse will be ready before mid May, which is the usual time to transplant plants into the greenhouse in my country.

In my last glog I experimented with autopots, and I liked them so much that I have bought additional autopots for the greenhouse, and a big 225L (59.5gallons) water reservoir.

I also experimented with diffrent kinds of fertilizer over the years, mostly kinds that where designed for hydroponics or coco choir. This year I will try soil so I had to find a new source for fertilizers. I went with a danish product called 'Hornum Gødning koncentrat'. Its a fertilizer made in the national research station for professional use, and as a total newbie in a greenhouse environment its a match made in heaven :halo:


Jalapeno Lemon SpicePlantekasse.dk
Jalapeno Craigs grandePlantekasse.dk
Murupi AmarelaPlantekasse.dk
F2 Dutch chili x Ancho poblanoOwn cross
Cayenne OrangePlantekasse.dk
White bhut (White W strain)Whitehotpeppers.com
T-Rex YellowWhitehotpeppers.com
De ArbolPlantekasse.dk
Ancho PoblanoFataliiseeds.net
Golden MarconiSemillas.de
Grenada SeasoningWhitehotpeppers.com

I am growing some of the same plants as last year, but with a change in vendor. Also some new varieties.

Besides peppers I am also growing some cucumbers, tomatoes and a single Pineapple cherry plant.
Its been really hard to settle on the growlist above, I know you all know the struggle. So there might be a slight last minute change :P

The seeds will properly hit the dirt in the next few days.

Hope you will enjoy this journey with me 🤞
Thank you Paul!, if you ever reach this corner of the world you are more than welcome in that chair :cheers:
I will have to put that on my bucket list, Rasmus!
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Wow MF. You did a FANTASTIC job! Bravo!

Friend or foe?


Craigs Grande Jalapeno plant. It was topped earlier in the season, but now flowers are starting to appear.

This is my F2 cross of Dutch chille x Brown poblano. The plant size is showing some poblano heritage, still no pods.

Compared with my poblano plant the size is identical. This one have begun to set pods!





Fantasy White,
if the Stripey gets the right pheno, these could make for a fun cross perhaps.


Golden Marconi, im looking forward to see how big these actually get!


I've been setting a lot of these today, better take isolating flowers a bit more seriously this season :).
Update* with pods!
So I just came home from a conference in greece, I took my gf along so no one was attending the greenhouse in those 5days we went.
Luckily the self watering system worked perfectly! No plants where harmed during this vacation ;)


Brown poblano, what a beast. I must now admit that growing plants using the sun is way better than what my LED could provide. Lots of new grow and even pods!


Heres a close-up of one of the many poblano pods. I grew this plant two seasons ago, and it was an instant hit. Not surprisingly as it is a very popular variety - but rather "exotic" in my country.


Lemon Spice. Seems like a great producer, hopefully it will have a little more bite than last time I grew these.

My second Jalapeno plant, Craigs grande.


Grenada Seasoning, getting a hug from a tomato plant. Seems like a very productive variety as well.

Orange Cayenne, its starting to look like a plant again, demonstrating once again that even when the grower keeps making mistakes (in my case too aggressive pruning) the plant will make up for it somehow :).


I lost count on this one, De arbol. However the isolation technique worked, so I should have isolated seeds for next year which is nice.


Marconi Golden. Can't wait to see how big they are getting!


Murupi Amarela. Looks like it have fully recovered from whatever it seemed to suffer from. No more spotty leafs and flowers have begun to open with pollen! The prospect of perhaps getting pods from this one is really exciting. I have in all my grow logs on this forum always had this variety, and I think I have managed perhaps 3 or 4 pods from it in total. Hopefully this will change this season :D


Last two pictures, first Pimenta de neyde and last is the flowering of T-rex yellow.
Oh yea, and one last thing:

My very first cucumber :party:
Its been a dreadful week in Northern Europe weather-wise. Still the plants have progressed a bit :).


Poblano pepper, its probably the only plant able to compete with my tomato plants in size, pods are also starting to get a good size.

Lemon spice.

Golden Marconi.

This is my F2 (dutch chili x poblano) pods are a big thicker than F1, but too early to determine any real difference, I will have to dig of some pictures of the F1 to compare when it matures.

Grenada Seasoning, finally starting to grow a bit in size, according to whitehotpeppers. these get quite large :).


Craigs Grande Jalapeno

95% ripe De arbol. Soon :cheers:

Latest plant to join the "pods-gang" is orange cayenne.
You are getting great results. The micro
climate in the greenhouse looks like it
suits your plants just fine! Nice to see the
plants loading up with pods!
What exactly is the dutch chili? I googled it but all I got was "dutch chili fest" 🙂

Try googling "spaanse peper" that's how we call them here. It came from peppers brought from the Americas by the Spaniards. Dutch greenhouse horticulture professionals been busy with these peppers and after cultivating, selecting and some mixing with Lomboks from our Indonesian colonies they came up with a very productive and nice tasting pepper that pretty much everyone can enjoy, not only the well trained and hardened chileheads.
Also check out @Mildfruit 2020 glog for some nice pics, that was a nice plant!
Sulsa is right on the money! Its exactly the kind of store brought pepper that everyone can tolerate.
Its also crazy prolific which I guess its one of the reasons they breed it.
Heres and old picture of the pepper

And here is a picture of the F1 from last year.

And thanks for the kind words everyone!
Thanks MarcV! Its not anything special tastewise, but always a joy to see what grows. I mean its good, but not much different from any other store brought peppers :)

Just wanted to do a small update:

Back from the grave! Followers of my glog will know I have struggled to grow this plant - murupi amarela, earlier this season all leafs looked infected and the growth was stunted. I was close to throwing it out multiple times. However, after getting inside the greenhouse its somehow come fully back to life, no leafs have spots or anything. If I didn't know better I would suspect someone changed the plant.
This is the biggest of multiple pods, finally! Can't wait to see if this peppers is as good as I remember it.

Sorry for the bad picture, I just wanted to show the how heavy these peppers are getting. I had to "install" a string to keep the branch from breaking. Something I had to do for multiple plants, never grew pepper plants this large before haha.


This is the first pod for sugar rush Stripey, last year my Stripey got all red, fingers crossed for a nice pheno!


Pimenta de neyde flowers have begun to open, now the future crossing can begin!


I think it was @CaneDog who I first saw using this system. Cut of straws to identify which peppers are isolated. Its pretty neat
Wow! Things are looking great, MF. Happy to see how well the greenhouse is working out for you. Hopefully the stripey has stripes this time and the murupi meets expectations.

I don't remember who I learned the straw method from, but it works pretty well.
Wow! Things are looking great, MF. Happy to see how well the greenhouse is working out for you. Hopefully the stripey has stripes this time and the murupi meets expectations.

I don't remember who I learned the straw method from, but it works pretty well.
I think I first saw it on one of Peter Stanley’s You Tube videos.
Big update!

Golden Marconi are starting to turn, it should be all yellow, but I think I detect some orange, but we will see.

Sugar rush peach pods are getting big, this will hopefully turn Stripey someday.

Lemon spice are also getting some color! Hopefully these will have some actual spice, unlike previous seasons were they were heatless.



When I got into the greenhouse this morning, this plant had simply fallen over. Its hard to capture bit despite my attempt to bind the plant, the weight of all the pods was no match apparently. Orange Cayenne. Seems like I'll be able to refill my powder this year.

Intersting stuff. My F2 cross of Dutch chili x Poblano are displaying corking behavior, neither of the parent plants did this.

Aji white fantasy, I've tried to make a cross with sugar rush peach Stripey, could be cool to get these stripes on a white pepper.

Craigs Grande Jalapeno.

Grenada seasoning. This one was supposed to be near heatless, I've tried one unripe pepper, and its not near heatless :D It did have a great taste despite being unripe.


Poblano pepper. Unfortunately I've had to pick 4 peppers because of end rot. However it have begun to produce a lot of peppers so I hope I get some without end rot!