Mill's 2010 season starts

Bhut with perfect shape and color and heat and almost size, next to a choc hab large long.

Not a problem Patrick.

Just some fun pictures.

Wild Nightshade.


Rhomboideum got re-potted and put back on the front porch is looking really good again.


Chiletepin cutting that was rooted in pure long fibered sphagnum moss that flowered recently.



The pubes finally got their cooler weather and are finally flowering.


Tree hab passed 7'




Sarracenia purpurea

Wow man! that Rhomb looks amazing,thats one hell of a turnaround! Potting it up did wonders.
Everything else looks good as well.
It is a second year, but really only a year and half. Started it in June last year and got up to about 4 feet then, I cut it down to about 2 and a half and over wintered it. You can see the old growth down at the bottom, all the woody parts. If you go back a couple pages you can see where the new growth started.
Nice bunch of pods. You going to ripen the green ones or use as is?

No freeze here yet, but it's supposed to drop to 39F with a chance of frost. How much frost can a Manzano take?
Hoping the freeze will spare us and hopefully I can get most of the greens to ripen, gonna make a brain sauce. Tomorrow is going to be spent pulling the plants that I want to keep for next year and cutting them down and repotting.
Give us a recipe and pics on that Sauce!
And a lesson in overwintering...I want my ciliatum to survive the winter,, never overwintered ,,but I need pods from this summagun!