Mill's 2010 season starts

Dang millman what's the problem up there? I've lost one to hardening off and have another one not looking happy but none like that. I do have several that don't look like they're doing much of anything too. Have you checked on root growth? Maybe that's where they're spending all their energy. What kind of lights you using?
I think I overwatered and overheated in the beginning. That is the only one having that problem right now. I am using 2 40watt t12 dual 4' fixtures. All others are growing properly and getting ready to put out new leaves. I think this one might make it, and I really hope so because I have no more Goats weed seeds.
Woo Hooooooooo

C. Rhomboideum sprout. Thanks Lee.

Congrats on the sprout! So far I have had the Cumari Pollux and the Goat Pepper sprout for the wilds. Hoping to see the lanceolatum and the galapagoense soon. Been under for almost 4 weeks so far.

I hear ya. Definately learned something this year: start the wilds in their own tray. It is very difficult to regulate moisture and temperature when they are the only ones not up.

Had some Lances pop up today, just under one month ago the seeds were planted. Killer

Can you see it?


Here is a close up. There is a second that popped up as well, and a third after I dug a little bit.


C. Rhomboideum sprouts amongst siblings.


Yellow Scorpion Cardi getting its first true leaf

Nope, probably ought to though. They are just getting some Shultz liquid fert till I pot up and use my homemade stuff like I did last year. Think it ill matter since it is only for a few weeks to month or two max?
millworkman said:
Nope, probably ought to though. They are just getting some Shultz liquid fert till I pot up and use my homemade stuff like I did last year. Think it ill matter since it is only for a few weeks to month or two max?

Not sure. Ive used coco in small and large containers and have had really good luck with it, but have always used coco specific nutes. My buddy used some Gen Hydro Tri Flora (reg. hydro nutes) and his coco got really gnarly. Too much fert salt build up. Actually salt flush solutions are used w/ coco as part of their normal regimen anyway, even when using coco specific nutes. Sounds like a pain in the ass, and kinda is. Gets expensive, but yields are pretty damn good. I used all Botanicare on my stuff.

A month or so though? Probably won't be the end of the world.
I started I think 5 last year with coir, the rest used Jiffy/ Ferry Morse stuff. I will see if they need some coir nutes before plant out and adjust for next year. I got the coir from pet shop for 4 bucks. Havent even used half of it yet, better than the Ferry Morse/ Jiffy stuff that is 7 bucks and I go through in one season.
I dont think I have had any problems with the gnats. If I did, they are in the office, the wife would say somethign about them.
millworkman said:
I started I think 5 last year with coir, the rest used Jiffy/ Ferry Morse stuff. I will see if they need some coir nutes before plant out and adjust for next year. I got the coir from pet shop for 4 bucks. Havent even used half of it yet, better than the Ferry Morse/ Jiffy stuff that is 7 bucks and I go through in one season.

4 bucks is what I paid at WallyWorld for a 10 quart bag of the Jiffy Mix and it was more than enough to fill two 72 cell trays. I didn't feel like sifting my starter mix this year, but have some coir I may try with some mater seed later.
there are nutes specific to coco coir?:eh:
I've just been giving mine some 1/4 strength fish ferts, the stuff I bought at walmart.
Skydiver said:
there are nutes specific to coco coir?:eh:
I've just been giving mine some 1/4 strength fish ferts, the stuff I bought at walmart.

Yeah, I think it's because coir retains salts more than other mediums. I would think that fish ferts would not pose a problem.