Mill's 2010 season starts

Some Shultz plant food stuff. Same thing I used last year and same thing everything that is thriving has used. Its weird.
Looks good mill. What did you use for soil in the in ground bed? I am moving my 3 I have and planning on building 2-3 more beds. I ordered a Mantis tiller last night so I will have a tiller finally to work everything together and break the hard ground below in hopes of stronger, deeper roots than last year. I am planning on getting a big bail of peat, a bag of perilite and some lime, maybe other stuff, not sure what yet though...
Thanks guys, the bed is filled mostly with left over soil from last year and the old potting mix from last years plants. Added about 2 wheelbarrows full of homemade compost and 4 bags of cheap store bought topsoil and 4 bags cow manure/ mushroom compost. Also, all winter and most of last fall this is where I tossed all my kitchen scraps so it was basically a compost bed to begin with. A bunch of grass clippings and leaves from the huge maple out front along with some ash from the fire pit. The mix is very light because of the majority of peat in it but I found that everything I grew in that last year grew amazingly well and fast. Already have 8 Sugar Snap Pea plants in the ground and in a few more weeks will be putting in some tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, bells and jalapenos. Going to build a cool arch trellis that the cukes can climb so that the fruits are not sitting on the ground, they will be very easy to pick since they will be hanging. I am looking forward to this year since this is my first in ground bed.
its about 60 percent peat, 20 percent composted cow manure, 20 percent mushroom compost. Last year in my containers I used 60-70 percent peat and 30-40 percent composted cow manure and they were the best plant I have ever grown. I think the mushroom compost will help a little bit in the mix.
Mushroom compost? Your peppers are gonna be trippin! LOL Stupid question, does composted cow poop smell? Im not a sicko, just wondering cause I live near a couple cow farms and they stink pretty bad.
I hear that mushroom compost is pretty good stuff. Have fun w/ the in ground gardening, you'll trip out how fast the space goes. Good idea to trellis the cukes.

So are you coco free now?
Composted poo smells like dirt. I still have a few in coco, the ones that were doing good are still in it awaiting their pot up to quart size containers tomorrow after I ship my wife to austin for 6 days. I think next year I will stick to seed starting media. I think because I got the reptile bedding and not coco for growing that may have had an impact on them, maybe to many salts or something.
Well, what better way to start a crappy season than to plant more plants? None I say. I started 18 more plants yesterday. Updated pictures coming.
Hey, Noah, how are your wilds doing? I tried planting the lance and rhomb's but neither one has come up yet. Replanted a couple of lances last week, hopefully one of them will sprout. Any pics of what I am missing?

The rhombs are doing awesome, my first Praetermissums just sprouted, not even out of soil, just put their tap root out after a little more than 3 months. The lance sprouted about two weeks after the Rhomb and has not put out true leaves yet. I have pictures but they are on the other computer. I will have them up tonight though.
Here are some updated photopicturethingiemadobobhickies.

Yellow Scorpion Cardi, only ones that are even close to where I was last year this time.


More Scorpion Cardi


C. Rhomboideum


Yellow Bhut, bad flash



Overview of the rest, all were started on Jan 16th. If you look in the middle to the right, that is a Lanceolatum that was started over two months ago and has not put out new leaves since then, sloooooowwwwwwwww grower.

I think I over heated my little guys early on that caused the problems with the goats weed and many others. I lost over 20 plants from root rot. Bleh.