• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Mistakes made in 08

I had read that chrysanthemums were an aphid deterent so I bought 3 nice plants only to find out the next day they were infested with aphids and that is what started my aphid problem this year....it turns out that the reason chrysanthemums keep aphids off other plants is they are are an aphid magnet....

lessons learned...

1. Investigate each bit of information you receive to understand how/why it works.

2. If you buy plants, thoroughly inspect them for critters before putting them in with your 576 7 week old seedlings...
Ok what did I do right?Damn short list.
1)Over watering for sure

2)hardening off a lil too soon

3)using mulch in the pots that my wifes 4 cats loved too much!

4)LOL,,not taking care of the offending cats.

5)could`ve been worse for a rookie.
Like the rest...I over watered then spent $30 to send 2 plants to a lab to tell me I over watered.

I over planted for my indoor grow area, leaving my scrambling when they all grew up.

Oh...I even crushed a few plants by dropping a light fixture on them as I was adjusting the height of the light.
Here's another one that I just ran into. Not hardening off quite long enough before keeping them outside. Sun bleaching STINKS!!! It's not the worst case, but I'll REALLY make sure I ease into with the next batch of plants.:)
Here are my 2 mistakes for 08.. #1 thinking I could grow
chile plants from seed and expect alot of pods :lol:
#2 getting addict to a forum devoted to chile peppers
that has great friendly informed outstanding and truly wonderful memebers:)
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Here are my 2 mistakes for 08.. #1 thinking I could grow
chile plants from seed and expect alot of pods :lol:
#2 getting addict to a forum devoted to chile peppers
that has great friendly informed outstanding and truly wonderful memebers:)

Yeah, I'm finding myself liking this forum more than I originally thought as well. Who would have thunk I'd just love talking about chiles soooooo much!!:lol:
rabbit said:
Yeah, I'm finding myself liking this forum more than I originally thought as well. Who would have thunk I'd just love talking about chiles soooooo much!!:lol:
Thunk? really dude, thunk? :lol:
Yep, this site is addicting.
who'd'ave thunk it is the way we use it down south...
AlabamaJack said:
who'd'ave thunk it is the way we use it down south...

I think it's honestly pretty much an American slang word:lol: However, I live near Detroit. So I had to call it Metro Detroit ebonics. LOL!!
rabbit said:
Yeah, I'm finding myself liking this forum more than I originally thought as well. Who would have thunk I'd just love talking about chiles soooooo much!!:lol:
Hehehe, I've been here well over 2 1/2 years (wow, that's a long time) and I still haven't gotten tired of looking at this forum every 15 minutes... :lol:
imaguitargod said:
Hehehe, I've been here well over 2 1/2 years (wow, that's a long time) and I still haven't gotten tired of looking at this forum every 15 minutes... :lol:

Ya...This forum is as addicting as peppers :lol:
agree on the adiction...i check it in the middle of the night when I get up to let the dog out...(and myself)