• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

Well here is my grow list and status. I had a smaller home built greenhouse but I am quickly running out of room so I built a 8' long x 2' deep x 4' high one last night. Used reflective 4x8 sheet in back and bottom/sides/top are some r13 insulation that is suppose to have 98% reflectivity. We shall see. As of now, I have 445 seeds planted and/or purchased and 147 germinated seeds. Other than the 2010 Jalapeno, all seeds with a "0" germination have not been planted yet and/or were just planted in the past few day. My favorite new supplier is Trade Winds Fruit. Their seeds are germinating at an unbelievable rate. My current list is....

As I had posted a while back, I was running out of room so today i added another 8' x 4' greenhouse in the basement for transplants...





Good day today ;) Mike spent the afternoon working on transplanting peppers and I worked on getting the tomatoes started for the season. Productive day! Oh yeah and Mike turned 40 :bday:
My God Mike
Looks like you will be picking pods before they ever make it outside. Your way ahead of the curve on this one…nice looking plants!!

Happy Birthday big guy :bday:
Thanks SH...after looking at others pics..i was kinda feeling way behind the curve. I see a lot of dark green in others..people tell me nitrogen. I have a ton of nitrogen (have a horse and big piles of manure I save) but always cautious about adding nitrogen to my plants..afraid of burning.

Thanks for the compliments..hopefully I can keep them all alive until I can move to outside greenhouse. this darn ohio weather is something else..wondering if it is ever gonna warm up.
Well, MMC you could always move to Vermont :lol: and do some Maple sugaring while waiting for better weather. :rofl:
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is dealing with other half who is madly in love with hot peppers. :rofl: Well,Jack is sleeping with them in b-room. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Btwy, you have some great plants in your bassement. :cool:

Happy Big 1 Mike

We have had the peppers in the bedroom as well ;) Peppers germinating in the oven, peppers in the windowsill and I swear there are peppers coming out of Mikes :censored:

Hope your 2011 peppers are going well!
We have had the peppers in the bedroom as well ;) Peppers germinating in the oven, peppers in the windowsill and I swear there are peppers coming out of Mikes :censored:

Hope your 2011 peppers are going well!

I just finished watering 500+ peppers while Jack was getting a scoop on THP forum.:rofl: Go figure. :rofl:

Really, I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who is sharing hubby with peppers. :D

Nice job Mc's! I don't post my garden because weather in Zone 10 promotes peppers to grow like weeds. Totally unfair to all those who have to use tech, but I LOVE looking at all of it.

You peeps have done a great job!

Big up's to Mike! Happy B-Day.

SoFlo Posse
I'll wait a little while longer before I introduce them to nitrogen. I have to manage their growth because I have very limited space and juggling 575+ superhots. I just repotted mine last week and they're ahead of last year's progression at this time. Where I makeup time is in the ground soil, mostly sand. I have a local farmer bring over 4 yr old organic cow manure. Last year it was 25 sqyd and I'll go with a minimum of 30 sqyd this season.

My Jamaicans last season were about 4' tall, and the wife went crazy with them. I called it the Jamaican sea. As soon as I get a better feeling on what the total count will be, I'll create another AutoCAD layout to determine how much I need to expand the growing area.

You and your wife seem to make a great team, isn't life just grand!!
Great looking setup. Looks like another "AJ" in the making, especially with the number of plants. Gonna need a dump truck for the pods.
Well I have not had much luck with my 7 pot seeds (other than the brain strains I got from a member). I have red, yellow, and barrackpore in germination cups but have only got 1 yellow and today 1 barrackpore. they have been in cups for around 3 weeks now so I would assume they probably aren't gonna do much. I am glad I got at least 3 strains. Now to baby them and get some peppers :)