food Mmmmmm...poppers!

JayT said:
That is beautiful.

:tips cap to Mrs. Blues:

Impy I have no idea.

JayT, how close are you to Stoudt's brewery? I believe it's in Adamstown, PA. Their beer has been showing up down here in NC, and I must say it's good stuff. Like their American Pale Ale, and the IPA ain't bad either.

edit: i have no idea why I quoted you above...
:Tips hat to crowd:

AJ is down for the count...have a great evening all...
I am about 35 minutes from there and have their beer quite often. I love their Fat Dog Stout, Belgian Tripel, Barleywine etc etc etc. They also host brew fests about 3 times a year with about 20 different brewers coming in and sharing their wares for $30 a head for unlimited tastings and a buffet and band. Good stuff.

'Night AJ.
JayT said:
I am about 35 minutes from there and have their beer quite often. I love their Fat Dog Stout, Belgian Tripel, Barleywine etc etc etc. They also host brew fests about 3 times a year with about 20 different brewers coming in and sharing their wares for $30 a head for unlimited tastings and a buffet and band. Good stuff.

'Night AJ.

I'm gonna have to ask the beer rep in town to try stocking some of these. I'm a freak for barleywines, and stouts as well. The brewfest sounds great. Theres a "Brewgrass" festival here in Asheville that involves breweries from around the country, and a few from around the world. Bluegrass music and all you can drink from a tasting glass all day for 40 bucks.

I'm following suit with TB and AJ. One more Beam Rye, and one more PBer, and I'm off to bed.

Cheers all, and may your poppers be gooey!
You should be able to get the FDS, but the others I mentioned are limited seasonal releases. All their beers are pretty good though. They do have a mixed case they produce all the time. Maybe you can get that. I'm about done too. G'night.
Killer plans folks, open thread for a set time like fri/sat w/ exit poll sounds good eh?

I'll be cookin fo sho. :D

I may havta procure soem mroe fixin's after the last poppercade....but at least I can assume PBR and whisky will be attendin the decimation.

I have umm, about 4 kinds of frewsh peppers, and hell if i know how many dryied, pickled, powderd an otherwise assimilated ones.
Oh, also lots of deli meats, seafood, and more cheeses than a cow. :lol:

Party on Chileheadz!!!!!!!

Yer going DOWN!
Wow, this thread exploded since the last time I was here! A popper pop-off throwdown sounds great. I'm so into it that I've added a secret ingredient just for you guys. The merciless peppers of Quetzlzacatenengo, grown deep in the jungles primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum. MUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now all I have to do is get the rest of the fixin's.
All this popper talk is making me hungry and I just ate a 1/2 rack of ribs I smoked last night. Either Friday or Saturday I'm definitely makin up a batch for the contest.
Maybe I'll get some blue cheese and pancenta....
Ok official rules:


Make poppers

Drink more

Take Pictures

Drink more

Eat Poppers

Drink More

Post Pictures

I think that about covers it.
It starts tomorrow and pics should be posted by Sunday, preferably by Saturday night. We're going to have to figure out how to do a poll thread that can have the pictures posted on it afterward. I don't know how to do that. Mods any ideas on how to handle that?
After deliberating much of the day, I've decided to make.....

Spicy chicken enchilada poppers! Chicken, red enchilada sauce, lots of cheese, onion, hab powder, & other spices I deem necessary. If I can find some good looking peppers I may stuff 3 or 4 different kinds. I'm VERY excited!
Sounds awesome Impy. I have two good ideas. I thought I had my mind made up yesterday, but I thought of something today that could take the title. So I am making both. I will keep the second a surprise until tomorrow. It may revolutionize poppers...