food Mmmmmm...poppers!

JayT said:
It has begun here as well. I finished picking up a few last minute ingredients including the beverages for the evening and just finished my snack. Can't make proper poppers on an empty stomach. I had my first beer and I am ready to go.

Damn! You've alread started? It's only 145pm here and I have t-minus 4 hours. I still have to stop by the local hippy veggie joint for a few last minutes such as goat cheese, more habanero's and extract of male baboon spermatazoa.

Daydreaming of beer here.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Damn! You've alread started? It's only 145pm here and I have t-minus 4 hours. I still have to stop by the local hippy veggie joint for a few last minutes such as goat cheese, more habanero's and extract of male baboon spermatazoa.

Daydreaming of beer here.

Cheers, TB.

No kidding! I just got back from the gym and it's only 2pm here. I've got at least 2 more hours to go before I can get started. With hockey on at 7pm, I've got to pace myself a little bit or I won't even make it to the end of the game :shocked:
I have decided to go to my fantasy southern roots for popper #1 and the accompanying beverage will be a 32oz monster sized Mississippi Mud.
Hmm, 66 members on adn no mods.

I'd make a new thread for the Contest, but would help if a Mod did it so it can be, well, moderated. :D
Impy checking in. I'm actualy gonna try to get mine done BEFORE my bro's party. It's starting a couple hours after I thought it would, & I got off work an hour early. Already started on beer #1 as I prep the kitchen.

Oh, I have limited internet. My modem crapped out. I'm using my phone's browser to post. The internet guy is supposed to come by tomorrow afternoon so that's when I'll post my pics. But, I'll be checking in through my phone when I can!
Damn, I just got sidetracked. The ol' lady wants to go out to a pub for drinks. Doubt I'll be making poppers today given that I still have to pick up a few odds and ends before the game starts. Looks like I'll have to do them up tomorrow :( and I'm HUNGRY NOW!
Heh, I may wait until tmw too as some of my spiffy stuff is still defrosting and I need to hit the store as well sicne I only have 3 jalas left.

Oh well, there's always Beer. :D
Yea, I'm definitely going to have a few beer tonight. It may even be a night of over indulgence depending on how the game turns out. THey lose, more beer. They win, more beer ;)
Yeah yeah sure you guys just want to see what the competition does first...:lol:

Well here's a progress report:

Both fillings are made and 20 large jalapenos, and 4 good sized orange habaneros have been cut in half and deseeded. That makes 48 poppers all together. A little slow on the beer drinking so far, but I will pick that up. I had a little monkey wrench thrown in the plans tonight as my father-in-law will be coming home prostate cancer surgery tomorrow and we need to make room for him to stay in the living room for a while. Lots of rearranging furniture and packing up toys going on here tonight. I am trudging through and WILL still produce the winning product. I did take one picture so far many more to come.
post to the throwdown thread I started TB if that OK...I have already started posting pics there...hope you don't mind since this was really your idea my friend...
ANd a gr8 idea it is TB.

I'd pm'd Moyboy but whoever got to it 1st is fine /w me. :)

Jus fig better/less chaos if a Mod runs it. If need help for poll thumbnails/whuteva, lemme know.

Party On!
Actually ya'll it was JayT that proposed the smackdown. Take a bow Jayt. I'm doing a shot now as I just discovered the chorizo I bought 2 days ago has been alien slimed and turned to slimey goo. That was quick. My pea sized brain is shifting gears. Going all out now. I'm gonna' have to break into the ratholed tery smoked salmon..

Cheers, TB.
Nooooooo not the smoked salmon!!!! I take that as a compliment TB. You saw what kind of Kung Fu AJ and I are bringing and decided yours needed an upgrade from the chorizo...