food Mmmmmm...poppers!

JayT said:
Let's just say nagas of all kinds!

Oh noes you didn't!! Damn! How am I going to go up against that? I've eaten all my habs and only have some 'penos and pequins. But I do have tequila and goat cheese!!
What you gonna do with tequila and goats?! LOL.... OH! Cheese. said:
What you gonna do with tequila and goats?! LOL.... OH! Cheese.

I've solved thousands of math problems in my life, maybe even millions. Addition, subtraction, division, etc. Nobody has ever called me a mathematician.....but have a goat that ONE time.......

JayT said:
Sounds like a Moyboy kind'a party!

That is so bah ah ah ah ahd...
Ok, only halfway through this experiment I can tell you, there will be no poppers tonight. I could make them, but it would be a waste. I will just eat my samples of each pepper tonight and make the poppers tomorrow. I will not eat four whole nagas in one night. Call me a wuss if you must.
No camera. No poppers. JayT waddup? Was this all a figment of my imagination? said:
No camera. No poppers. JayT waddup? Was this all a figment of my imagination?

Pictures have been added already boss. That Dorset has done a number on my stomach already. I have a vivid recollection of the last time I ate a pile of superhot poppers and spent the night with cold sweats and sitting on the bowl. Not looking for a repeat performance.
You may not be looking for a repeat performance but your dear THP friends may be :lol:. Only joking mate, best to play it safe when you are consuming death!
chilehunter said:
it would of been cool to see a plate of several different super hot poppers. that'd be some intense pain to eat'em all :mouthonfire:

Are you raising your hand for the task?
I don't mind a fail but I mind an epic letdown. :(
Novacastrian said:
Are you raising your hand for the task?

me ? :shocked: hell no! :scared:
I've tried pieces of 7pot & trinidad scorpion & theres no way I could eat them as poppers, that'd be insane!
I can do habanero poppers & maybe fatalii poppers though never made fatalii poppers yet.
texas blues said: putting a quarter in the jukebox for some Chuck Berry and out pops Frankie Goes to Hollywood....

Nah it's more like putting your last dollar in a vending machine and expecting a condom, only to recieve a tube of lube...