food Mmmmmm...poppers!

CandyZitPopper-thumb-330x351-26301.jpg said:
You guys didn't even give him a chance to go shopping!

true!! come on, you never know if & when hes going shopping & then if they have the certain ingredients. he is in a different country.

Noshownate said:

just the name sounds gross! but kinda interesting :lol::oops:
now if they could make a habanero popper candy :think:
Omri had duty this weekend I think he said....
Ah, sorry dudes.
Was (and is) kinda busy this entire week.
This was a bit unexpected, but glad to see ya guys wanna see my poppers. :lol:
indeed we do Omri...get to it.... :lol:
Omri said:
Ah, sorry dudes.
Was (and is) kinda busy this entire week.
This was a bit unexpected, but glad to see ya guys wanna see my poppers. :lol:' poppers...yeah...that's what we wanna' see....
I had rather go to the chiefs we're talkin'...
we may have to remedy that nate
It has been a while since I posted poppers (or anyone else has for that matter), so this afternoon a light bulb went off in my head. What if I combine my Beer & Deer Chili with some smoked Gruyere cheese, stuff it in some jalapenos, and wrap it all in bacon before tossing it in the cast iron? Well, what you get is Popper Heaven! Behold it's majesty:


Ohhhh you got me on that one!
