food Mmmmmm...poppers!

Sorry THP....I couldn't help myself!

As far as the topic goes....I'm thinking about making poppers for the twin's b-day shin-dig this coming weekend. They're inviting several friends over for the night and I'm making most of the food for the party.

I will post pics of the mayhem. ;)
Omri said:
LOL, you pretty much summed up all that is not Kosher...
Seafood is ain't Kosher and cheese can't go with meat (chicken is meat, fish isn't).

just goes to show how much I know... :lol:

so you can't mix chicken with dairy...

hmmmmmmm....I forget...did you say you can mix fish with dairy?...if so, what about salmon or tuna poppers?...both have scales and fins....
You can't have your lox w/o cream cheese. ;)

There's a popper. :)
I'll be making some mean-a$$ Salmon poppers.
Salmon, cheese, alfredo sauce and maybe some sour cream... still thinking of the who's and what's, but it's going down soon!
You guys didn't even give him a chance to go shopping! :lol:
Omri- I cannot eat milk or its derivitives in any form (not even goat, so sad....)

I also would like to make poppers with a "cheese replacement" I posted somewhere here some recipes for cashew cheese for Scarpetti's vegan friends.

It is made from cashews, and in the recipe I found on line it was used to stuff large baked pasta shells, so it should work in poppers and I think it is kosher to use with meat- I have had friends who are orthodox at least as far as their diet is concerned-it seems as though it would meet specifications.

My best friend has been visited by the "habenero fairy" and has promised to prep them according to my instructions, so that we can make poppers. The holidays should hold some cooking time for us....I am thinking I could pick up some lamb, google some recipes...since rum is not her spirit, there will be margaritas....we will plan!

(shepard's pie with habenero's sound good too, or poppers stuffed with shepards pie filling-with the potatoes piped on top....gotta rehab the kitchen, want to cook!)