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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

ooo.. i wish i had some poppers right now :o( .. sometimes i think posting pix is mean bc it makes me jealous! haha.. well i hope you enjoyed em!


I had an idea for a kind of popper the other day so I picked up some ingredients: ripe fresno peppers, chorizo, montarey jack cheese, and some greek pitas (they are thicker and softer then lebanese pita). I cut up the pita to be a bit larger then the halved peppers, put a nice chunk of chorizo in the pepper (quartered lengthwise), and covered with a slice of the jack cheese. The cheese did a good job of gluing the pepper to the pita. On some of them I added some green olives. I baked them in the oven at 425 for about 10 minutes. I've eaten 4 of them so far, most were not very spicy (what I expected) but one of them REALLY lit me up!! It was pretty damn hot and I needed a couple glasses of milk. Funny. Also, I liked the ones with the olives the best.

Here's some pics:

Caught some fresh blue crab at the dock the other day. Made some crab cakes and while I was at it stuffed some red jalapenos with the same mix. Cannot get enough poppers this time of year. :drooling:


Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!! Two of my all time favorite 'thangs. Crab cakes and poppers! Love the crust on the cakes from the cast iron. Beautiful! And the poppers look fantastic! Hot blue and righteous! If that's not the food of kings, I don't know what is!
Alright Yabba, now why can the green rooms get the popper thing!!!!!!!! I mean this thread has to be one of the best thing on the internet!!!!!!