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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

Before you read this I have two apologise to make :

  1. I don't normally copy paste shit around the web, I pick one destination and post it ... but this thread was as awe inspiring to me as DaveTaylor made it out to be ... even if he does come from a (sub) nation that thinks deep fried mars bars are a delicacy! and it *feels* like it belongs here (and on Daves forums, because that's how I got here originally)
  2. I haven't posted much on here since I made a, valiant!, effort at taking Paulky's tiara for "drama queen" in the drunken chef thread. In my defence (whilst continuing my valiant, although pointless ... he drinks lights ffs, attempt) I've been pulling 17 hour days, 7 days a week ( next day off is october ) because we've hit showing season with dahlias

Anyway, my copy paste monstrosity is below ... please find it in your hearts to forgive me :'( ... especially the lack of beer in the photos

I thank you for your lenience, not that I deserve it.

So, do I win the tiara yet? :roll:

Just kidding, pretty much all the shit posted on here ( and drunken chef ) make me drool, just normally to knackered to reply, my bad. Roll on winter when I have waaaaay to much free time

Very amusing post Yabba, I like your sense of humour (not too keen on your geography lesson though ;) ) and your pics don't look that bad. The stuffing for your poppers sounds good.
Many a true word said in jest ;)

Now I have to :
  1. Improve my culinary skills
  2. Improve my presentation skills
  3. Improve my photography!

Still glad that Dave showed me the righteous path that is this thread :D

Very amusing post Yabba, I like your sense of humour (not too keen on your geography lesson though ;) ) and your pics don't look that bad. The stuffing for your poppers sounds good.

Heh, guessing by your nick that you also like deep fried mars bars? If it helps I live in the second capital of Scotland, otherwise know as Blackpool ;)

Can't say I've ever tried one :) , nor do I ever see it happening. Originally from Dundee but next week will be 26 years living down under, I've only been back the once and was horrified when asked in Sterling if I wanted chips with my curry.... you f@#$%n serious or what??? Most of my family have a very bland diet and would probably savour that Mars Bar. I hated travelling in England with a passion, the 3 days I spent in Liverpool may have tainted my perception of the country ;) , and couldn't wait to get back home.

Edited because I can't count.
Unfortunately I've had to put up with the english for the last three decades, and their culinary "delights" ... wish I could afford to move back home to Belgium ;)

Here's my first attempt at Poppers, and really any pepper related cooking. I forgot to take pictures throughout the process so it's just a before and after.

I started out with this:

(clickable thumbs)

- Some bucket-grown Banana peppers, a tiny Bonnie Bell, and a couple Anaheim Chiles
- store bought Habaneros (hard to tell by the pic but I think it was a peach habanero, the store didn't specify)
- some 90& ground beef
- block of Neufchatel cheese
- Southwest cheese mix (Monterrey Jack and Cheddar, and apparently bits of jalapenos too, but I didn't know until later)
- black pepper

I didn't end up using the Old Bay.

Mixed the Neufchatel, ground beef, black pepper, diced bell, finely diced habaneros

Halved and seeded banana and Anaheims, stuffed generously

Oven for 25 minutes, topped with Southwest cheese mix, broiler for about 90 seconds.


They don't actually look very appetizing, but they tasted fantastic with the right amount of kick for all to enjoy. Shared them with the roommates and they dug 'em. Wanted more.

Nowhere to go but up!
Don't kid yourself BPMD! I clicked on teh 'tumbs and those are as hot blue and righteous as anythang on this thread. Cheezy oozy goozy hotness man! You shall soon be assimilated into the Popper Overlord Collective. Dig it!
They don't actually look very appetizing, but they tasted fantastic

crappy copy paste monstrosity said:
So, if yer thinking of making poppers I have some words of wisdom for you :
  1. If I can do it you can ;)
  2. You'd be *really* hard pushed to take cr@per pictures than me
  3. It doesn't matter what they look like
  4. They _always_ taste awesome ;)

Every time I open this thread I end up losing several thousand gallons of drool ... hope I didn't drown you ;)

Sounds good, I'm glad y'all have the parameters set already. I won't sell myself short next time!

(P.S. I just ate some Jerk Chicken from a Caribbean joint nearby and I can't move. Food comas at work are frowned upon by the bosses)
On our vacation I fixed some Bama poppers again at my brother in law's house. Here's the penos and bells:




Roasted garlic:


A metric shitload of ground chuck with onions and garlic:

Thanks guys, there is a Jamaican Hot Chocolate and Peach Hab popper in the first pic, but you can barely see them. I wanted to start at the bottom of the heat scale before I make them with nagas or bhuts. I've made these wings about 5 times since I saw the video from Texas Blues, everyone loves them. Bacon: the key to a mans heart! lol