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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

I can honestly tell you it was something to behold. The two of us together was quite scary. So was the destruction we left behind in the Blues kitchen.
I really must say this thread always makes my mouth water. I plan on making some poppers this year with some different peppers. I'm not sure what to use for stuffing though, any suggestions on what's best for a first try?
I really must say this thread always makes my mouth water. I plan on making some poppers this year with some different peppers. I'm not sure what to use for stuffing though, any suggestions on what's best for a first try?

How about your favorite cheese and top'em with some chopped crispy bacon? That's a really nice place to start...;)
As a aside to this thread, my wife bought some premade poppers. The kind that are cream cheese, dipped in batter and deep fried. What a dissapointment! NO where as good as the poppers featured here! I am so glad I have regular and purple jalapenos, and hot wax peppers growing like gangbusters out in the garden right now.......I will be in popper heaven soon......
First real post!

I have a live fantasy football draft this Saturday. Coincidentally I'll have a few hot banana peppers ready from my ghetto garden out back of the rowhouse. Your popper pics will be quite the inspiration! I bought a few habs for it too. Should I dice them up and put a little bit in all the bananas or should I stuff the habs and serve them along side?

Has anyone tried poppers made with scrapple? How about Brie cheese?
First real post!

I have a live fantasy football draft this Saturday. Coincidentally I'll have a few hot banana peppers ready from my ghetto garden out back of the rowhouse. Your popper pics will be quite the inspiration! I bought a few habs for it too. Should I dice them up and put a little bit in all the bananas or should I stuff the habs and serve them along side?

Has anyone tried poppers made with scrapple? How about Brie cheese?

Your call on the habs as I don't know who's eating them. Scrapple? While I'm not a fan of scrapple, sure. Stuff your chile's with whatever you like. Brie? You bet. Mind you the softer cheese's tend to ooze out rather quickly as they have a low melt point. One thing I do, and I happen to like my own deep fried poppers, is stuff em', bread 'em, and then toss in the freezer. Once frozen, then bake or deep fry. Keeps the cheese from doing an Elvis and leaving the building. Feel free to post your popper pics. We'd love to see them!
First real post!

I have a live fantasy football draft this Saturday. Coincidentally I'll have a few hot banana peppers ready from my ghetto garden out back of the rowhouse. Your popper pics will be quite the inspiration! I bought a few habs for it too. Should I dice them up and put a little bit in all the bananas or should I stuff the habs and serve them along side?

Has anyone tried poppers made with scrapple? How about Brie cheese?


Stuff the habs and bananas with a mixture of crabmeat, cream cheese, and shredded cheddar. Top'em or wrap'em in bacon, sit them in a cast iron skillet.....fry the bottoms and sides a bit on the stovetop, and then broil them in the oven till brown and bubbly.

That's my favorite way! :woohoo:

Stuff the habs and bananas with a mixture of crabmeat, cream cheese, and shredded cheddar. Top'em or wrap'em in bacon, sit them in a cast iron skillet.....fry the bottoms and sides a bit on the stovetop, and then broil them in the oven till brown and bubbly.

That's my favorite way! :woohoo:

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you post pics! Good luck.
If I have a mix of peppers instead of stuffing each one or half I'll chop them fine and mix with cheeses dujour (cream cheese and cheddar work well) and spoon onto wonton wrappers and fry'em - little gut stickers
Before you read this I have two apologise to make :

  1. I don't normally copy paste shit around the web, I pick one destination and post it ... but this thread was as awe inspiring to me as DaveTaylor made it out to be ... even if he does come from a (sub) nation that thinks deep fried mars bars are a delicacy! and it *feels* like it belongs here (and on Daves forums, because that's how I got here originally)
  2. I haven't posted much on here since I made a, valiant!, effort at taking Paulky's tiara for "drama queen" in the drunken chef thread. In my defence (whilst continuing my valiant, although pointless ... he drinks lights ffs, attempt) I've been pulling 17 hour days, 7 days a week ( next day off is october ) because we've hit showing season with dahlias

Anyway, my copy paste monstrosity is below ... please find it in your hearts to forgive me :'( ... especially the lack of beer in the photos

crappy copy paste monstrosity said:
Soooooooooo, I had some ripe chillis and a bunch of veg and I *love* poppers ever since I found out about them, but I didn't have enough to make a full meal so I decided to make them the entrée ( or however you spell that flash french word that means "starter" ) to a main course.

Introducing : Prawn poppers and chicken burgers ... damn I love growing my own :-D
First off let me apologise for the quality of the pics, my camera was determined to use flash, even in daylight :-S, and I'm a crap photographer :-D

Don't ask me why, but, I had a hankering for some prawn poppers, part of which was due to the fact that the only stufffable chillis I had were ... urm ... racks brain ... err ... hungarian hot wax, and they're pretty mild so I didn't want to over power them. So, I chopped up some cheap prawns that were on offer at one the supermarkets and threw them in a bowl with some chopped up cherry bomb, I only had one ripe one :-(, baby leeks ( planted the rest of them, but didn't have space for these ... waste not want not), and some garlic that I grew this year and some parmesan cheese :

Ignore the courgette, that was for the burgers ;) Continuing my cheap b@st@rd lifestyle I grabbed some bacon offcuts to wrap the poppers in, lobbed all the rest of the ingredients, except the courgette, into a bowl and stirred furiously ... for a few seconds ... then took 5 minutes off to get my breath back, and drink some beer :

I then proceeded to stuff the peppers and wrap them in bacon ... not the easiest of things to do with cheap offcuts, but god loves a trier and all that ;)

Once that was done I grabbed some spuds out of my garage and chopped them into roundels, which is a posh way of sayin' slices :

And slapped a couple of bits of chicken, some more baby leeks, some more garlic and some piri-piri hot lemon sauce into a bowl to marinade. I _was_ going to use the Holy Cow Garlic sauce that Kat turned me on to, but the Mighty V (*bows*) had used all of it already, but the piri-piri had a good kick so all was not lost! :

Several beers later I remembered to turn the oven on and slapped the poppers in. I then proceeded to destroy the kitchen making the burgers. When the fire alarm went off I took the poppers out of the oven, and this is what the looked like :

If I was any good with a camera, or even slightly less drunk, then this would be "The Money Shot", as it is it's just an over exposed badly focused close up :

The photo of the chicken burgers came out faaaar better, but still glad it tasted better than it looks :

Like I said at the start, I *love* growing my own stuff. the only bought ingredients in all those shots were :
  1. The cheese, parmesan on the poppers and mozerlla on the burgers
  2. The chicken ... although I'm hoping to start keeping my own soon :-D
  3. The ciabatta ... mainly because I drank to much to bother making bread :-P
  4. The bacon ... much as I'd like I don't have the space to keep pigs :(
  5. The prawns ... pretty sure Barry would be pi$$ed off if I raided his shop for live prawns :-P
  6. The plates, worktop, chopping board, bowls ... I know, hard to believe huh? :roll:

Whilst the poppers tasted great I think I was a smidge to over cautious about over powering the chillis and the prawns, they really would have suited a gooey cheese, like camembert, being added as they were a tad dry ... still tasted great though, and there's always next time ;-)

So, if yer thinking of making poppers I have some words of wisdom for you :
  1. If I can do it you can ;)
  2. You'd be *really* hard pushed to take cr@per pictures than me
  3. It doesn't matter what they look like
  4. They _always_ taste awesome ;)

As Nike would say "just do it" ;-)


I thank you for your lenience, not that I deserve it.

So, do I win the tiara yet? :roll:

Just kidding, pretty much all the shit posted on here ( and drunken chef ) make me drool, just normally to knackered to reply, my bad. Roll on winter when I have waaaaay to much free time

I wish you'd been here to, then you could have talked me out of my cautiousness ;)

This thread and The Drunken Chef have to be the best reading on the web. There are some truly awesome creations on both of them.
