food Mmmmmm...poppers!

Mammouth Poppers STC!!!! They look so tasty! Your daughter and her friends are sooooooooooooooooo LUCKY!!!!!!!

AJ - thanks for the 411!!! Where are your poppers? Did ya eat 'em up already????? hahaha

didn't take many pictures...was busy cooking supper...grilled salmon swabbed with butter/dijon mustard/dill/lemon...pan seared asparagus, and the popper cross section...a few strips of fresh jalapeno...the dip is the mustard/butter/lemon/dill combination...if you have not tried this, you don't know what you are missing...

didn't take many pictures...was busy cooking supper...grilled salmon swabbed with butter/dijon mustard/dill/lemon...pan seared asparagus, and the popper cross section...a few strips of fresh jalapeno...the dip is the mustard/butter/lemon/dill combination...if you have not tried this, you don't know what you are missing...
Nice! I really wanted to stuff mine whole too...but I needed big #s for the party, plus they were so damn big. 1/2 was plenty. I remember somebody posting a rack that they used to cook whole stuffed poppers vertically??? Looked kinda like a deep dish ice tray. You know where to find them?
do you mean like this? not exactly what you describe but they work OK...problem with them is if your heat is too hot, it will burn the bottom of the peppers...can't really tell in the pic but it sits about 3" high

Not exactly like the other one I saw...but it looks pretty cool! Only problem is those holes look a little small for my big pepper...ummmm well you know what I mean. I'll look it up...
dayumm those things are spensive! Looks like its time to sacrifice an old baking pan on the drill press alter...
yup...they are expensive, but they are made of stainless and will last a lifetime...if you do get NOT use steel wool to clean it...the steel imbeds in the stainless and rusts...use one of those non-metallic scrub pads
now that's what I'm talkin about...
The Popper Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no
recourse but to declare myself a Popper Overlord! That's right.. a new Over-
lord types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono-
poly on Overlord status. It does feel good, I'll admit.

There are none among you who do not possess the potential to possibly be
petitioned to join the ranks of the Overlords. Just keep working hard, remem-
ber to always post pictures and don't forget that I invented the Pauper Popper,
even though I don't know what is in it yet...

Here's some with Neese's hot sausage, two minced Habaneros, garlic, onion
cream cheese and oregano:


Covered in Mexican blend cheese:


Some wrapped in Prosciutto:


The others topped with a stick of pepper jack cheese:


Mmmmmm MMMmmmmmm!!!

The Popper Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no recourse but to declare myself a Popper Overlord! That's right.. a new Over- lord types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono- poly on Overlord status. It does feel good, I'll admit. There are none among you who do not possess the potential to possibly be petitioned to join the ranks of the Overlords. Just keep working hard, remem- ber to always post pictures and don't forget that I invented the Pauper Popper, even though I don't know what is in it yet... Here's some with Neese's hot sausage, two minced Habaneros, garlic, onion cream cheese and oregano:
Covered in Mexican blend cheese:

Nice!!! Man I love poppers! These are the only Poppers I'm cooking today...

500 lb bomb bodies in a 1300 degree powder coat oven..
You are a serious propper popper topper. I will be avin some of those breakfast bombs, bro.

The Popper JUNKIE Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no
recourse but to declare myself a Popper JUNKIE! That's right.. a new JUNKIE
types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono-
poly on JUNKIE status. It does feel good, I'll admit.

Go gettem robbie! Hahaha
The Popper Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no
recourse but to declare myself a Popper Overlord! That's right.. a new Over-
lord types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono-
poly on Overlord status. It does feel good, I'll admit.

There are none among you who do not possess the potential to possibly be
petitioned to join the ranks of the Overlords. Just keep working hard, remem-
ber to always post pictures and don't forget that I invented the Pauper Popper,
even though I don't know what is in it yet...

well, overlord status, hmmmmmm...I only have two throwdown crowns for poppers...hmmm...and that seems to be the only two popper throwdowns we have had... :rofl:

do you suppose I can be a popper overlord?.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Popper Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no
recourse but to declare myself a Popper Overlord! That's right.. a new Over-
lord types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono-
poly on Overlord status. It does feel good, I'll admit.

There are none among you who do not possess the potential to possibly be
petitioned to join the ranks of the Overlords. Just keep working hard, remem-
ber to always post pictures and don't forget that I invented the Pauper Popper,
even though I don't know what is in it yet...

Here's some with Neese's hot sausage, two minced Habaneros, garlic, onion
cream cheese and oregano:


Covered in Mexican blend cheese:


Some wrapped in Prosciutto:


The others topped with a stick of pepper jack cheese:


Mmmmmm MMMmmmmmm!!!


Lord Voldemort... You may have read too many J.K. Rowling novels.... I do encourage reading though.
well, overlord status, hmmmmmm...I only have two throwdown crowns for poppers...hmmm...and that seems to be the only two popper throwdowns we have had... :rofl:

do you suppose I can be a popper overlord?.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As a self-proclaimed Popper Overlord I say that yes, you can indeed be a
Popper Overlord. Plus, I'm too drunk to be typying and I refreshed and saw
that Pr0digal Son fucked me up with the Lord Voldemort statement and now
I just want to go get more drunker. Here's what I had planned to show with
my original post to illustrate the hope one can have to possibly enter the

As, I believe, a THP popper overlord, I congratulate two new members to the kingdom of popper. You have certainly proved worthiness with those two first entries. Please live long and popper.

Don't kid yourself BPMD! I clicked on teh 'tumbs and those are as hot blue and righteous as anythang on this thread. Cheezy oozy goozy hotness man! You shall soon be assimilated into the Popper Overlord Collective. Dig it!

Come with us amigo. We will school you by the numbers. Soon you will be addicted to the popper and then..once you climb the mountain, you will become a Popper Overlord!

Salute', TB.
I have climbed the mountain and viewed the other side....hmpf...not much out there...
The Popper Overlords of this thread saw fit to ignore my pleas so I have no
recourse but to declare myself a Popper Overlord! That's right.. a new Over-
lord types amongst you all. No longer do JayT and texas blues hold the mono-
poly on Overlord status. It does feel good, I'll admit.

There are none among you who do not possess the potential to possibly be
petitioned to join the ranks of the Overlords. Just keep working hard, remem-
ber to always post pictures and don't forget that I invented the Pauper Popper,
even though I don't know what is in it yet...

Here's some with Neese's hot sausage, two minced Habaneros, garlic, onion
cream cheese and oregano:


Covered in Mexican blend cheese:


Some wrapped in Prosciutto:


The others topped with a stick of pepper jack cheese:


Mmmmmm MMMmmmmmm!!!


These look awesome. Ever since I started reading the Popper thread all I want for dinner is pepper poppers now. Bell peppers dont cut it. Theres something about the extra taste you get from a spicy pepper.

I been trying something like this but when they come out the oven they have lots of juice. WHen I put them in the toaster oven after it makes the chiles and toppings a little more crisp and gives a chance to get rid of the extra juices.