food Mmmmmm...poppers!


Biggest Jals I've ever seen! So wanted to eat one but the spousal unit said I gotta wait...Doing 'em up for my daughter to take to a Superbowl party with her boyfriend...maybe I'll stuff with bhut and chocolate hab tainted cream cheese! tomorrow.
STC - that would be soooooooo mean!!!! (but kinda funny too)
You should do it - like a few, but "mark" them, so the studs can embarrass themselves and have fun at the same time! :)
Oooooh those are gonna be rockin' good!

AJ - what is "corking?"

see the lines on the pepper skin...the lighter color that looks like cracks in the skin...that is corking....and is a sign of maturity...







Made these for my daughter to take to a Superbowl party. Don't know if you can really get the size of these from the pics, but those are 4" tiles on the counter. They are absolutely the biggest damn Jalapeno's I've ever seen! Was really surprised they have a nice heat too

Damn...Pitty I'm not eating them myself.

Ok...I may have eaten just one.
Mammouth Poppers STC!!!! They look so tasty! Your daughter and her friends are sooooooooooooooooo LUCKY!!!!!!!

AJ - thanks for the 411!!! Where are your poppers? Did ya eat 'em up already????? hahaha
They do look yummy. Wait. What's that green stuff behind your grill?
That's a 12' tall Tepin...

Those look freakin awesome STC!
Bacon, cheese, peppers and beer... I'm gettin hungry over here.

Me too...I almost got emotional when I handed them over.

Mammouth Poppers STC!!!! They look so tasty! Your daughter and her friends are sooooooooooooooooo LUCKY!!!!!!!

AJ - thanks for the 411!!! Where are your poppers? Did ya eat 'em up already????? hahaha
Yes they are! I ended up eating a couple...I thought the first one was really good, so I checked again to make sure!
Oh come on now! These poppers are just getting out of hand!!!!!!

WD - those are gorgeous!

I have about 4 lbs of jalapenos just begging to get popped, but there's no way I narrow down which of these recipes to try out first!!!!
Now THOSE are just plain orgasmic!!!!! Major kuddos robbie!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to make those tomorrow morning, I swear I am!

wheebzzzz???? we just got a phone call........... hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

If you didn't make the breakfast poppers ( I almyst typed Breakfast Bombs
as I'm incredibly unsober and that sounded funny but now I'm not so sure ),
I highly recommend them. There were particulars about the potpourri of the
potato and pepper that were pleasantly pleasing. It's definitely something I
want to build upon.


Breakfast Bombs!!!! I love that! Haven't made them yet, but I just showed Scovie the pics of them...and now I hear a can opener that sounds suspiciously like it's connected to a can of cornedbeef hash! I predict Breakfast Bombs for dinner!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

What's in today's Poppers? wait I'll go check the DC...:)
Not the best looking but damn they were good. Soo good that I forgot to get pics until they were almost gone

And the new to me FREE grill that had the honors of charing these poppers on its maden burn on my porch
I got to eat all the habanero poppers my self. :dance: