food Mmmmmm...poppers!

mmmmmm poppers

DAyummmm Wright! Those look freaking fantastic!

I made some classic Jalapeno and Habanero poppers last night...nothing photo worthy, but the wife came home from work as I was popping them in the oven. She gave me a kiss then slapped me and ran for the milk. lol All I did was lick my fingers a few times??? What a wuss...
Well I tried the hatch method this time and while it is easier to get the seeds out, the cheese came out easier while cooking too. I think I will stick to my usual method. These are stuffed with the sausage queso I made the other night.





Your cook pics suck. The final plate pic rocks harder than chinese 'rithematic! That bacon looks perfect. When i do it up like that I stuffem' and then hit'em' in the freezer for a spell and then cookem' so the stuffing don't ooze out. You should know this by now oh Grand Popper Overlord!

Queso forgives many sins and therefore I absolve you. Go forth and sin no more.
Your cook pics suck. The final plate pic rocks harder than chinese 'rithematic! That bacon looks perfect. When i do it up like that I stuffem' and then hit'em' in the freezer for a spell and then cookem' so the stuffing don't ooze out. You should know this by now oh Grand Popper Overlord!

Queso forgives many sins and therefore I absolve you. Go forth and sin no more.

I do know to freeze them, but sometimes when you need a popper, you have to have a popper. No time to wait for them to freeze first. Besides, that spillage that browns on the Casty sure tastes gooooooood!
I do know to freeze them, but sometimes when you need a popper, you have to have a popper. No time to wait for them to freeze first. Besides, that spillage that browns on the Casty sure tastes gooooooood!

Casty browned cheese spillage does get a WIN!
what works good for me is to wrap the bacon as tight as you can toothpick em then bake em in the oven at around 350-375 then as the bacon shrinks it holds the cheese in. mmmm mmm poppers I might have to make some more tonight.
I made my first-ever poppers last night and hooooly crap were they ever





The ones on the left contained a mixture of cream cheese, bacon, cilantro,
onion, cumin and oregano. The others had Laughing Cow Queso Fresco &
Chipotle spreadable cheese and Mexican cheese.

Next time I'll dice some habanero to add to the cheese for extra heat and
use the cast iron.
Unperturbed by the lack of fanfare following his last culinary creation,
save for crying on the inside, our intrepid hero decided to "up his game"
as the youth say, and put forth another attempt in the hopes that the
Popper Overlords would be appeased. Vowing to outdo his previous mediocre
meal, he turned to his muse, Jägermeister, and invented his claim to fame...
one for which the Popper Overlords would be powerless to refrain from giving
their coveted seal of approval. Ladies and Gentlemen, we're proud to present -

Breakfast Poppers.

Eggs with Melinda's Naga Jolokia sauce, Corned Beef Hash and Hash Brown
poppers topped with Mexican blend cheese.






Now THOSE are just plain orgasmic!!!!! Major kuddos robbie!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to make those tomorrow morning, I swear I am!

wheebzzzz???? we just got a phone call........... hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
you guys got me thinking about poppers so bad that my mouth was watering so I had to go to the store...and they had the best looking jalapenos I have seen in two or three years...these are gonna be good...notice the extreme corking on the pods...these should be hot...for a jalapeno...



more pics coming as the prep continues - stuffing is mozzarella, mexican 4 cheese, canned chicken breast, and cajun seasoning...