try smoking them...slow smoked wrapped in bacon and stuffed with your favorite stuffing taste delicious...
and I don't know where you can get papers either...
and I don't know where you can get papers either...

As a self-proclaimed Popper Overlord I say that yes, I'm too drunk to be typying and I refreshed and I saw Lord Voldemort and now
I just want to go get more drunker.
Are you my long lost twin? LOL
Some seriously good looking poppers going on here lately! Makes me want to make some myself. Hmmm think I will. Oh and anyone forgetting AJ and his prowess when it comes to poppers is seriously amiss. The man just rocks HARD. Robbie after that feast of beautiful poppers you prepared I recognize your greatness, Popper Overlord.
Here is something to think about when you are attempting a call out ....
I'm diggin it, but one question, why just slices of bacon rather than wrapping them in bacon?
Thanks Brudda! I got some Manzano's in the fridge just begging to be popped...hmmmm maybe tomorrow. Gotta get creative with this one. I ate my first manzano on my commute home the other day and it brutalized me! Way surprised by that pepper's flavor and heat. Suggestions on how to pop a manzano??? Some are the super big apple sized, and some are smallish. Maybe venison sausage...Mmmmmmm STC, how did I miss that steak dinner. That pic with the quater is divine, and thatT-bone looks damm good too.
Poppers for breakfast? Are you crazy?
YES, breakfast of champs. LOL