food Mmmmmm...poppers!

try smoking them...slow smoked wrapped in bacon and stuffed with your favorite stuffing taste delicious...

and I don't know where you can get papers either... :rofl:
Some seriously good looking poppers going on here lately! Makes me want to make some myself. Hmmm think I will. Oh and anyone forgetting AJ and his prowess when it comes to poppers is seriously amiss. The man just rocks HARD. Robbie after that feast of beautiful poppers you prepared I recognize your greatness, Popper Overlord.
I started to make poppers last night...but I only got as far as opening a can of pineapple.......and I'm not even sure what I had in mind for them!!!! hahahahaha
Are you my long lost twin? LOL

My dad spent some time in the Navy on the west coast in the 1960's so it's
quite possible. Are you a 40-something sarcastic and satirical sybarite with
a sexy spouse and a penchant for adult beverages and spicy food? If so,
that sounds a lot like me...

Some seriously good looking poppers going on here lately! Makes me want to make some myself. Hmmm think I will. Oh and anyone forgetting AJ and his prowess when it comes to poppers is seriously amiss. The man just rocks HARD. Robbie after that feast of beautiful poppers you prepared I recognize your greatness, Popper Overlord.

Maybe I could settle for Popper Overlord 2nd Class. I could never compete
with your pepper prowess!

Here is something to think about when you are attempting a call out ....

No one was being called out, my friend. I don't have any six-foot tall
ursine associates to post about so I'm just having fun in my own way.
No one has posted any poppers in a while so....

Here we go again!






To be continued...




Cream cheese mixture...
colby jack
colby jack
MMMMMMmmmmmm poppers!
Looks like thick cut bacon to me which doesn't wrap as well. The other thing is by doing the oinkage in strips over the top using less bacon you can double the output of poppers. WIN!
I'm diggin it, but one question, why just slices of bacon rather than wrapping them in bacon?

The amount of bacon used was proportional to the amount puchased by the spousal unit....If I'd had enough there would have been bacon bits in the filling plus stacked then wrapped....and maybe cooked on a bed of bacon and under a bacon blanket as well.
I like the sound of a bacon blanket as well. TB is correct - I've also found
that thick-cut bacon is more difficult to wrap.

In a move unbefitting an Overlord, I must confess that my last endeavor
did not meet with 100% success. I attempted a variation of a Filet Mignon
popper but the steak overcooked. Perhaps next time I'll freeze the steak
for a bit before cooking.

Are there any other suggestions on how to properly do a Filet Mignon


Mmmmmmm STC, how did I miss that steak dinner. That pic with the quater is divine, and thatT-bone looks damm good too.

Poppers for breakfast? Are you crazy?
YES, breakfast of champs. LOL
Mmmmmmm STC, how did I miss that steak dinner. That pic with the quater is divine, and thatT-bone looks damm good too.

Poppers for breakfast? Are you crazy?
YES, breakfast of champs. LOL
Thanks Brudda! I got some Manzano's in the fridge just begging to be popped...hmmmm maybe tomorrow. Gotta get creative with this one. I ate my first manzano on my commute home the other day and it brutalized me! Way surprised by that pepper's flavor and heat. Suggestions on how to pop a manzano??? Some are the super big apple sized, and some are smallish. Maybe venison sausage...