• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mooglog 2013/2014

The first round of seeds are soaked and sown. 
All chinenses to start off,  other species to start in a month or so.
7 Pot BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Burgundy
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Jonah (spiky)
7 Pot Jonah Yellow
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Primo Orange
7 Pot SR Red
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Yellow (different source)
Aji Panca
Antillais Caribbean
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant f3
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Bih Jolokia
Black Naga
CGN 21500
Devils Tongue Yellow
Dorset Naga
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii Yellow
Guadalupe Black
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Green
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Peach
Habanero Peruvian White
Habanero Purple
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion F4
Nagabon Jolokia
Pimenta De Neyde
Seasoning Pepper (thanks Micca :) )
Snow White
THSC Naga 7
THSC Red Savina
Tobago Seasoning
Trinidad 7Pot Barrack Pore
Trinidad Douglah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Once they sprout they'll go into the new, bigger and hopefully better hydro system. 
PeriPeri said:
Hey Moo... great work my friend... your plants are looking super and so many pods too - well done!
Thanks :)  Your grow is gathering momentum too!  Massive amount of plants about to produce an avalanche of chilli!   My next two weeks have opened up with lots of chilli tending time, so I'll hopefully get the garden set up as maintenance-free as it can be for the rest of the season.
stickman said:
The likes were for the pod porn Moo... not the mite damage. What do you plan to do with your poddage now that it's starting to roll in?
Thanks.  Didn't want to put the nasty photo up but its for if people see that on their plant they know what to do.  When I first got mites I cut off the affected leaves and waited...  bad thing to do!  You've got to isolate if possible and nuke with sulfur ASAP!
This year I'm going to dry most and make powder.  I've discovered that mason jars screw very nicely onto my blender. :)  Also I've learned that if you freeze pods you should first de-seed them.  Trying to thaw frozen pods and then process them is difficult and messy. 
megamoo said:
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion F4 started slow buts its got some wicked looking pods now.

These look great, I'm growing them for the first time this year.  They seem pretty stable for F4...
Moo in the below photo you show signs of mite attack, given my newb status can you please elaborate on the signs of mite attack?

megamoo said:
Lastly bad photo.  Bhut Jolokia plant in the hedge showing signs of mites.

Thanks :)
Broad mite = Curled leaves, bronzing/browning on leaves often eventually leading to leaf drop and death of terminal plant ends and new shoots ... Long story short they suck!!
What Trippa said.  They like the new growth and once you get to the stage in the picture the plant will not grow any new growth, even if you prune the affected areas off. 
When the temps drop below 35, (not for a few days at least!) I'm going to hit them with wettable sulfur. 
All my plants are suffering the heat too much at the moment.  I have to go through and check every dripper because they are probably clogged up. 
Also I'm losing a ton of pods to some sort of bacterial disease.  Not sure what it is because it looks like sunscald but it is appearing on pods that are very well shaded and also on several spots of a pod at once... ie. not just the side exposed to the sun.  Seems to be widespread across my garden.  :(
I did do a small harvest a few days ago though.
I will use a different backdrop next time :P


The ? are because I forgot what they were.  Many are the same varieties but different plants... In ground/ pots so I got mixed up :P
The Choc Bhut is a guess because they were supposed to be Primo Orange.  Didn't sow any Choc Bhuts this season.
The Bahamian Bird Pepper and Barrackpore NOT look very similar but close up it is obvious they are different. 
Hab Black is meant to read Hab Choc :P
stickman said:
Nice money shot Moo! I'm officially jealous as it's another 12 to 14 weeks until I can plant out... :rofl:
agreed. Thats one of the best money shots I've seen that I can remember. Grew a few Bihs? Way to go moo :dance:
That bacterial issue Sounds like blossum end rot mega.. Lack of calcium ... That would be my first guess that or too much overhead watering coupled with humidity causing damp spots that rot??
Nice haul though regardless!!
stickman said:
Nice money shot Moo! I'm officially jealous as it's another 12 to 14 weeks until I can plant out... :rofl:
Thanks.  It's hard to watch another hemisphere work six months apart.  The initial growing of the plants is one of my favourite stages though.
Dot Com said:
agreeed. Thats one of the best money shots I've seen that I can remember. Grew a few Bihs? Way to go moo :dance:
Thanks.  As I read your post I remembered that the ones labelled Bih Jolokia are in fact Black Naga and the ones below that with the ? are the Bihs.  :doh:  I didn't label the picture until a few days after I picked them.  Probably not the best way to do it.
Trippa said:
That bacterial issue Sounds like blossum end rot mega.. Lack of calcium ... That would be my first guess that or too much overhead watering coupled with humidity causing damp spots that rot??
Nice haul though regardless!!
Thanks Trippa.  It's mostly on the sides and top of the pod, rarely near the blossom end.  They are fed by a dripper at the base but I did sort of mist them down when it was really hot.  The mulch keeps the atmosphere humid too.  So its not BER but probably to do with the overhead watering. Got to stop doing that :P
I processed and dried two trays worth.  All of the Jonahs and 7 Pot Brainstrains had rot inside the pods, seeming to spread down from the stem.  I expected it from the Brains because the plant is struggling with a fungus, but the Jonahs is a surprise :(  I think I need to do a compost tea foliar feed get some beneficial bacteria onto the leaves.
There are a lot of pods ready to turn right now and lots of sun forecast so hopefully there will be more harvest shots to come. :)
Over the top, Moo!  Had a lot of fun catching up on your grow!
Fantastic looking harvest there Moo. Sorry to hear about your fungal problem though, hope you get on top of it.
The 7-pod Primo Orange is also looking great there, i'll be happy if mine turn out like that!
Hey did you try any of the Seasoning Pepper? They seem to have the same shape as mine but interested in what you thought of the heat/flavour.
PaulG said:
Over the top, Moo!  Had a lot of fun catching up on your grow!
Thanks :)
Micca302 said:
Fantastic looking harvest there Moo. Sorry to hear about your fungal problem though, hope you get on top of it.
The 7-pod Primo Orange is also looking great there, i'll be happy if mine turn out like that!
Hey did you try any of the Seasoning Pepper? They seem to have the same shape as mine but interested in what you thought of the heat/flavour.
Those pods were from a small plant in a pot.  One Primo Orange in the ground is a NOT that looks like Chocolate Bhuts... but the other is full of small green stinger pods.  Can't wait for it to ripen!
Haven't had the seasoning pepper yet.  Actually I might have done so... I ate one but I not sure if it was Tobago Seasoning or Seasoning Pepper :P 
Didn't know if it would have any heat.  Surprised me with a quick flash of heat but then it faded very quickly.  I'll have to pick a fresh one to make sure.
So just figured out the problem with the heat affected wilting plants.   It wasn't clogged drippers. A safety switch on the 4 plug power board running the retic timer was tripped.  So they haven't been watered for at least two days in 36C heat and sun!   I reset it and ran the retic for a few minutes and it tripped again.  Hopefully it is a problem with the very old power board so I've removed it.  If there actually is ground leakage somewhere the main breaker will trip.
I'm a bit stupid for not checking it earlier but I was reading up on chilli diseases and thought it might be related to the rotting pod issues.  There are a lot of diseases that just cause the plants to wilt etc.    :doh:  :banghead:    
From what I have read, blossom end rot on peppers starts on the sides, not the bottoms like tomatoes. Not completely sure if it has happened to me, but have had some rot out.
Mighty mighty impressive harevest!
Love that $ shot. So many good looking pods!
That orange primo is on point!
Hope you get this rotting issue under control!
GA Growhead said:
From what I have read, blossom end rot on peppers starts on the sides, not the bottoms like tomatoes. Not completely sure if it has happened to me, but have had some rot out.
Mighty mighty impressive harevest!
Love that $ shot. So many good looking pods!
That orange primo is on point!
Hope you get this rotting issue under control!
Wow.  I never really considered BER because its not on the end :P  and all the pictures I've seen have dark patches whereas mine are all white/cream.  A quick image search for "peppers blossom end rot" shows me quite a few pictures that match my symptoms exactly!   Further reading reveals that the black stuff is fungus that grows on top of the site where the rot occurs and the initial infection is often white. 
There was definitely sunscald damage in the start but now I think you and Trippa are right on the money.  :cheers:
I will give them a foliar feed with some CalMagNit this afternoon and see what happens. 
Gotta love this forum getting solutions from across the world. :cool:
Micca302 said:
No problem Moo. If ya get around to it wouldn't mind finding out.
Just had one then.  It is one of a few plants not affected by my current rot problem.   There's a strong smell for a small pod and a sort of robust almost dark? flavour. Not sure how to describe it.  I don't really taste a lot with chillies and haven't eaten fresh pods for many months.  I'd say the heat was about medium.  Hot but not near the superhots.  There wasn't much capsaicin coating the inside and I think you get the full dose on first contact.  I say that because it didn't last too long and after my mouth had cooled down my lips continued to burn for quite a while. 
Have to get a lot of them mixed into food to get a better idea of the taste.
Do you have unripe pods Micca?
Cheers for the input. I find it pretty hard describing taste quite often too.
Seems to have more heat than I remembered, but I was eating some superhots around that time that might have influenced it :lol:
No pods, they are only a bit bigger than seedlings. I ran too late with mine and when summer kicked in they stalled.