heat moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

This plant is a blend morouga (seeds by Chris), it has been farmed in
" luigimex's garden " in Italy.

If this is the genotype tested by NMSU I'd be very curious to know if the fruits of
this plant have the same level of SHU, or if they are hottest,since the hotness
also depends on the cultivation technique.

Currently, the genotype is in selection, but already we have seen
that it is quite stable and is not very different from the original version of the TS morouga.


This of a photo by Luigimex is what we commonly call the Trinidad scorpion morouga ... precisely because it is the first name that was used by Chris ... from which derives the original germplasm which he did around the world

my fruits


p.s. ricordavo quella foto ... ma ogni volta che la vedo non posso che ammirarla
rinnovo i miei complimenti a Luigi :cool:
This plant is a blend morouga (seeds by Chris), it has been farmed in
" luigimex's garden " in Italy.

If this is the genotype tested by NMSU I'd be very curious to know if the fruits of
this plant have the same level of SHU, or if they are hottest,since the hotness
also depends on the cultivation technique.

Currently, the genotype is in selection, but already we have seen
that it is quite stable and is not very different from the original version of the TS morouga.


beautiful plant
WOW ! was it grown in a container?

i have problem with plants to set fruits... dont seems to be your problem! could you share some tips?

OMFG! That plant is freakin unreal!

WOW,Luigi, that is the most amazing pepper plant I have ever seen, what did you do to grow such plants as this....sell your soul to the devil?
If so, then sign me up!
I don't think selling your soul for this one...because you're bringing a little bit of hell to Earth with each pod.

:flamethrower: :hell:
Luigi, the picture is awesome!!!

I questioned Jim Duffy as to whether I could reproduce the heat by growing the morouga in my garden in lower southwest Minnesota, given that we all know peppers vary from plant to plant and pod to pod even on the same plant. Basically the answer hem hawed around the subject that it depended on what I was growing for and the conditions, etc, etc, etc..sorry not to rain on anyone's parade BUT a pepper that produced that level of heat should be consistently HOT without manipulation. If I plant and grow a brain strain I know what I get, if I plant a bhut jolokia I know what I get...yadda yadda yadda. So I remain a skeptic! IMO if I can't reproduce the same results or close to the same results in my garden what is all the hoopla about??
Luigi, the picture is awesome!!!

I questioned Jim Duffy as to whether I could reproduce the heat by growing the morouga in my garden in lower southwest Minnesota, given that we all know peppers vary from plant to plant and pod to pod even on the same plant. Basically the answer hem hawed around the subject that it depended on what I was growing for and the conditions, etc, etc, etc..sorry not to rain on anyone's parade BUT a pepper that produced that level of heat should be consistently HOT without manipulation. If I plant and grow a brain strain I know what I get, if I plant a bhut jolokia I know what I get...yadda yadda yadda. So I remain a skeptic! IMO if I can't reproduce the same results or close to the same results in my garden what is all the hoopla about??

But isn't that the case for ANY pepper? I mean, I got Jalapeños and Yellow Bhuts last year that tasted like they'd been castrated. And yet I got Chocolate Habs and Thais that set my head on fire. All in the same soil, same watering regimen, etc. And this year, I'm sure the same thing will happen with different peppers.

I get what you're saying, but isn't that just a touch unfair?
Unfair? I thought I was being honest..at least I asked him before I made my statement. I agree with what you said but supposedly I've used up my likes for the day. I have a tendency to be outspoken a bit but I try to stick to the truth. I am a skeptic! That's not a bad thing, it just means I'm reserving judgement. IF I ever grow a pepper that I think might be a record setter I'd sure want all my friends here and every other test possible to make sure it wasn't my imagination. I would want others to grow and test them under all possible conditions. Then IF it stood the tests maybe I would have something to crow about!
Strange how with last years tests the bhut rarely reached 1 mil SHU and scorpions were tested much hotter. This year the bhuts averaged over 1 mil SHU and the Scorpion averages only slightly higher.
From personal consumtion I can guarantee that the bhuts/nagas I grow are not nearly as hot as the Trinidad Scorpion-BT that I've grown and most who have tried them both will agree
Amazing research. I can't wait to read the study in Horticultural Science (if it gets published). The more scientific research on superhots the better, and I hope it does not end here. To me the DNA studies will reveal the most fascinating information, not the "world record" heat levels. I would like to see samples taken of various growers from the THP community all over the world included in future research at CPI. Hopefully, this kind of research and interest in superhots will continue at CPI. It would be a shame for it to end just because another heat milestone was reached.